Study Guide

Simple columnar cells in the digestive tract tend to have this structure. ___________________
What is the function of these structures in the digestive tract? __________________________
What is a tissue? _______________________________________________________________
How is stratified epithelial cells named? _____________________________________________
What is the basal surface and the apical surface? _____________________________________
What are the three types of fibers in connective tissue? How are they different and what is
there purpose? ________________________________________________________________
What are the examples of epithelial tissue? __________________________________________
What are the examples of connective tissues? ________________________________________
What is matrix and what type of tissue contains it? ____________________________________
What are pseudostratified columnar cells and where are they common? __________________
What are the three main structures of connective tissue and their functions? ______________
Why does it take a long time for cartilage to heal? ____________________________________
What is an exocrine gland? Examples? ______________________________________________
Describe the appearance of adipose tissue. __________________________________________
What are the three types of cartilage, how are they different, and where are they found?
What are the functions of epithelial cells? ___________________________________________
What is an endocrine gland? Examples? _____________________________________________
What is the job of adipose tissue? _________________________________________________
What are goblet cells and where are they common? ___________________________________
What are the functions of the skin? ________________________________________________
What are the two layers of dermis, how are they different, and what are their functions?
How does the epidermis obtain nutrients and get rid of waste? __________________________
What are the layers of the epidermis from the basal layer to the apical layer? Include the
functions of each layer. __________________________________________________________
What the two types of sweat glands and how are they different? ________________________
What are the types of cells found in the dermis of the skin? _____________________________
Identify the three types of skin cancer and their characteristics. _________________________
What is the hypodermis, what is it made of, where is it located, and what is its function?
What is the immediate threat to life from third degree burns? ___________________________
How does the skin protect the body from UV rays? ____________________________________
What are the three layers of hair? _________________________________________________
What type of gland secretes earwax? _______________________ milk? __________________
What is a keratincyte, where is it found, and what is its function? ________________________
What does the eccrine gland secrete? ______________________________________________
Label the skin diagram and the diagram of typical connective tissue.
Be able to identify the type of tissue from pictures (you comparison chart pictures)