Conventional Organic Farming

Conventional Farming
Organic farming
Video: My Father’s Garden
The difference between conventional farming
and organic farming
Why are organic foods more expensive?
Conventional Farming
1940’s began farming with agri-chemicals
Fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides
1972 Congress ordered the EPA to test all pesticides for
potential hazards.
All agri-chemicals can remain until EPA proves dangerous
1990’s pesticide companies focus on genetic engineering
Using agri-chemicals and GE seeds is the predominate
way food is grown in U.S. so it is now called
“conventional” farming
Organic Farming
Based on :
Using natural, renewable fertilizer and pesticides
 Compost, manure, Bt
Farming in a way that maintains and replenishes the
life and nutrients in the soil.
 The farmer feeds the living organisms in the soil.
 Handful of organic soil – 5 billion microorganisms
Primary methods used:
Crop diversity
Crop rotation
Biological pest control
Organic Foods
Grown without conventional pesticides or
Animals are fed organic feed and raised
without use of antibiotics
Produced without genetically engineered
Processed without irradiation or food
Why are organics more expensive?
1. Small number of organic farmers (less supply
means higher price).
1. Labor intensive farming techniques.
1. True cost of growing our food in a way that
replenishes the soil & preserves water.
No soil degradation
No surface water (lake and river) pollution
No ground water contamination
Agrichemicals in Produce
Dirty Dozen app by Environmental Working
Group (
The Dirty Dozen: A list of produce with the
highest agrichemical residue
Clean 15: A list of produce with least
amount of agrichemical residue