SPEECH COMMUNICATION MAJORS Speech Communication Declaration Information Form INSTRUCTIONS: Complete this form when you declare a Major in Speech Communication and RETURN it to the Speech Communication Department Chair. 1. Full Name: Last First M.I. 2. Student ID#: 3. Phone Numbers: Home Work Other 4. Electronic Mailing Address (E-Mail): 5. Today’s Date: 6. Expected date of graduation: 7. Cumulative GPA: 8. Name of Counselor: 9. Why are you becoming a Speech Communication Major? (check all that apply and fill-in requested information) a. I have a general interest in Speech subjects. b. I took a Speech class which prompted me to become a Major. List the class(es) c. Classmates and peers encouraged me to Major in Speech. d. I read a brochure or saw a bookmark on the Speech Department. e. I visited the Speech Department website f. I looked in the Course Description Catalog. g. Other WORKSHEET: REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SPEECH MAJOR To graduate with an A.A. in Speech Communication, you will need to complete 40-41 SPEECH COMMUNICATION units of which 28-29 are required and 12 are elective courses. REQUIREMENTS Quarter/Yr Grade (“C” or better) SPCH 1 Public Speaking (4) (or) SPCH 10 Fundamentals of Oral Communication (4) SPCH/ICS 7 Intercultural Communication (4) SPCH 8 Argumentation and Critical Inquiry in Oral Communication (4) (or) SPCH 9 Argumentation: Analysis of Oral and Written Communication SPCH 15 Problem Solving and Critical Reasoning in Groups (4) SPCH 16 Interpersonal Communication(4) SPCH 70/BUS 80 Effective Organizational Communication (4) JOUR 2 Mass Communication (4) ELECTIVE COURSES FOR SPECIALTY AREA To plan the remaining 12 units contact a full-time Speech Communication instructor to create your specialty area of study. The specialty area must be approved by the Speech Communication Department. Course # Course Title (# Units) Quarter/Yr Grade (“c” or better) Required Information: Please write and attach a one-paragraph description/rationale for the courses in your specialty area. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Full-Time Speech Instructor Signature Comments on merits of this petition: Date