Review: GLANDULAR EPITHELIAL TISSUE; CONNECTIVE TISSUE 1 Review: Glandular Epithelia 1 Define Tissue 2 Define Gland 3 What are two ways glands are classified ? 4 Glands without ducts are ___________ glands? List one example of a product of this type of gland. 5 Glands with ducts are __________ glands ? List one example of this type of gland. 6 Compare merocrine and holocrine glands. How are they similar ? How do they differ ? 2 Review: Connective Tissue 7 List 5 functions of connective tissue 8 What is the name of embryonic connective tissue 9 Which type of cartilage is the most abundant ? Where would you find it in the body ? 10 Give an example of each of the following: Loose connective tissue: Dense connective tissue: 11 What organ can be both an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland? 3 Tissue: The Living Fabric Tissue: NERVOUS and MUSCLE - Part 4 The four types of tissues Epithelial Connective Muscle Nerve Nervous Tissue Branched neurons with long cellular processes and support cells (glia) Transmits electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors Found in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves Nervous Tissue Figure 4.10 Muscle Tissue: Skeletal Long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells with obvious striations Initiates and controls voluntary movement Found in skeletal muscles that attach to bones or skin Muscle Tissue: Skeletal Long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells with obvious striations Initiates and controls voluntary movement Found in skeletal muscles that attach to bones or skin Figure 4.11a Muscle Tissue: Cardiac Branching, striated, uninucleate cells interlocking at intercalated discs Propels blood into the circulation Found in the walls of the heart Muscle Tissue: Cardiac Branching, striated, uninucleate cells interdigitating at intercalated discs Propels blood into the circulation Found in the walls of the heart Figure 4.11b cardiac muscle cells junction between adjacent cells intercalated disc Muscle Tissue: Smooth Sheets of spindle-shaped cells with central nuclei that have no striations Propels substances along internal passageways (i.e., peristalsis) Found in the walls of hollow organs Muscle Tissue: Smooth Figure 4.11c Lab 13 Continue tissue slides: Blood, Muscle, Neuron, Sperm Finish any incompleted Slides Turn in completed lab 13 Video: Next Frontier in 3D Printing: Human Organs Histology Handout and Tutorial Ted Talks Video: Printing a Human Kidney Lunch 16 Epithelial Membranes Cutaneous – skin Figure 4.9a Epithelial Membranes Mucous – lines body cavities open to the exterior (e.g., digestive and respiratory tracts) Serous – moist membranes found in closed ventral body cavity Figure 4.9b Epithelial Membranes Figure 4.9c Tissue Trauma Causes inflammation, characterized by: Dilation of blood vessels Increase in vessel permeability Redness, heat, swelling, and pain Tissue Repair Organization and restored blood supply The blood clot is replaced with granulation tissue Regeneration and fibrosis Surface epithelium regenerates and the scab detaches Figure 4.12a Tissue Repair Fibrous tissue matures and begins to resemble the adjacent tissue Figure 4.12b Tissue Repair Results in a fully regenerated epithelium with underlying scar tissue Figure 4.12c Developmental Aspects Primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm Three layers of cells formed early in embryonic development Specialize to form the four primary tissues Nerve tissue arises from ectoderm THE RESULTS OF GASTRULATION IS THE FORMATION OF THREE CELL LAYERS KNOWN AS THE: A. ECTODERM - THE OUTERMOST PRIMARY GERM LAYER IN AN ANIMAL EMBRYO. DEVELOPS INTO THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, EPIDERMIS, AND SWEAT GLANDS. B. MESODERM- THE MIDDLE PRIMARY GERM LAYER IN AN ANIMAL EMBRYO. DEVELOPS INTO THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, KIDNEYS, MUSCLE, BONES, SKIN, BLOOD, AND BLOOD VESSELS. C. ENDODERM- INNERMOST PRIMARY GERM LAYER IN AN ANIMAL EMBRYO. DEVELOPS INTO THE LUNGS, LIVER, THE LININGS OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS, AND A SOME ENDOCRINE GLANDS. THESE THREE LAYERS ARE REFEREED TO AS THE PRIMARY GERM LAYERS BECAUSE ALL OF THE ORGANS AND TISSUES OF THE EMBRYO WILL BE FORMED FROM THEM. Developmental Aspects Muscle, connective tissue, endothelium, and mesothelium arise from mesoderm Most mucosae arise from endoderm Epithelial tissues arise from all three germ layers Developmental Aspects Figure 4.13 Final Exam Chapter 4: Human Tissues Tissue Identification (from ppt. slides) Type of Tissue, Where Found in the Bod Genetics/Diseases Lecture 29