Texas A&M University-Texarkana

Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Fall 2015 Student Artifact Checklist Form
2015-2016 Assessment Cycle
Please complete this form per Fall 2015 course assignment that will be assessed on THECB Core
Objectives and Texas A&M System Objectives.
Professor Name: XXXXXXX
Course Name: XXXXXXXX
Sections Taught: XXXXXXX
Please indicate whether you are submitting artifacts from this course for the assessment of Critical
Thinking, Communication, or both.
Critical Thinking
If you checked Communication, please check all Communication competencies that best represent
what your students had to demonstrate to complete this assignment.
Oral Communication (e.g., recordings of student speech)
Visual Communication (e.g., creation of drawings, graphs, and other visual aids)
Written Communication (e.g., papers)
NOTE: If you checked more than one Communication competency, please contact Dr. Jade Jenkins
(jjenkins1@tamut.edu) to set up a rubric customization meeting for your course.
In the text box provided below, please briefly describe the types of sources that students would have
used to complete this assignment.
[NOTE: Sources may include material (written, oral, behavioral, visual, or other) that students draw on to
extend, arguing with, develop, define, or shape ideas.]
By submitting this form in Dropbox, you indicate that you have fulfilled all of the following student
artifact submission requirements (check all that apply):
Submitted assignment/project instructions in Dropbox
Removed student/instructor identifiers and submitted artifacts in Dropbox
Last Updated: 7/15/15