Multi-stage G-band (140-220 GHz) InP HBT Amplifiers M. Urteaga, D. Scott, S. Krishnan, Y. Wei, M. Dahlström, Z. Griffith, N. Parthasarathy, and M. Rodwell. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara 1-805-893-8044 GaAsIC 2002 Oct. 2002, Monterey, CA GaAs IC 2002 • • • • • Outline UCSB Introduction Transferred-substrate HBT technology Circuit design Results Conclusion G-band Electronics (140-220 GHz) Applications: Wideband communication systems Atmospheric sensing Automotive radar Transistor-based ICs realized through submicron device scaling State-of-the-art InP-based HEMT Amplifiers with submicron gate lengths 3-stage amplifier with 30 dB gain at 140 GHz. Pobanz et. al., IEEE JSSC, Vol. 34, No. 9, Sept. 1999. 3-stage amplifier with 12-15 dB gain from 160-190 GHz Lai et. al., 2000 IEDM, San Francisco, CA. 6-stage amplifier with 20 6 dB from 150-215 GHz. Weinreb et. al., IEEE MGWL, Vol. 9, No. 7, Sept. 1999. HBT is a vertical-transport device (vs. lateral-transport) Presents Challenges to Scaling Transferred-Substrate HBTs • Substrate transfer enables simultaneous scaling of emitter and collector widths Mesa HBT • Maximum frequency of oscillation f max f / 8RbbCcb • Previously demonstrated single-stage amplifier with 6.3 dB gain at 175 GHz 2001 GaAsIC Symposium, Baltimore, MD This Work Three-stage amplifier designs: • 12.0 dB gain at 170 GHz • 8.5 dB gain at 195 GHz Transferred-substrate HBT Transferred-Substrate Process Flow • Emitter metal • Emitter etch • Self-aligned base • Mesa isolation • Polyimide planarization • Interconnect metal • Silicon nitride insulation • Benzocyclobutene, etch vias • Electroplate gold • Bond to carrier wafer with solder • Remove InP substrate • Collector metal • Collector recess etch Ultra-high fmax Submicron HBTs • Electron beam lithography used to define submicron emitter and collector stripes •InAlAs/InGaAs emitter-base heterojunction • 400 Å InGaAs base with 4 x 1019 cm-3 Be base doping, 52 meV bandgap grading • 3000 Å InGaAs collector, high fmax / f ratio 0.3 m Emitter before polyimide planarization • Amplifier device dimensions: Emitter area: 0.4 x 6 m2 Collector area: 0.7 x 6.4 m2 Submicron Collector Stripes (typical: 0.7 um collector) On-wafer Device Measurements • Submicron HBTs have very low Ccb (< 5 fF) 230 m 230 m • Characterization requires accurate measure of very small S12 • Standard 12-term VNA calibrations do not correct S12 background error due to probe-to-probe coupling Transistor Embedded in LRL Test Structure Solution Embed transistors in sufficient length of on-wafer transmission line to reduce coupling Line-Reflect-Line calibration to place measurement reference planes at device terminals Corrupted 75-110 GHz measurements due to excessive probe-to-probe coupling Line-Reflect-Line Calibration • LRL does not require accurate characterization of Open or Short calibration standards • LRL does require single-mode propagation environment • LRL does require accurate characterization of transmission line characteristic impedance • Must correct for complex characteristic impedance of Line standard due to resistive losses R j L ZO G j C Transferred-substrate process provides excellent wiring environment for on-wafer device measurements RF Device Measurements • Maximum stable gain of 7.4 dB at 200 GHz • f = 180 GHz Observation TS-HBTs have very small output conductance due to low Ccb giving rise to high transistor power gains but… Second-order transport effects in collector may lead to negative resistance phenomenon RF Gains 40 U 30 Gains (dB) • Singularity observed in Unilateral power gain measurements, cannot extrapolate fmax from U • Negative resistance effects observed at moderate bias currents MSG 20 h21 10 0 -10 10 10 10 11 10 12 frequency • Bias Conditions: VCE = 1.25 V, IC = 3.2 mA • Device dimensions: Emitter area: 0.4 x 6 m2 Collector area: 0.7 x 6.4 m2 Mesa vs. TS-HBT S-parameters S11 – red S22- blue S11 – red S22- blue Low Rbb Very low Ccb High Ccb freq (150.0GHz to 220.0GHz) freq75-110 (75.00GHz to 110.0GHz) 6-40 GHz, GHz, 140-220 GHz 6-40 GHz freq (6.000GHz to 40.00GHz) Transferred-substrate HBT Device dimensions: Emitter area: 0.4 x 6 m2 Collector area: 0.7 x 6.4 m2 3000 Å InGaAs Collector Fast C-doped mesa-HBT Device dimensions: Emitter 0.5 x 7 m2 Collector area: 1.6 x 12 m2 2000 Å. InP Collector 280 GHz ft, 450+ GHz fmax Mattias Dahlstrom 2002 IPRM Conference Ccb Cancellation by Collector Space-Charge Vcb Qbase A I cTc Vcb Tc Vcb 2vsat Ccb A Ic c Tc Vcb collector space-charge layer Collector space charge screens field, Increasing voltage decreases velocity, modulates collector space-charge offsets modulation of base charge Ccbx Ccb is reduced Ccbi Derivation is limited by charge control assumption Ycb Rbb B C Model dynamics with uniform velocity assumption Ycb,i I c c sin 2c sin c 1 jI c c c Vcb 2c Vcb c Negative Conductance 2 sin( c ) I x e j c c Cbe,depl gmb Negative Capacitance at low ω Rex E re=1/gm Negative Resistance Effects in Transferred-Substrate HBTs Capacitance cancellation is observed for submicron InGaAs collector HBTs Change in curvature of real (Y12) is observed with increasing current. Effect not predicted by standard transistor hybrid-pi model where at low frequencies, Y12 Rcb j 2Ccb,iCbe Rbb jCcb,i Ccb, x As of yet, we have been unable to fit dynamic capacitance cancellation model to measurements 0.0002 7 6 2 fF decrease 0.00015 Gc = - real (Y12) Ccb, fF 5 Emitter: 0.3 x 18 m2, Collector: 0.7 x 18.6 m2 Vce = 1.1 V 4 3 2 Ic=1 mA 0.0001 Ic=2 mA 5 10 -5 Ic=3 mA Ic=4mA 0 1 Ic=5 mA 0 -5 10 0 1 2 3 Ic, mA 4 5 6 -5 5 10 15 20 25 freq, GHz 30 35 40 45 Amplifier Designs • Three cascaded common-emitter stages matched to 50 • Designs based on measured transistor S-parameters • Standard microstrip models and electromagnetic simulation (Agilent’s Momentum) were used to characterize matching networks • Two designs at 175 GHz and 200 GHz IC Photograph: Dimensions 1.66 x 0.59 mm2 140-220 GHz VNA Measurements • HP8510C VNA with Oleson Microwave Lab mmwave Extenders • GGB Industries coplanar wafer probes with WR-5 waveguide connectors • Full-two port T/R measurement capability • Line-Reflect-Line calibration with on-wafer standards • Internal bias Tee’s in probes for biasing active devices UCSB 140-220 GHz VNA Measurement Set-up Single-stage Amplifier Design 8 6 2001 GaAs IC Symposium, Baltimore, MD 4 Single stage amplifiers designs on this process run • 3.5 dB gain at 175 GHz S21, dB • 6.3 dB peak gain at 175 GHz S21 2 0 -2 -4 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 Frequency, GHz 0 S22 S11, S22, dB -4 -8 S11 -12 -16 Cell Dimensions: 690m x 350 m -20 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 Frequency, GHz Multi-stage Amplifiers Measurements 175 GHz Design 200 GHz Design 20 20 S21 S21 10 0 0 dB dB 10 -10 -10 S11 -20 S11 -20 S22 -30 140 S22 -30 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 frequency (GHz) 12.0 dB gain at 170 GHz 220 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 frequency (GHz) 8.5 dB gain at 195 GHz 220 Simulation vs. Measurement Circuit simulations predicted • 20 dB gain at 175 GHz • 14.5 dB gain at 200 GHz Re-simulate amplifiers using measured transistor S-parameters Good agreement with measured amplifiers confirms passive network design S21 10 0 -10 dB Measured transistors show higher extrinsic emitter resistance, lower power gain than those used in design 20 S11 -20 S22 -30 -40 -50 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 frequency (GHz) Measured amplifier (blue) and modeled (red) using measured transistor S-parameters 220 Future Work: Highly-scaled mesa-HBT Designs Mattias Dahlstrom 30 Transferred-substrate HBTs enabled aggressive device scaling High Carbon base doping allows for aggressive scaling of lateral dimensions of mesa HBTs Moderate power gains have been measured in 140-220 GHz band ~ 5 dB MSG at 175 GHz Tuned circuit designs in technology appear feasible 20 Gains (dB) They are hard to yield/manufacture U 25 but… • 2.7 m base mesa, • 0.54 m emitter junction • 0.7 m emitter contact •Vce=1.7 V •Jc=3.7E5 A/cm2 MAG/MSG 15 h21 10 5 0 10 10 10 11 frequency (Hz) 10 12 GaAs IC 2002 • Conclusions UCSB Multi-stage amplifiers have been demonstrated in 140-220 GHz – 12.0 dB Gain at 175 GHz – 8.5 dB Gain at 200 GHz • • Demonstrates potential of highly-scaled InP HBTs for G-band Electronics Currently pursuing more manufacturable approaches for HBT scaling Acknowledgements This work was supported by the ONR under grant N0014-99-1-0041 And by Walsin Lihwa Corporation