KANBAN IN THE SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT Alexey Tregubov, Jo Ann Lane OUTLINE Overview of KSS Network Eliminating waste in KSS Network Blocked work item identification and rescheduling Future work 2 OVERVIEW OF KSS NETWORK Dash Execu ve/Stakeholder Management SLA establishment and monitoring Strategic planning Capability priori za on Dash Product/Domain Engineering Dash KSS Users KSS Needs Backlog* User Support Customer rela ons Ini al Triage Capability Engineering Analyze needs and alterna ves Refine capabili es Develop requirements Allocate requirements Product Team Dash Product SE Iden fy SW Features Allocate features to SWDT Integrate features into requirements KSS KSS Form cross organiza onal teams Cross-product and specialty engineering KSS SW Development Team Validate and fully enable capabili es Work Flow Visibility * All organiza ons can contribute to the Needs Backlog KSS Pa ent Safety Domain Team KSS Network Domain Team 3 4 5 HOW DO WE ELIMINATE WASTE? We have know the current state We have know what is blocking a capability 6 BLOCKING TASK IDENTIFICATION 7 EXAMPLE 8 PRIORITY CALCULATION Priority calculation based on the following: Business value Class of service (eg. Standard, Important, Date Certain, Critical Expedite) Estimated effort Specialties required 9 OVERVIEW OF KSS NETWORK Dash Execu ve/Stakeholder Management SLA establishment and monitoring Strategic planning Capability priori za on Dash Product/Domain Engineering Dash KSS Users KSS Needs Backlog* User Support Customer rela ons Ini al Triage Capability Engineering Analyze needs and alterna ves Refine capabili es Develop requirements Allocate requirements Product Team Dash Product SE Iden fy SW Features Allocate features to SWDT Integrate features into requirements KSS KSS Form cross organiza onal teams Cross-product and specialty engineering KSS SW Development Team Validate and fully enable capabili es Work Flow Visibility * All organiza ons can contribute to the Needs Backlog KSS Pa ent Safety Domain Team KSS Network Domain Team 10 FUTURE WORK How do we calculate priorities considering hierarchical work breakdown structure and work dependencies? How do we implement clicking task identification? How can we simulate this process? 11 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 12