—notes DAY 1 1.1 Descripción de Lupita

1.1-1.5 notes
DAY 1—notes
1.1 Descripción de Lupita
(1 minute)
Ask students to get into pairs and describe orally in Spanish the woman in the
photograph (first photo of “Slideshow 1.3”). Each student will talk for thirty
seconds. The teacher will keep time.
1.2 Preguntas sobre la foto de Lupita
(5 minutes)
¿Qué crees?
(Project first slide of Lupita)
Ask the following questions and have the students answer each question orally in
Spanish in pairs (speculating, of course):
1. ¿De dónde es?
2. ¿Dónde vive?
3. ¿Qué hace?
4. ¿Cuál es su nivel de educación?
1.3 Listening Activity: Introducing Lupita
(10 minutes)
Ask these questions about Lupita one at a time, playing the recording after each
question (repeating if necessary). Use Power Point “Slideshow 1.3.”
Have the students give the answers to their neighbor first (quickly) and then
share them as a class. You can encourage them to write the words down if that is
helpful for them. When it comes to the question about Lupita’s age, it will be
necessary to point out that she makes a mistake and has to correct herself.
This unit created by Ashley Wallace and Kate Landau
1.1-1.5 notes
This is what the recording says:
<<Yo me llamo Lupe. Tengo cuarenta años, cuarenta y dos años, perdón. Soy
(These will appear on slides, click on the microphone to hear Lupita’s voice.)
¿Cómo se llama?
¿Cuántos anos tiene?
¿Por qué dice <<cuarenta>> primero y luego <<cuarenta y dos>>?
¿De dónde es?
1.4 Family Tree
(25 minutes)
Use “Slideshow 1.4” to introduce family vocabulary and Lupita’s family. It will be
important to have the class repeat the words as much as possible. Go through
the slides which will take you through a logical presentation of some of the
Experiment with the execution of this drill! Be creative. Perhaps use different
voices for each word (volume, pitch, etc.). You could have the students stand up
when they know the answer. Or have them write the answer on the board. Make
sure this is upbeat and fast paced, with many repetitions.
Be sure to give them the vocabulary list (list 1.4) to study on their own after this
1.5 Family Vocabulary Group Activity
(8 minutes) (handout & materials)
The family tree will be projected on the screen using Power Point for student
reference. Use the last slide of “Slideshow 1.4.”
 Have students form groups of 7.
 Give each student a card with the name of one of Lupita’s relatives.
 Using only Spanish, they are to find out the names that their group
members have been given and how they are related to each other.
 They will refer to Lupita’s family tree and the new vocabulary to determine
the family relationships and complete the sentences.
 Tell them not to look at each other’s cards. This is an oral activity.
This unit created by Ashley Wallace and Kate Landau
1.1-1.5 notes
You will collect the completed charts at the end of the activity.
Remind them to write what name they received for the activity on the
Homework 1
Students will fill out a worksheet that lists their relationship to various
family members in Spanish.
Students will write five sentences in Spanish describing their family as if to
someone from Ecuador. Encourage these responses to be creative and
In English, students will write a couple sentences as to why they think
Lupita is in the U.S.
Finally, the students will ask family members why their ancestors came to
North America, where they came from, and when they came. This may
require phone calls or emails. Note: Be prepared for this to be an
emotional topic; you know your world history.
This unit created by Ashley Wallace and Kate Landau