A Comparison of Map vs. Text Directions for a Handheld Device in a Campus Setting: A Pilot Study Liz Atwater Department of Psychology George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030 USA lizatwater@hotmail.com Jason Burke Institute for Systems Research University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA burkej@isr.umd.edu Andrea Kirk Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA kirkam@wam.umd.edu December, 2001 ABSTRACT This project explores some of the options available for providing point-to-point directions. We are testing part of the interface for a campus-wide system to determine if there is any difference between mapbased directions and text-based directions. We are also trying to determine if complexity of the route (complexity defined as number of turns) affects users' performance time and user satisfaction between the maps and text. The results showed no statistical difference between map or text directions, but that there are some differences among the different complexity levels. While the statistical results of this experiment are inconclusive, this pilot study is valuable for the many observations revealed through the experiment that could prove useful in further studies. INTRODUCTION Rover is a location-aware system currently under development at the MIND Lab at the University of Maryland. Its goal is to provide information relative to user profile, device profile, location, and context on handheld devices (here defined as small, portable devices such as the Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor, Hewlett-Packard Jornada, or Compaq i-Paq). This kind of technology could be used for tourism and commerce, among other applications. For example, if a Rover system were implemented in a museum, individual devices could be checked out as “pocket tour guides” to provide information about exhibits, maps of the museum, etc. When users approach an exhibit, the device would display relevant information, perhaps with audio output as well. It could offer relevant information on similar exhibits, based on previous topics in which the users have shown interest. If the users want to visit one of the suggested exhibits, Rover could provide a map to the desired area. A system like this is implemented at the Experience Music Project in Seattle, WA (http://www.emplive.com). A handheld device called the MEG (Museum Exhibit Guide) provides tour information to visitors. Similarly, a Rover system implemented in a large shopping mall could direct users to specific stores, based on their input interests or on their previous shopping behavior. A key component of this kind of system is location awareness, provided by a global positioning system (GPS, see http://www.trimble.com/gps/), infrared, radio frequency, or other means. Location awareness could help users navigate to both specific, static destinations, (for example, the library) and mobile targets (your friend, who also has a Rover), through both direct input of destination (“Show me a map from here to 1143 Maple Road”) and destination search (“Where is the cafeteria?”). Given such a powerful and useful functionality, one of the first questions from a user interface perspective is: how do designers provide this navigation information to users, through maps or through text? To answer this question, we have created a scenario for the use of a Rover system that spans the University of Maryland campus, incorporating buildings, roads, parking lots and sidewalks. The users are set with the task of finding a friend who is similarly equipped with a Rover unit, creating a mobile target-destination search. One of the key points of this scenario is that it deals with pedestrian navigation. The vast majority of point-to-point navigation services are meant for motor vehicle users; they reference street names and exit numbers. A pedestrian on the university campus has few roads to be concerned with; most of the traveling is done along sidewalks, or even along “shortcuts” through open areas. Under these conditions, we are interested in determining which method is more effective: maps or text. Maps provide the navigator with a visual overview of the route they are taking, and provide landmarks and other references to help make navigation simpler. On the other hand, text directions, especially those provided by a shortest-route algorithm that a navigation system would use, provide a high degree of specificity. However, in an area that lacks street names and large landmarks, creating clear point-topoint text directions becomes a challenge. this experiment, the campus map-based directions are very similar to the Mapquest format. The advent of cheap GPS systems that support Pocket PC devices have given rise to several location-aware software packages. One of the simplest of these software packages is Microsoft Pocket Streets. Pocket Streets merely indicates where the user is in relation to the rest of the map. The location indicator used in this experiment is designed to resemble the green circle used in Pocket Streets. RELATED WORK Analysis of Commercial Systems Pharos’ Pocket PC Navigator (formerly known as Ostia) was one of the first GPS systems for the Pocket PC. It highlights the recommended route and can offer voice directions. A third, and very popular, car navigational system in use today is the Pocket Copilot. Copilot gives combined map/text directions and also supports voice instructions. Screenshots from these three GPS systems are shown in Figure 2. While outdoor walking-level direction generators are still mostly in the research stage, there are several driving direction generators that are commercially available today. The most popular web-based Background Research A majority of the research on navigational displays has been conducted in the aviation industry. Two studies involve how to best display the closest airport to a pilot in a possible emergency situation (Williams, 1999 & Williams, 1999). In the first experiment, Williams (1999) hypothesized that a map-based presentation of the airport location would be superior to the then current text-based presentation because a map displays orientation information directly. He believed that the time taken to mentally compute an orientation from text causes delays that could be dangerous in an emergency situation when quick decisions are needed from the pilot. However, Figure 1. Mapquest turn-based driving directions. location-to-location map generator in use today is Mapquest. Mapquest shades a recommended route on a map and can give turn-by-turn directions as shown in Figure 1. As the location awareness services of Rover were not available at the time of Figure 2. GPS-enabled driving direction systems. 2 it could be argued that text-based presentations are superior because a map display can be more cluttered than a text display and pilots have much experience converting text orientation directions into a compass direction. Changing the display could cause confusion to the pilot for these reasons. To test his hypothesis, Williams (1999) designed an experiment with three displays and used both pilots and nonpilots as his subjects. The three displays were text, enhanced text (text with an orientation symbol), and map. The map display had two treatments, a track-up orientation (heading always at the top of the display) and a north-up orientation (north fixed at the top of the display). Williams hypothesized that the track-up map would result in better performance because there would not be a need to perform a mental rotation. The subjects were asked to determine the relative direction of the nearest airport using a flight simulator and a GPS display. The two main performance measures were orientation response time and accuracy. Results showed that the subjects were significantly slower and made three times more errors when using the text-based display than with the mapbased display. Subjects were also more likely to make errors with the north-up display than with the track-up display. in which type of direction, map or text, allow for the fastest performance time and the least amount of errors for navigating from one point to another. Because the results in both of the Williams studies show better performance with a map display, we hypothesize that our subjects will navigate the routes faster with the map directions than with the text directions. North-up vs. Track-up An important design consideration for the Rover device is the frame of reference to use for map-based directions. In the area of flight navigation, Aretz (1991) proposes two types of references that can be used in navigation: the ego-centered reference frame (ERF) and the world-centered reference frame (WRF). For directions, ERF means that the locations are described as relative to the user (left, right, etc.), and WRF uses the user’s environment as the reference frame (north, east, etc.). Aretz (1991) finds that a track-up display is best for representing the ERF tasks such as localization. The study also shows that a north-up display is best for representing tasks that require a WRF such as reconnaissance. In a related study that examined many of the same variables, Williams (1999) tested subjects on determining which of two airports was furthest from a storm front. There were questions from the first study that he hoped to answer in this experiment. First, the previous experiment included a task that was egocentric (readings relative to the user’s location). Williams changed the task in the second experiment to be a world-referenced one (readings relative to the user’s environment); this could possibly eliminate the advantage of a map display because there would be no need to integrate bearing and heading information. The second question was the type of subjects used. In the first experiment, the non-pilots were significantly slower than the pilots and this may have confounded the results. In the second study, only pilots were used. The same three types of displays were used, as well as the two treatments within the map display. The performance measures were decision time and accuracy. Results showed that significantly more decision errors were made with the track-up condition. This is a contrasting result to the previous study. Overall, pilots were faster making a decision with a map display than with either of the other two displays, and they were faster with the north-up orientation. For Rover, a track-up display would rotate the map as the user turns so that the user’s forward direction corresponds to the top of the device’s display. The north-up alternative would maintain a common direction for the map display. It can be hypothesized that a location-aware Rover device would work best with a track-up display since finding a location is primarily an ERF activity. Naturally, the text directions are based upon an ERF. However, for this experiment a common, north-constant direction is maintained for all of the map displays. This decision to use a WRF for the map display was made because the Rover device does not yet support location awareness, and it was felt that pseudo-track-up directions could disorient and confuse the users and lead to longer device-consultation times. Route Modeling Theory The routes in this experiment very nearly follow the network model defined by Butz (2001). Nodes of the graph represent real-world turns or intersection locations. Edges of the graph represent the connections between nodes. Thus, the map and text routes in this experiment are broken into the same node-to-node sequential instructions. Both of these experiments involve making a decision from a display. In our experiment, we are interested 3 Butz (2001) explains that successful directions must integrate environmental knowledge (such as landmarks). “Landmarks at decision points are needed to communicate a reorientation and/or path progression, and are located at turns along the path” (Butz, 2001). This reasoning supports our hypothesis that subjects will perform faster and more effectively with the landmark-rich map directions than with the landmark-poor text directions. ASSDLT =Average Standing Still Direction Loading Time (on the device) Time to Complete Task = TTW + TTSS Where TTW = TWCP + TWIP TTSS = [(ASSOT) (ND)] + [(ASSDLT) (ND)] In comparing the map and text implementations the following arguments are made regarding above equation: EXPERIMENT The test was a 2 x 3 design that compared map and text directions for three different routes of low, medium and high complexity, with complexity defined as the number of key decision points. Accordingly, the independent variables were direction format and route complexity. The dependent variables measured were total task completion time, consultation time (time spent not walking; this could include consulting with the device or the test administrators, or time spent checking orientation against nearby landmarks), and number of errors (incidents when the user had to ask for help or strayed from the route for more than three seconds). Each user navigated through all three routes with either the map or text for all three, making this design between subjects for format and within subjects for complexity. Format Text Map Route Permutations 123 132 213 231 123 132 213 231 312 312 321 321 TTW will be much lower in the map implementation because the greater number of landmark aids will result in fewer errors (lower TWIP) and more decisive progression (lower TWCP). TTSS will be lower in the text implementation because of the ego-centered reference frame (lower ASSOT). ASSDLT will be longer for the larger files needed in the map-based directions. However, the time gains are marginal and will not weight heavily in the overall time for task completion. Increasing ND with the more complex routes will result in higher TTSS and higher probability for errors (TWIP). These observations allow the authors to make the following hypotheses: Figure 3. Experimental design; each cell denotes a trial that was run. H0: (Null hypothesis) There is no statistical difference between completion time, consultation time, and number of errors between text and map directions, regardless of complexity. H1: Users will complete the tasks faster using map directions. H2: Users will make fewer errors using map directions. H3: Users will need less consultation time using text directions. H4: Completion time will rise with increasing route complexity. Predictive Model and Hypotheses The predictive model must account for the fact that some task activities can occur in parallel with others. Our model tries to isolate the various factors that can affect the task outcome. The amount of time that it will take a subject to find a location using the handheld device can be modeled as follows: TTW = Total Time Walking TWCP = Time Walking Correct Path TWIP = Time Walking Incorrect Path Control for Bias To eliminate any bias that could result from the ordering of the routes, tests were run for each permutation of the routes (see Figure 3). With trials for text and map versions of all six permutations, a total of twelve tests were performed. Furthermore, TTSS = Total Time Standing Still ND = Number of Directions ASSOT = Average Standing Still Orientation Time 4 all three routes were approximately the same length to eliminate large completion time differences between routes. to-point fashion, where the points were key decision points, such as road crossings or sidewalk junctures where a turn must be made. These critical points were the same in both the map and the text versions to ensure that both groups received the same information. The map directions (see Figure 4) feature a green circle to show the users’ current location (ideally; for our implementation, the green circle is the start location for the current step), a highlighted line to show the path to follow, and a darkened highlighted line to show the path already traveled. The text directions (see Figure 5) show the current direction in regular black text, and previous directions grayed out. Each screen has one point-topoint step and a “Next” button for the users to hit to obtain the next direction, as well as the distance remaining to the goal, from the beginning of the current step, to help users estimate how much further they have to travel. The routes were designed in such a way that subjects’ familiarity with campus would not allow them to ignore the directions from the device and find the destination by themselves. The endpoints were placed at clear, logical meeting places, but at the same time, these places would not be considered major landmarks. Because these points were not clearly identifiable from the directions, users had to continually rely on the directions to complete the tasks. The routes and directions are described in more detail below. Participants Users were University of Maryland undergraduate and graduate students from various fields of study (see Appendix B). We chose twelve subjects to control for route ordering bias, as described above. Out of the twelve users, seven were male and five female. They were distributed as evenly as possible over the map and text conditions, to eliminate any innate gender preferences for one format over the other. Pilot Tests and Results Two pilot tests were run before the actual experiment: one map trial and one text. These helped the experimenters to refine the testing materials and procedure. Changes made based on the pilot tests were mostly minor: wording of certain questions in the pre-task questionnaire, wording in the instructions to the user, darkening of the map colors to improve outdoor visibility, and clarification of some of the text directions. It was also discovered that the device that had been used in the pilot, a Hewlett-Packard Jornada, did not provide good daylight visibility; subsequently a Compaq i-Paq was acquired, which had much better visibility outdoors. Figure 4. Map Directions Since the Rover infrastructure is not yet in place, the Windows CE version of Microsoft Internet Explorer was used to implement the interface, using HTML files to display both the maps (.jpg images) and the text. Instead of having a location-aware device, the users were presented with the point-to-point directions, and the testing team pointed out any navigation errors as a substitute for a real locationaware system. In a true implementation of Rover, the “Next” buttons would be unnecessary, since the screen would update itself as the users walked along their routes, showing the path and current position, and making corrections or rerouting as needed. Routes The three routes were designed to be as natural as possible, providing logical paths from a given point to a destination. The most complex route, with seven decision points, was 883 feet long; the mediumcomplexity route (five decision points) was 897 feet; and the least complex route (three decision points) was 893 feet. The directions (which can be found in their entirety in Appendices A1 and A2) were designed in a point- 5 preliminary orientation was finished, the users were handed the device and the total completion time clock was started. Another timer, used for consultation time, was only run when the users stopped walking. The testers accompanied the users during the test, observing consultations and errors, including selfcorrected errors, and recording any comments from the users. Once the destination was reached, the times for that route were recorded, and the testers escorted the users to the next start point. After the routes were completed, users were asked to fill out brief post-task questionnaires. These were subjective satisfaction questions, using Likert scales from 1 to 7 (see Appendix A6). The users rated the difficulty of using the interface, based on the beginning, middle, and end of their tasks, and the general comprehensibility of the directions. Figure 5. Text Directions Expert User Results An explanatory key accompanied both the text and map directions. To ensure that the users would understand the conventions used in the maps and text, such as symbols and terminology, the keys were both shown and verbally explained before each test. In order to provide an understanding for the results that might come from the most expert user, the development team members undertook their own experiment. Using the notation from the predictive model, perfect users have TWIP and TTSS equal to zero because they commit zero errors and can use the device while walking at full speed. Therefore, the completion time is reduced to the time walking the correct path and it is the same for both map and text directions. The fastest times achieved by the development team are 150 seconds for low complexity, 152 seconds for medium complexity, and 146 seconds for high complexity. Note that these times reflect only the slight differences in route length (low = 893 ft., medium = 897 ft., and high = 883 ft.). Procedure Before beginning the test, users were read a short explanation of the experiment (see Appendix A3), asked to sign an experimental consent form (see Appendix C), and given two pre-task questionnaires. The first of these was a short questionnaire, asking about the users’ major, knowledge of the campus, usual means of transportation on campus, familiarity with handheld devices and eyesight (see Appendix A4). The other was the VZ-2 spatial ability, available from the Educational Testing Service (http://www.ets.org). Each question shows a series of images, indicating how a square piece of paper is folded and perforated (see Appendix A5). Below this sequence, five unfolded pieces of paper are shown with different arrangements of holes in each one. The test takers are told to choose the image that represents the final result of the perforated paper after it is unfolded. Participants were asked to answer ten of these questions within three minutes. Problems There were no procedural problems in the experimental trials, but the major difficulty throughout the whole study was the design of the routes and directions. As mentioned in the introduction, most navigation systems are designed for vehicles, not pedestrians. While driving, the major landmarks are clearly named locations such as streets and exits. In the case of pedestrians, however, sidewalks do not have names and other landmarks, such as buildings, may not be identifiable from the pedestrians’ perspective. Without landmarks and identifiers, the directions, especially the text directions, were difficult to create. The key, text or map, was explained to the user thoroughly, and any questions were answered before starting the actual experiment. Each of the route destinations was marked with a small orange traffic cone, one of which was shown to the users as a sample of what to look for. After all of this 6 Completion Time RESULTS 400 350 All data from this experiment are compiled in Appendix B. Time (s) 300 Participant Pre-Task Results 250 200 Map 150 Text 100 Information gathered from the pre-task questionnaire and the VZ-2 spatial ability questionnaire was analyzed with t-test statistics to determine if there were any significant differences between the map and text groups on several extraneous variables. The full list of results can be seen in Figure 6 below. 50 0 High Medium Low Route complexity Figure 7. Completion Time Statistics Variable # of semesters at UMCP Familiarity with campus Walking speed Yes to handheld use Yes to corrected vision Spatial ability t value 1.4 1.1 1.1 0.5 0.0 1.1 Significance 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.0 0.3 Dependent Variable: Device Consulting Time We defined device consulting time as the amount of time a user was not walking and looking at the directions for purposes of location orientation and determining what the next step was. A two-way ANOVA was conducted to determine if there were any significant differences between the (1) map and text groups, (2) different routes, and (3) to see if there was a direction x route interaction. Results similar to those in the previous section were found for this dependent variable. The results are illustrated in the graph below. Figure 6. Pre-Task Statistics Note: Significance levels need to be equal to or less than 0.05 for there to be considered a significant difference between two groups. Dependent Variable: Completion time There was a significant main effect for route (F (2,30) = 6.0, p < .05). Scheffe’s post hoc analysis shows that there was a significant difference between the high complexity route and both the medium and low complexity routes (mean difference = 31.0, 31.5, respectively). A two-way ANOVA was conducted to determine if there was a significant difference between the completion times for (1) the map and text groups, (2) the different routes, (3) and to see if there was a direction x route interaction effect. Results show that there was a significant main effect for route (F (2,30) = 5.8, p < .05). Scheffe’s post hoc analysis shows that completion times for the high complexity route were significantly different than both the medium and low complexity routes (mean difference = 51.0, 58.3, respectively). Device Consulting Time 120 100 Time (s) 80 There was not a significant main effect for direction type (F (1,30) = 0.7, p > .05). There was also not a significant direction x route interaction (F (2, 30) = 0.4, p > .05). These results are illustrated in Figure 7. 60 Map 40 Text 20 0 -20 High Medium Low Route Complexity Figure 8. Device Consulting Time Statistics There was not a significant main effect for direction type (F (1,30) = 0.3, p > .05) nor was there a significant direction x route interaction (F (2,30) = 0.1, p > 0.5). 7 number of semesters at UMCP, familiarity with the campus, handheld device use, walking speed, having corrected vision, and spatial abilities. From these results we can be confident that the two groups were equivalent with respect to variables that may have had an effect on the outcomes of the experiment. This lends support to the internal validity of our experiment; there was sufficient control of extraneous variables. Dependent Variable: Number of Errors An error was defined as when a user strayed off course for more than 3 sec and needed to be corrected and when the user asked us a question that they were unable to answer for themselves. A two-way ANOVA was conducted to determine if there were any significant differences between the (1) map and text groups, (2) different routes, and (3) to see if there was a direction x route interaction. Results similar to those in the previous section were found for this dependent variable. The results are illustrated in the graph below. The completion time statistics show that participants statistically took longer to complete the high complexity route than either the medium or low complexity route. This partially confirms hypothesis H4 (higher complexity increases completion time) and therefore refutes the null hypothesis H0. Number of Errors 3.5 Number of errors 3 The completion time statistics also show that there was not a significant difference in the completion times between the map and text group. This refutes our hypothesis H1 that users would perform more quickly with map directions compared to text. 2.5 2 1.5 Map 1 Text 0.5 0 -0.5 High Medium Low Device consultation time statistical analysis shows that users spent more time stopping and looking at the device during the complex route than either the medium or the low complexity route. It also demonstrates that there was not a significant difference in the amount of time spent solely looking at the device between the map and text groups. Further, this refutes hypothesis H3 (less consultation time for map directions) because the map and text groups spent similar amounts of time looking at the device on the three different routes. Route Complexity Figure 8. Number of Errors Statistics There was a significant main effect for route (F (2,30) = 9.6, p < .05). Scheffe’s post hoc analysis shows that there was a significant difference between the high complexity route and both the medium and low complexity routes (mean difference = 1.2, 1.2, respectively). There was not a significant main effect for direction type (F (1,30) = 1.6, p > .05) nor was there a significant direction x route interaction (F (2,30) = 1.2, p > 0.5). The number of errors statistics shows that users committed more errors during the complex route than either the medium or the low complexity route. These statistics also show that there was no significant difference in the amount of errors between the map and text groups. This refutes hypothesis H2 (fewer errors in map directions) because the map and text groups committed similar numbers of errors on the three different routes. Post-Task Questionnaire Users were asked to complete a brief questionnaire after completing the three routes. The complete questionnaire can be seen in Appendix A6. There was no significant difference in the responses for either the map and text groups (t-test, p > .05) or between the two genders (t-test, p > .05). It is important to note that this experiment is a pilot study; we recommend that future studies in this area use more subjects to produce statistically significant results. With the small number of subjects used in this study, the wide differences between individuals may have disrupted any potential significant differences, besides the main effects for route complexity. DISCUSSION Interpretation of Results The participant pre-task statistics showed that the map and text subject groups were similar in respect to The statistical analysis of the post-task questionnaire further confirms our findings that there were not 8 many differences between the map and the text directions. It is also interesting to note that males and females had similar responses to our questions. 4. Some users looked ahead to the next directions too early and became confused. Subject Comments CONCLUSIONS Some subjects made useful comments after the experiment. These include: This experiment probed some concepts for using a hand-held device to navigate a campus environment. Specifically, two implementations (map directions and text directions) were evaluated against each other. The statistical results for this comparison were inconclusive. However, this pilot study serves the purpose of spearheading further research into this topic by providing insight to the problem and setting up a model of experimentation. “I was confused about meaning of ‘intersection’ for sidewalks.” “The map was easiest to read when major landmarks were on the display.” “Sometimes I had to turn the device around so that I was traveling in the same direction as the map.” Suggestions for Future Researchers “The text terminology needs to be improved.” The researchers made note of ideas for future evaluation and lessons to be learned from. We feel that incorporating location-aware capabilities into this system should improve usability dramatically through continuous feedback. Also, a track-up display for map directions should help to decrease the users’ orientation time. Full-fledged experiments in the future should include a map-text hybrid solution to account for differences in how users perform with various forms of directions. Also, any future experiments would need to use a much larger number of subjects in order to account for the high degree of variance that is innate to user cognitive strengths and weaknesses with location finding directions. Finally, it is surmised that device learning had a large impact upon these results, and future researchers should account for this in their own experiments. General Observations It is believed that the subjects’ learning of the device played a large role in the experiment. This was especially inherent to the text version as the users became familiar with the use of the terminology. Many of the users exhibited their worst results in their first route (regardless of the complexity or implementation). It is felt that this effect had a highly adverse impact upon the ability to get statistically significant results. Many of the errors (in both implementations) occurred at the same locations. Notably, the starting points to steps two and five in the high complexity route and the beginning of the third step in the medium complexity route seemed to generate a large proportion of the errors. These are all points where the users’ current sidewalk does not have a clear dead-end or divide (see Appendices A1 and A2). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Dr. Ben Shneiderman and Dr. Evan Golub for the guidance and insight that they provided throughout the course of developing this experiment. Special appreciation is due to Evan for allowing us to borrow the hand-held devices that we used in developing and implementing the experiment. Also, we thank fellow students Ugur Kuter, Pankaj Thakkar, and Cemal Yilmaz for reviewing a draft of our work. In general, there was a vast amount of variance in how people used the device. Some observations are listed below: 1. Some people maneuvered the device around while using the map in order to get track-up bearings. 2. While some users (in each implementation) had a great amount of difficulty with the directions, others managed flawlessly. 3. Some users had difficulty distances in the text version. judging REFERENCES Aretz, A.J. “The Design of Electronic Map Displays.” Human Factors, 33, 1991, pp. 85-102. the 9 Butz, Andreas, Baus, Jörg, Krüger, Antonio and Lohse, Marco. “A Hybrid Indoor Navigation System.” Proceedings of IUI2001: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces 2001, ACM Press, New York, 2001, pp 25-32. The Experience Music Project. “The Experience Music Project.” Website. http://www.emplive.com. 2001. Hanttula, Dan. “Lost & Found: Head-to-Head Pocket PC GPS System Comparison.” SemperAptus.com Reviews. http://www.semperaptus.com/reviews/r080101.shtml. 2001. Hanttula, Dan. “Verbal Directions to Anywhere from Your Pocket PC.” Pocket PC Review. http://www.microsoft.com/MOBILE/pocketpc/revie ws/gps.asp. 2001. Hooper, Erika Yungkurth and Coury, Bruce G. "Graphical Displays for Orientation." Human Factors. Vol. 36, 1994, pp. 62-78. McPherson, Frank. “Pharos’ Pocket PC Navigator with GPS and Voice Navigation.” Pocket PC Review. http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/pocketpc/reviews/ pharosnav.asp. 2000. Microsoft Corporation. “Pocket Streets.” Website. http://www.microsoft.com/pocketstreets/. 2001. Towns, S., Callaway, C. and Lester, J. “Generating Coordinated Natural Language and 3D Animations for Complex Spatial Explanations.” AAAI–98: Proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1998. Trimble Navigation Limited. “All About GPS.” Website. http://www.trimble.com/gps/. 2001. Williams, K. W. “Comparing Text and Graphics in Navigational Display Design.” Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 1999. Proceedings. 18th, Volume: C.2-7 vol.1, 1999, pp. 4.A.3-1 - 4.A.3-8. Williams, K. W. “Navigational Display Design: Displaying Nearest Airport Information.” The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 9(1), 1999, pp. 91-106. 10 APPENDIX A1: Screen Shots of Map Directions Used in Experiment 11 Map Directions Map Key Low Complexity Step 1 Low Complexity Step 2 Medium Complexity Step 1 12 Medium Complexity Step 2 Medium Complexity Step 3 Medium Complexity Step 4 High Complexity Step 1 13 High Complexity Step 2 High Complexity Step 3 High Complexity Step 4 High Complexity Step 5 14 High Complexity Step 6 High Complexity Step 7 15 APPENDIX A2: Screen Shots of Text Directions Used in Experiment 16 Text Directions Text Key Low Complexity Step 1 Low Complexity Step 2 Medium Complexity Step 1 17 Medium Complexity Step 2 Medium Complexity Step 3 Medium Complexity Step 4 High Complexity Step 1 18 High Complexity Step 2 High Complexity Step 3 High Complexity Step 4 High Complexity Step 5 19 High Complexity Step 6 High Complexity Step 7 20 APPENDIX A3: Experimental Instructions 21 Instructions to Participant Imagine that you are meeting a friend on campus, but you can’t remember exactly where you agreed to meet. There is not enough time to call or e-mail the friend, but luckily you have your UMCP Rover with you. This is a location-aware device, meaning that the device knows where on campus you are located (using a GPS system) and where your friend is located as well. The UMCP Rover can give you directions from your current location to where your friend is waiting for you. In designing the interface for such a device, we are interested in knowing which kind of directions get you where you need to be faster and with fewer errors – map or text directions. To answer this question we have designed a task for you. You will be given a handheld device that has directions from a starting point to an end point in either map form or text form. There will be three sets of directions and the end points (supposedly where your friend is) will be marked with a sign. Because the infrastructure for the Rover system is not in place, we the researchers will act as part of the “system”. If you make a wrong turn or stray off the path you are given and do not correct yourself in a short amount of time, we will tell you that you are off course and to back up to the previous step. We are available to help you if you are unable to determine a course of action, but we are primarily observers. Using the Rover system is primarily a solitary activity involving just you and the device, so please only ask for help if you are truly lost or confused. 22 APPENDIX A4: Pre-Task Questionnaire Form 23 Pre-task questionnaire Participant # _____ Gender _____ Major _____________ 1. How many semesters have you been taking classes at UMCP? ______ 2. What percentage of the time do you navigate around campus using the following modes of transportation? Riding a bike ____ Driving ____ Walking ____ Taking a bus ____ 3. How would you rate your familiarity with the UMCP campus? 1 2 Very Unfamiliar 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Very Familiar 7 8 9 Very Fast 4. How would you rate your walking speed? 1 Very Slow 2 3 4 5 6 Average 5. Have you ever used a handheld device before (e.g. Palm Pilot, pocket organizer, pocket computer)? a. If so, how many hours per week do you use it? 6. Do you wear glasses or contacts to correct your vision? ____ 24 APPENDIX A5: VZ-2 Spatial Ability Questionnaire 25 Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 26 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 27 Question 8 Question 9 28 Question 10 29 APPENDIX A6: Post-Task Questionnaire Form 30 Post-task Questionnaire Participant # ____ 1. How easy/difficult was it for you to determine how to begin your task? 1 Very Difficult 2 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Very Easy 2. How easy/difficult was it for you to determine what the next step was once you reached a destination point? 1 Very Difficult 2 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Very Easy 3. How easy/difficult was it for you to determine if you had completed a step correctly? 1 Very Difficult 2 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Very Easy 4. How easy/difficult was it for you to determine that you had arrived at the destination point? 1 Very Difficult 2 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Very Easy 5. The directions given to me on the device were easy to understand. 1 2 Strongly Disagree 3 4 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Strongly Agree 5 Neutral 6 7 8 9 Strongly Agree 6 7 8 9 Strongly Agree 6. The tasks took too long to complete. 1 2 Strongly Disagree 3 4 7. The directions were easy to read on the device. 1 2 Strongly Disagree 3 4 5 Neutral 31 APPENDIX B: Raw Data 32 Raw Data Breakdown of Subject Majors: CS (2), ENSE (3), Philosophy, Undeclared, Biology, ENME, Math, Business, and BMGT BMGT 8% ENSE 26% Business 8% Math 8% ENME 8% CS 18% Biology 8% Philosophy 8% Undeclared 8% Figure 1: Breakdown of majors. What people listed as their most frequent form of transportation around campus: Walking (8), Biking (2), Driving (1), and Bus (1) Bus Driving 8% 8% Biking 17% Walking 67% Figure 2: Breakdown of transportation 33 Completion and consulting times are in seconds. Route Number References: Route 1: Low Complexity Route Route 2: Medium Complexity Route Route 3: High Complexity Route Table 1: Subject Subject # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Information Gender Male Female Male Female Female Female Male Female Male Male Male Male Direction type Map Text Text Map Map Map Text Text Map Map Text Text Route order 123 132 123 132 231 321 312 231 213 312 213 321 34 Table 2: Pre-task Questionnaire and VZ-2 Spatial Ability Questionnaire Results Subject # # semesters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 2 4 7 11 8 3 4 2 3 3 10 Campus Walking Handheld Corrected Spatial familiarity speed use vision ability 9 7 No No 9 3 6 Yes Yes 7 8 6 No Yes 9 8 5 No Yes 9 9 6 Yes Yes 8 8 7 No No 9 8 7 Yes No 4 9 5 No No 5 8 6 No No 9 7 6 Yes Yes 2 7 5 No Yes 3 8 5 Yes No 8 35 Table 3: Task Data Subject # 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 Route 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Completion time 339 217 201 304 216 199 250 187 174 211 199 188 208 251 192 204 221 189 295 215 264 232 183 177 227 229 210 401 262 304 304 215 179 219 187 218 Consulting time 137 24 13 64 14 6 58 17 14 17 11 6 9 25 6 20 8 8 51 4 38 21 10 6 35 26 16 76 38 64 81 22 8 12 10 18 36 Errors 2 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 Table 4: Post-task Questionnaire Results Subject # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 q1 5 3 7 8 4 7 5 5 7 6 9 8 q2 7 8 6 7 7 8 9 9 8 6 8 8 q3 5 8 2 5 9 8 9 9 8 7 7 8 q4 9 9 9 9 9 8 7 9 8 8 8 8 q5 6 7 4 9 4 8 6 9 8 6 9 7 37 q6 5 2 4 1 1 3 5 3 5 7 7 2 q7 5 8 7 7 4 6 9 5 8 6 9 8 APPENDIX C: Experimental Consent Form 38 Experimental Consent Agreement 1. I have freely volunteered to participate in this experiment. 2. I have been informed in advance as to what my task(s) would be and what procedures would be followed. 3. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions, and have had my questions answered to my satisfaction. 4. I am aware that I have the right to withdraw consent and discontinue participation at any time, without prejudice. 5. My signature below may be taken as affirmation of all of the above, prior to participation. PRINTED NAME Student ID 39 SIGNATURE