QUICK PAIRS One of the handiest innovations of use in the classroom that I have utilized recently, is the Quick Pairs model, developed by Dr. Craig E Nelson. Quick pairs is a cooperative learning experience which is utilizes four steps: pulse, write, pair, and harvest. When used correctly, this method can involve the entire class and make learning fun! The steps are illustrated below: PULSE - preparation for discussion can be silent consideration of subject matter a segment of lecture WRITE - gives everyone the opportunity to organize their thoughts introverts vs. extroverts give printed questions or list PAIR’’’ lets students compare answers in groups of 2 or 3 HARVEST - students may spontaneously respond in whole class discussion - may even be receptive to being called upon individually teacher structured student structured Craig E. Nelson. 1997. “Tools for tampering With Teaching’s taboos” Ch. 4 (pp.51-77) in Wm. E. Campbell & Karl A. Smith (Eds). New Paradigms For ColJ-r.e Teaching. Interaction Book Company, Edina, MN (612-8319500)