
HUM 36x:Spanish Life and Culture
HUMI 15: Discussion on the Arts
Salamanca, Spain
Fall 2005
Professor: M. Reber
Class: T 5-8:00 p.m.
Web Site:
Course Introduction
HUM 36x is a required 2-credit course on Spanish Life and Culture. In this course, you will experience many
aspects of Spain’s unique history and way of life. This class will be experiential, fun, and interactive. Possible
subjects for class sessions include: Flamenco, bullfighting, civil architecture, Spanish cooking, traditional dress,
etc. In addition, you will go on approximately two excursions to other parts of Spain as part of this class. You
are graded based on attendance and participation as shown in the next section. No texts are required.
You may take HUMI 15 in conjunction with HUM 36x to receive credit for a 4-credit, GE transferable course.
HUMI 15 focuses on interdisciplinary and multicultural discussion within the discipline of Humanities on ethnoaesthetics, purposes, relationships and concepts involved in creativity including Performing Arts. We will focus
on music and dance to explore Spain’s rich musical heritage, including Spanish guitar and flamenco. Texts and
assignments for this course are explained in the sections that follow.
HUM 36x Grading and Attendance Policy
If you are enrolling for HUM 36x only, please note the following grading policy:
You earn an…
If you are absent for…
0-1 classes
2 classes/excursions (no more than 1 excursion)
3 classes/excursions
Over 3 classes/excursions
HUMI 15 Course Texts
HUMI 15 Course Reader compiled by M. Reber.
An additional text may be added (TBD).
HUMI 15 Course Objectives
In the course of taking this class, you will:
 Explore fundamentals of the arts, including performing and visual arts, within the scope of humanities
from a multicultural and interdisciplinary perspective.
 Understand selected methods and techniques employed in the arts in relation to the study of the arts
within the Humanities.
 Summarize relationships between the arts through comparative analysis.
 Analyze diverse ways in which human values are reflected in the arts and aesthetics of western and nonwestern cultures.
 Analyze the effects that gender, social context and social experience have on the externalization of
perceived reality in Western and non-Western traditions.
 Evaluate and appreciate multicultural world views that make the interpretation of the arts culturally
distinct and relative.
M. Reber
HUMI 15 Course Evaluation
The point break down for grading in the course is shown in the table below:
Critical Thinking Journal
Research Paper
You are evaluated on a 100% scale (90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, 70-79% = C, 60-69% = D, below 60 = F.)
HUMI 15 Course Assignments
Critical Thinking Journal. You will write a series of five 1-2 page journal assignments in which you analyze
and interpret performing arts, most of which you will attend live in Spain. You will be evaluated on your ability to
analyze formal artistic components of the art form, to recognize artistic choices made, to discuss relationships of
form to cultural context and to offer a personal interpretation of the piece. Six journals will be assigned and you
must turn in five for grading. Journals must be typed unless otherwise specified by me and will be stamped at the
beginning of class the day they are due. Unstamped journal entries can be submitted for final grading, but will be
eligible for only half credit. The entire journal is due at the end of class and receives one grade overall.
Research Paper. You will write a research paper on an approved topic of approximately 5 pages. You will be
evaluated on your writing skills, content, and ability to analyze, synthesize and interpret source material. A
minimum of 5 research sources is required. Use MLA format.
Midterm and Final. These exams will consist of both objective and essay questions evaluated for
comprehension, analysis and interpretation.
HUMI 15 Course Policies
Assignment Format. All of your assignments must be typed (11-12 pt. font), double-spaced, stapled, include a
title, and have the heading in the upper left-hand corner (line 1: your name; line 2: course title and my last name;
line 3: assignment name; line 4: the date). The title of the assignment or essay should then appear centered on the
very next line.
Plagiarism and Cheating. Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas in direct quote, paraphrase, or
summary form and submitting them as your own. Students who plagiarize will be automatically failed for the
quarter. Cheating of any kind is not tolerated and could result in you being failed or dropped from the course.
Cheating includes talking during quizzes, claiming someone else’s work as your own, copying in any form, and
doing anything that compromises your academic integrity. You are responsible to prove your work is your own.
Class Disruption Policy. Disruptive behavior is not tolerated in class and could result in you being dropped
from the class. Cell phones, pagers, CD players, etc. must be turned off during class. Should your cell phone
ring during class, you are responsible for bringing treats for the entire class the following day.
Late Papers and Assignments. Papers/assignments are due at the beginning of class. If you come late and turn
in your assignment before the period ends, your grade for that assignment is dropped one letter grade.
Assignments/papers are not accepted after the period has ended on the date due (except journals). I reserve the
right to make exceptions to this policy at my discretion. Please talk to me if you have extenuating circumstances. I
am much more likely to work with you if you have notified me in advance rather than after the fact.
Extra Credit. I allow some extra credit. I’ll give you details in class.
Last Day to Drop with a “W.” The last day to drop with a “W” is Friday, November 18st.
Assistance. For academic counseling, contact Renee McGinley at x. 5865 in S33B at
For personal counseling, contact Veronica Avila at x. 5652 in ADM8C at
Grammar Help. See the Tutorial Center in L-47 or visit:
M. Reber
HUMI 15 Schedule
Week Date
Reading Due
Assignments Due
Chapter 10: Introduction to Music by Green
Three: Music by Sporre
Journal 1
Chapter 9: Introduction to Dance by Green
Six: Dance by Sporre
Journal 2
Midterm Review
Introduction to Flamenco
Chapter1 Songs of the Outcasts
Journal 3
Flamenco: Song
Chapter 2: The Song Songs of the Outcast
Journal 4
Flamenco: Dance
Research Paper
Chapter 3: The Dance Songs of the Outcasts
Journal 5
Flamenco: Guitar
Research Paper
Chapter 4: The Guitar Songs of the Outcast
Research Paper Thesis
Final Review
Course Introduction
Prepare to travel to Spain
Research Paper Due
Journal 6
Critical Thinking Journal
**This schedule is a working outline and is subject to changes and modifications at any point during the quarter. I
reserve the right to make whatever changes I see fit to the above schedule, to add or delete reading or
assignments, and to change topics at my discretion at any time.
M. Reber