EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Lecture 22: Multistage Amps Prof. Niknejad Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Lecture Outline Department of EECS Finish Current Mirrors An Example Using Cascodes Multistage Amps Cascode Amplifier: Magic! University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad The Integrated “Current Mirror” High Res Low Resis Department of EECS M1 and M2 have the same VGS If we neglect CLM (λ=0), then the drain currents are equal Since λ is small, the currents will nearly mirror one another even if Vout is not equal to VGS1 We say that the current IREF is mirrored into iOUT Notice that the mirror works for small and large signals! University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Current Mirror as Current Source The output current of M2 is only weakly dependent on vOUT due to high output resistance of FET M2 acts like a current source to the rest of the circuit Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Small-Signal Resistance of I-Source Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Improved Current Sources Goal: increase roc Approach: look at amplifier output resistance results … to see topologies that boost resistance Rout ro Looks like the output impedance of a commonsource amplifier with source degeneration Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Effect of Source Degeneration vt (it g m vgs )ro vRS vgs vRS 1 Req gm vRS it RS vt (it gm RS it )ro it RS vt Ro 1 g m RS ro it Equivalent resistance loading gate is dominated by the diode resistance … assume this is a small impedance Output impedance is boosted by factor 1 gm RS Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Cascode (or Stacked) Current Source Insight: VGS2 = constant AND VDS2 = constant Small-Signal Resistance roc: Ro 1 gm RS ro Ro 1 gm ro ro Ro g m r02 ro Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Drawback of Cascode I-Source Minimum output voltage to keep both transistors in saturation: V V V OUT , MIN DS 4, MIN DS 2, MIN VDS 2, MIN VGS 2 VT 0 VDSAT 2 iOUT VD 4 VDSAT 2 VGS 4 VGS 2 VGS 4 VT 0 VOUT , MIN VGS 2 VGS 4 VT 0 Department of EECS vOUT University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Current Sinks and Sources Sink: output current goes to ground Department of EECS Source: output current comes from voltage supply University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Current Mirrors Idea: we only need one reference current to set up all the current sources and sinks needed for a multistage amplifier. Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Multistage Amplifiers Necessary to meet typical specifications for any of the 4 types We have 2 flavors (NMOS, PMOS) of CS, CG, and CD and the npn versions of CE, CB, and CC (for a BiCMOS process) What are the constraints? 1. Input/output resistance matching 1. DC coupling (no passive elements to block the signal) Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Summary of Cascaded Amplifiers General goals: 1. Boost the gain parameter (except for buffers) 2. Optimize the input and output resistances Rin Voltage: Current: Transconductance: Transresistance: Department of EECS 0 0 Rout 0 0 University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Start: Two-Stage Voltage Amplifier • Use two-port models to explore whether the combination “works” CE2 CE1 CE1,2 Results of new 2-port: Rin = Rin1, Rout = Rout2 Av Gm1 Rin 2 || Rout1 Gm2 Rout 2 Av Gm1Gm2 Rin 2 || Rout1 Rout 2 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Add a Third Stage: CC Goal: reduce the output resistance (important spec. for a voltage amp) CE2 CE1 CC3 Output resistance: Rout Department of EECS R r || r 1 1 S o 2 oc 2 g m3 g m3 University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Using CMOS Stages CS2 CS1 CD3 Input resistance: Voltage gain (2-port parameter): Av gm1 ro1 || roc1 gm2 ro 2 || roc 2 Output resistance: Rout Department of EECS 1 g m g mb University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Multistage Current Buffers Are two cascaded common-base stages better than one? CB1 CB2 Input resistance: Rin = Rin1 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Two-Port Models Rout Rout 2 r02 1 g m 2 r 2 || RS 2 || roc2 Output impedance of stage #1 (large) Rout r02 gm2r 2 || roc 2 o ro 2 || roc 2 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Common-Gate 2nd Stage Rout Rout 2 r02 1 g m 2 RS 2 || roc2 Rout Rout 2 r02 1 gm2ro1 || roc1 || roc 2 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Second Design Issue: DC Coupling Constraint: large inductors and capacitors are not available Output of one stage is directly connected to the input of the next stage must consider DC levels … why? 3.2V Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Alternative CG-CC Cascade Use a PMOS CD Stage: DC level shifts upward 3.2V Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad CG Cascade: DC Biasing Two stages can have different supply currents Extreme case: IBIAS2 = 0 A Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad CG Cascade: Sharing a Supply First stage has no current supply of its own its output resistance is modified Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad The Cascode Configuration Common source / common gate cascade is one version of a cascode (all have shared supplies) DC bias: Two-port model: first stage has no current supply of its own Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Cascode Two-Port Model CS1* CG2 Output resistance of first stage = Rout,CS * R down,CS ro1 Rout roc 2 || (1 gm ro1 )ro 2 Gm g m1 Rin Why is the cascode such an important configuration? Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Miller Capacitance of Input Stage Find the Miller capacitance for Cgd1 Input resistance to common-gate second stage is low gain across Cgd1 is small. Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Two-Port Model with Capacitors Miller capacitance: AvCgd 1 CM (1 AvCgd1 )Cgd1 g m1 1 g m1 ( || ro1 ) 1 gm2 gm2 CM 2C gd 1 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Generating Multiple DC Voltages Stack-up diode-connected MOSFETs or BJTs and run a reference current through them pick off voltages from gates or bases as references Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Multistage Amplifier Design Examples Start with basic two-stage transconductance amplifier: Why do this combination? Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Two-Stage Amplifier Topology Direct DC connection: use NMOS then PMOS Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Current Supply Design Assume that the reference is a “sink” set by a resistor Must mirror the reference current and generate a sink for iSUP 2 Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Use Basic Current Supplies Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley EECS 105 Fall 2003, Lecture 22 Prof. A. Niknejad Complete Amplifier Topology What’s missing? The device dimensions and the bias voltage and reference resistor Department of EECS University of California, Berkeley