20th April - Distinguished Professor John Urry – Lancaster University – Department of Sociology Title: CLIMATE CHANGE AND SOCIETY Abstract: An analysis of the centrality of social science analysis to thinking through the 'causes', 'consequences' and possible 'mitigations' of changing climates. This talk will draw upon the 2011 book CLIMATE CHANGE AND SOCIETY and bring out the importance of systems, lock-ins and their clustering. How mobility systems can be 'innovated' will provide the substantial issues to be interrogated in this talk. Bio: John Urry. Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Mobilities Research, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University. Recent books include Mobilities: new perspectives on transport and society, Ashgate, 2012, Climate Change and Society. Polity, 2011, The Tourist Gaze 3.0. Sage, 2011, Mobile Methods, Routledge, 2011, Mobile Lives. Routledge, 2010, After the Car. Polity, 2009.