Week 13 - Utility & MDP 's solution

CS188 Discussion – Utility Theory & MDP
- Function mapping from outcomes (states of the world) to real numbers that describes an
agent’s preference
Maximum Expected Utility
- An agent should chose the action which maximizes its expected utility given its
An agent choose among
Outcome: A, B.
Lotteries (uncertain prizes)
Constraints on the preferences of a rational agent
Without these constraints, irrational behavior may result.
Theorem: Rational preferences imply behavior describable as maximization of expected
utility. The utility has the following two properties:
Utility is NOT unique
Without lotteries, any monotonic transformation of a utility will be utility as well.
Consider a lottery [0.5, $1000; 0.5, $0], the expected monetary value is $500 vs. a certain
alternative [1, $400]. The difference of $100 is called insurance premium. It is used in
insurance industry to figure out the premium.
Money != Utility
– For most people [1, $1M] > [0.5, $3M; 0.5, $0]
- A: [0.8,$4k; 0.2,$0], B: [1.0,$3k; 0.0,$0]
C: [0.2,$4k; 0.8,$0], D: [0.25,$3k; 0.75,$0]
For most people, B >A, C > D, but
 B > A  U($3k) > 0.8 U($4k)
 C > D  0.8 U($4k) > U($3k)
-Either human is irrational or money != utility or both
Markov Decision Process (MDP)
-Consists of set of states s  S
-Transition model model, T(s, a, s’) = P(s’ | s, a)
- Probability that executing action a in state s leads to s’
-Reward function R(s, a, s’),
- Can also write Renter(s’) for reward for entering into s’
- Or Rin(s) for being in s
-A start state (or a distribution)
-May be terminal states
Optimum behavior
-Suppose we have a policy : S ->A, gives an action for each state
-Optimum policy maximizes expected utility (utility is related to rewards obtained by
following the policy)
To formalize utility, need some assumptions. Typically stationary preferences:
“If a future starting tomorrow is preferred another future, then starting the former future
today does not change the preference”
With this stationarity assumption, can show that there are two ways to define stationary
Additive utility:
Discounted utility:
If 0 <  < 1,
Utility of a state under a policy 
V(s) = expected total (discounted) rewards starting in s and following 
Idea 1, turn the recursive equations into updates
Idea 2, it’s just a linear system, solve it with Matlab
Optimal Utilities
Goal: Calculate the optimal utility of each state
V*(s) = expected (discounted) rewards with optimal actions
Why? Given the optimal V, we can find optimal policy
Bellman’s Equation
Idea: Optimal rewards = maximize over first action and then follow optimal policy
How to solve this equation?
Value Iteration
Theorem: Will converge to a unique optimal values. Policy may converge long before
values do.
Can be shown with contraction property of the update:
This equation implies that after the update, the two values function will be closer to each
other. The update applied to V* not change its values, therefore, updating arbitrary values
function will get it closer to V* by a factor of .
Can be shown by expanding maxs [Ut+1(s)– Vt+1(s)] with the value iteration update
To check for convergence, use
Once the change in our approximation is small, it must also be close to correct
Policy Iteration
Policy Evaluation: Calculate utilities for a fixed policy
Policy Improvement: Update policy based on resulting converged utility
Repeat until policy does not change
No need to compute “exact” utility of a policy
Suppose an agent inhabits a world with two states, S and ~S, can do exactly one of two actions,
a and b. Action a does nothing and action b flips from one state to the other.
Suppose Rin(S) = 3, Rin(~S) = 2, and  = 0.5, complete the following table to find the optimum