What's Growin' On: Agricultural Public Policy for the 21st Century By, Jonnalee Henderson, Policy Analyst California Department of Food and Agriculture Jhenderson@cdfa.ca.gov 916-651-9912 And now I’m in the neighboring town of Williams--at yet another stand! Quiz Time What surpassed beer drinking as the most "in" thing among undergraduate college students, according to a 2006 survey? iPods More Popular Than Beer iPods—according to the 2006 biannual market research study by Ridgewood, N.J.-based Student Monitor. What tied with beer for second place? Facebook!! Drinking beer and Facebook.com, a social networking Web site, were tied for second most popular In the 2005 study, only 59 percent of students named the iPod as "in," putting the gadget well below alcohol-related activities The only other time beer was temporarily dethroned in the 18 years of the survey was in 1997-by the Internet. What does this mean? The 21st Century is changing the way in which we effectively communicate our messages Effective communication may take more than fancy logos on pens and t-shirts Effective Communication Tips Don’t think outside the box, blow up the box! --A paraphrase from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Effective Communication Tips Avoid specialized professional jargon unfamiliar to outside readers Effective Communication Tips Become comfortable with your writing (or hire someone who is) Effective Communication Tips Be passionate about what you do! This may sound weird, but we are most effective when we truly care Effective Communication Tips Read, read and read some more Know what is going on in the world around you How are others carrying their message? Is it effective? Effective Communication Tips The questions you ask determine the answers you receive! 90% of being a good journalist is knowing the right questions to ask— the same is true with effective communicators Effective Communication Tips Surround yourself with effective communicators and watch what they do Effective Communication Tips The World Really is Flat Google, Wikipedia Target message at individuals What was the number one rewound moment in TIVO history? Effective Communication Tips Stories sell We all have powerful stories, and they need to be shared--especially with those influential in public policy Effective Communication Tips It’s not what you know, it’s who you know Who are those people most influential in helping you achieve your goals (and who are their staffers)? Congressional delegates, state legislators, secretaries/commissioners of agriculture, board members, media outlets In Conclusion Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. WILLIAM JAMES Happy Halloween