PhD Research project Supervisor: Mari Martiskainen Social innovation in the energy system This proposal is focused on social innovation within the energy system, interested in concept such as citizen-led energy action. The research could focus especially on looking at the type of social innovations that have developed in relation to energy systems, what has motivated such initiatives, what have been their outcomes and whether they have influence on wider energy policy. The research could focus either on demand or supply, or both. Transition to low carbon residential buildings This research will focus on the innovation of energy efficiency of residential buildings. The project would seek to analyse what the status of innovation in the residential sector is, and what challenges and opportunities there are in relation to wider energy policy objectives. Politics of grassroots innovations Grassroots innovations have been conceptualised as civil society led networks and initiatives that aim to address the sustainability of food, energy and transport. Initiatives such as community energy projects, community gardens, food networks and car sharing clubs for example provide thriving spaces for sustainable consumption, and new technological and social innovations. These initiatives are often driven by social good, rather than by pure monetary motives. Much of previous research in grassroots innovations has focused largely on conceptualizing such initiatives, and analysing their development as well as potential for replication and diffusion; there has been less research in the politics involved in these initiatives. I would be interested in supervising a PhD project which looks at the politics of grassroots innovations and how they link to political engagement. References Broto, V.C., 2012. Social housing and low carbon transitions in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2, 82-97. Dahlander, L., Frederiksen, L., 2012. The core and cosmopolitans: A relational view of innovation in user communities. Organ. Sci. 23, 988-1007. Grimm, R., Fox, C., Baines, S., Albertson, K., 2013. Social innovation, an answer to contemporary societal challenges? Locating the concept in theory and practice. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 26, 436-455. Seyfang, G., Smith, A., 2007. Grassroots innovations for sustainable development: Towards a new research and policy agenda. Environmental Politics 16, 584-603.