The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Alumni Club Annual Report and Recertification 2012 Please return this completed form, in its entirety, to: Fletcher Alumni Relations 128 Professors Row, Medford MA 02155 Fax +1.617.627.4573 Email: Section I – CLUB IDENTIFICATION AND PRIMARY CONTACT Club Name: Club Type (internal use): Primary Contact: Name: Address: Preferred Phone: Preferred Email: Contact Preference: Position(s) held in Club: PARTS II THRU VI ARE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGES Section VII – Recertification The undersigned officer of the above Fletcher Club does hereby certify that he/she has completed this Annual Report with information that is accurate to the best of his/her knowledge. _______________________ ____________________ ____________________ (signature) (title) (date) _______________________ (print name) **The Tufts Confidentiality agreement at the end of this document must be signed and returned by all club officers** 2 Section II - THE YEAR IN REVIEW Please list the events or ongoing programs that your club held last year. If you need assistance in recalling events, please consult the ODAR staff. Feel free to add/delete rows as needed. NAME Ex: FCNY Happy Hour DATE August 30 APPROXIMATE ATTENDANCE 20 COMMENTS Great event – need later time, more space! 3 Section III - COMMITTEE ROSTER Please list the following information for your active committee members for 2012-2013. The size of the roster will vary from club to club. Feel free to add/delete rows as needed. NAME Ex: Caroline Caldwell EMAIL ADDRESS POSITION Club leader YEARS IN SERVICE 1 year 4 Section V - COMMUNICATION How does your committee primarily communicate with one another? __ Email Distribution List __ Google Group __ LinkedIn Group __ Facebook Group __ Other (please explain) What is your plan for meetings this year? Specifically, how often, which months, face to face vs conference call, etc? How do you regularly communicate with the alumni in your community? (Select all that apply) __ Broadcast emails sent from club managed list of alumni __ Broadcast emails from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations __ Emails sent to the e-list __ Personal emails/phone calls __ Social media __ Other (please explain) Does your club have a unique communications strategy to share with other clubs? 5 Section IV - GOALS Please share a few goals that your club has for the upcoming year in regard to membership, communication, programming, etc. Please share a long term goal(s) regarding how you would like to see your club develop over the next few years. 6 Section VI - THE YEAR AHEAD Please list ideas for events and ongoing programs for the upcoming year. Event numbers and frequency will vary from club to club. Feel free to add or delete rows as needed. EVENT FCNY Happy Hours EXPECTED MONTH(S) Jan-Dec FREQUENCY Monthly EVENT LEAD/ORGANIZER Social Chair How can the Office of Development and Alumni Relations best support your club this year (services and/or resources)? Would you like to receive a replenishment of promotional materials? [pens, mini Fletcher flags, small posters, other information] (Circle One) – materials will be mailed to primary contact from page one 7 Yes No 8 Tufts University Advancement Division Statement of Confidentiality and Responsible Use Policy for Volunteers Reason for Policy Confidentiality is a paramount consideration in the work done throughout the Advancement division at Tufts University, whether in communications, alumni relations, or fundraising. The Division relies upon all persons with access to Advancement data to maintain strict confidentiality concerning information obtained during the conduct of their work. With gaining access to information from the Tufts University Advancement Donor Management System (Advance) alumni information lists, users will agree to adhere to the below outlined policies and follow all guidelines and directions, as put forth by the division, in accordance with signature of this document. Users understand that jeopardizing any confidential database information or participating in inappropriate exposures of confidential and/or sensitive information in an injudicious fashion will lead to immediate removal from volunteer fundraising activities and information access. Enforcement General Compliance The University may temporarily suspend or block access to a volunteer, prior to the initiation or completion of an investigation, when it reasonably appears necessary to do so in order to protect the integrity, security, or functionality of University or other computing resources or to protect the University from liability. The University may also refer suspected violations of applicable law to appropriate law enforcement agencies. Users who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, and may be denied further access to University computing resources. Users will respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals whose records are accessed, observe any ethical restrictions that apply to data to which is accessed, and abide by applicable laws and policies with respect to access, use, or disclosure of information. All data users having access to restricted or limited-access data will formally acknowledge (by this signed statement) their understanding of the level of access provided and their responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of data they access. Each data user will be responsible for the consequences of any misuse. Users are expressly prohibited from releasing identifiable information to any third 9 party without specific written approval by Advancement. Users shall not use confidential information for any personal gain or offer such information to any individuals for publications that would be detrimental to Tufts University or any individual associated with the University during or subsequent to volunteer service. Users shall not distribute, circulate, or disclose confidential University Advancement information including information that has been extracted from the Advance database through reports, or saved to external files. Any other uses of Advance extracted data must be approved by the Associate Director of Alumni Relations & Stewardship. Failure to do this will result in removal from volunteer activities. Users are strictly prohibited from using Advancement data to solicit persons or corporations. All solicitation efforts MUST be approved by the Vice President for University Advancement. Once approved, solicitation data will be supplied by the AIS team through the standard Advancement database. Data Security and Destruction Secure Storage and Transmission: Whether spoken, in hardcopy or electronic form, users shall organize, distribute, print, store, maintain, analyze, and/or transfer data, under their control in such a manner as to reasonably prevent loss, unauthorized access or divulgence of confidential information. Data files containing individuallyidentifiable information and/or supporting research findings shall be stored and archived securely. Data Destruction/Archiving: If materials containing individually-identifiable data are to be destroyed, the method of destruction shall be appropriate. Such materials shall not go into normal trash or recycling bins. Destruction should be by shredding or other protective disposal technique. Electronic records are subject to comparable controls. Unless stored and archived securely as necessary to support research findings, data files should be destroyed promptly after serving their purpose. Special care shall apply to the control, management and destruction of various export formats offered by standard query tools including but not limited to spreadsheet, comma-delimited, pdf and html. I have read and understand this Statement of Confidentiality and Responsible Use for Volunteers and agree to abide by its standards of conduct. ________________________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date _______________________________________ Print Name 10