2001 GOMAC Conference Ultra high speed heterojunction bipolar transistor technology Mark Rodwell University of California, Santa Barbara rodwell@ece.ucsb.edu 805-893-3244, 805-893-3262 fax Scaling and high speed electronics Fast electronics: 10, 40,160 …(?) Gb/s fiber optics Gigabit radio on 60 GHz band 180 GHz amplifiers, sensitive 2.5 THz diode mixers cheap 2 GHz phones, cheap 1 GHz PCs, cheap 20 GHz TV electronics gets ~10:1 faster each decade Are we reaching the limits ? ...radically different materials ? ...resonant tunneling ?? …the electronic bottleneck ? Improving high frequency devices by Scaling: dimensions, current density, contacts near-THz transistors, ~10 THz diodes, towards 100-GHz logic applications in ADCs/DACs for RADAR Fast electronics can still get much faster Bandwidth of bipolar transistors: current-gain cutoff frequency kT 1 kT base collector C je Cbc Rex Rcoll 2f qI E qI E base Tb2 2 Dn collector Tc 2vsat Thinner base, thinner collector higher f , but…. Bandwidth of bipolar transistors: power-gain cutoff frequency f max f 8RbbCcbi emitter base base subcollector Ccbi : effective fraction of Ccb charged through Rbb Thinner base, thinner collector more base resistance, more collector capacitance reduced power gain cutoff frequency fmax What matters: ft or fmax ? How do we scale device to get high values for both ? base contact pad Scaling Laws for fast HBTs transferred-substrate for x 2 improvement of all parasitics: ft, fmax, logic speed… base 2: 1 thinner collector 2:1 thinner emitter, collector junctions 4:1 narrower current density 4:1 higher emitter Ohmic 4:1 less resistive undercut-collector emitter Challenges with Scaling: Collector mesa HBT: collector under base Ohmics. Base Ohmics must be one transfer length sets minimum size for collector Emitter Ohmic: hard to improve…how ? Current Density: dissipation, reliability Loss of breakdown avalanche Vbr never less than collector Egap (1.12 V for Si, 1.4 V for InP) ….sufficient for logic, insufficient for power base contact InGaAs collector undercut collector junction collector -base junction InGaAs base InP collector collector contact InGaAs subcollector InP subcollector SI substrate collector contact Narrow-mesa with 1E20 carbon-doped base emitter base contact base contact base polymer polymer sub collector SI substrate What HBT parameters determine analog bandwidth ? Tuned ICs (MIMICs, RF): fmax sets gain, & max frequency, not ft. …low ft/fmax ratio makes tuning design hard (high Q) Lumped analog circuits need high & comparable ft and fmax. (1.5:1 fmax/ft ratio often cited as good…) Distributed Amplifiers in principle, fmax-limited, ft not relevant…. (low ft makes design hard) What HBT parameters determine logic speed ? MS latch: key digital element : resynchronizes data to clock often sets system maximum clock 1 / 2 f clock T 6.4 Ccb Vlogic 893 fsec I 11.9 Ccb Rex 640 fsec wiring 600 fsec 1.5 b c 0.6 Csubstrate Vlogic in in 341 fsec I clock 229 fsec 1.5 Ccbi Rb 208 fsec 0.2 C je Rb 191 fsec I 0.3 Rb b c 187 fsec Vlogic Vlogic I 0.8 C je Rex 0.6 Cwiring out 528 fsec 8.2 Cwiring Rex 0.4 C je out 166 fsec 121 fsec Vlogic I 42 fsec 120 GHz clock predicted clock clock clock fmax does not predict digital speed f does not predict digital speed CcbVlogic/Ic is very important increased III-V current density is critical CcbRex is very important Rbb(Cje+gmb+gmc) is important What is needed for 200 GHz Logic ? Emitter parasitic width resistance 1.2 50 0.7 50 0.7 50 0.7 50 0.35 50 0.35 50 0.35 25 0.35 12.5 m Ohm-m2 width 1.8 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 m UCSB Miguel Urteaga Clock Collector Base current thickness density material thickness doping 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 400 4E19 Be 115 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 400 4E19 Be 125 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 300 4E19 Be 128 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 300 4E19 Be 159 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 300 4E19 Be 176 3000 1.0E+05 InGaAs 300 1E20 C 182 2120 2.0E+05 InP 300 1E20 C 250 1500 4.0E+05 InP 300 1E20 C 285 A/cm2 cm-3 Å -Å GHz SPICE simulation Interconnects are not considered. Transferred Substrate HBTs 2000 TransferredSubstrate HBT Mesa HBT 1000 0.5 m base Ohmics f max , GHz 1500 500 finite-element device simulation 0 0 0.5 1 emitter width, microns 1.5 • UCSB “transferred substrate” process allows lateral scaling of collector. Record fmax more than tripled. • Most circuits demand high ft. Laterally scalable device allows fmax to be retained when ft is improved by vertical scaling. Transferred Substrate HBT Process Objectives: 1) Normal emitter, base processes. 2) Coat with BCB polymer. Deposit silicon nitride insulator. Etch vias. • 1000 GHz transistor bandwidth • Thermal management for high power density • Low wiring & packaging parasitics at 100+ GHz Approach: • BCB process: standard IC materials • Metal substrate, thermal vias • Microstrip wiring: ground vias backside ground plane r=2.7: low capacitance insulator InP substrate 3) Electroplate gold vias solder bond to carrier InP substrate 4) Invert wafer. Remove InP substrate. Deposit collector. solder bond Gold thermal via InP substrate Gold thermal via solder bond Submicron Transferred-Substrate HBT UCSB Michelle Lee 3000 Å collector 400 Å base with 52 meV grading AlInAs / GaInAs 30 / GaInAs HBT Mason's gain, U Gains, dB 25 20 MSG 15 H 10 emitter, 0.4 x 6 m 2 5 21 f = 204 GHz collector, 0.4 x 6 m I = 6 mA, V = 1.2 V 2 c f max = 1.1 THz (?) ce 0 10 100 Frequency, GHz 1000 High Fmax Transistor Measurement UCSB Miguel Urteaga Submicron HBT Program ( K< 1 at all measured frequencies) U U MAG/MSG H21 MSG Unpublished 140-220 GHz Unilateral power gain: high but difficult to measure fmax appears to be near 1 THz. Future work must address: improved 220 GHz measurements, measurements at > 220 GHz. Record f HBT 2000 Å collector 300 Å base with 52 meV grading AlInAs / GaInAs / GaInAs HBT 50 h 21 Gains (dB) 40 30 U 20 V 10 f 2 CE = 1 V, J = 1.5 mA/um = 295 GHz C f MAX = 295 GHz Emitter 1 x 8 m2, Collector 2 x 8.5 m2. 0 1 10 Frequency (GHz) 10 2 UCSB Yoram Betser UCSB Record f HBT Ccbx 6.4 fF B Rc 6500 Ccbi 3.7 fF Rbb 49 C bg 0.1 fF Vb'e R 350 Cdiff C je 182 fF 38 fF C s 3.7 fF g m g mo exp( j c ) Cdiff g mo f f 395 fs c 290 fs Rex Ccb 39 fs Yoram Betser C g mVb 'e Rex 4.3 E g mo 460 mS C je / g m 82 fs Ccb / g m 20 fs Rex 1 / g m Cbg 1 fs 1 2f EC C BC je / g m 0 Ccb / g m 0 Rex Ccb 537fs 290fs 105fs 82fs 20fs 39fs UCSB I - V characteristics c 20 ce 3 kÅ collector, 400 Å base 8 15 I in steps B 7 1x 8 micron emitter, 2x 10 micron collector 10 m2 freq=165.0GHz dB(short..S(2,1))=0.000 5 of 20 uA 6 5 I (mA) m2 m1 0 4 c dB(short..S(2,1)) U dB(h21) 6.2 DHBT program Fast InP DHBTs for higher power pk Sundararajan M Dahlstrom -5 m1 freq=303.0GHz dB(short..S(2,1))=0.000 -10 f = 165 GHz; fmax = 303 GHz -15 3 5 V breakdown at 105 A/cm2 2 >9 V at 2*104 A/cm2 1 0 -20 1E9 1E10 1E11 0 1E12 1 2 3 V (volts) freq, Hz 4 5 6 ce 20 2 kÅ collector, 400 Å base Jc - Vce characteristics 15 5 10 4 8 10 5 Jc (A/cm ) m1 2 dB(short..S(2,1)) U dB(h21) 1 10 1x 8 micron emitter, 2x 10 micron collector 0 -5 m1 freq=216.0GHz dB(short..S(2,1))=-1.086E-10 f = 216 GHz; fmax = 210 GHz -10 -15 1E10 1E11 freq, Hz 4 V breakdown at 105 A/cm2 4 4 10 >6 V at 2*104 A/cm2 4 2 10 -20 1E9 6 104 1E12 0 0 1 2 3 V (volts) ce 4 5 200 GHz Single-Stage Amplifier UCSB Miguel Urteaga Submicron HBT Program • Single-stage Reactively-tuned Measured Gain 8 amplifier at 180 GHz with 6 dB gain 6 • Gain-per-stage ~2:1 higher than HEMT amplifiers at same frequency S21, dB 4 • Simple design to provide directions for future work 2 0 -2 • Future Work: Multi-stage amplifiers with improved devices -4 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 Frequency, GHz Measured Return Loss 0 S22 S11, S22, dB -5 S11 -10 -15 -20 -25 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 Frequency, GHz UCSB James Guthrie InP-HBT W-band Amplifiers balanced amplifier: 10.7dBm at 78GHz (transferred-substrate HBT) InGaAs-collector: Vbr=1.5 V low power InP-collector: Vbr~5 V higher powers expected ARO common-base amplifier: 9.7dBm at 82.5 GHz High Speed Amplifiers 18 dB, DC--50+ GHz 20 S21 15 >397 GHz gain x bandwidth from 2 HBTs 10 5 0 S11 -5 -10 S22 -15 -20 0 10 20 30 40 50 8.2 dB, DC-80 GHz 10 Gains, dB S 21 5 0 S -5 11 -10 S 22 -15 0 10 20 30 40 50 Frequency, GHz 60 70 80 UCSB Dino Mensa PK Sundararajan HBT distributed amplifier AFOSR 11 dB, DC-87 GHz 15 S 10 21 Gains, dB 5 0 -5 S -10 22 S 11 -15 -20 0 20 40 60 Frequency, GHz 80 TWA with internal ft-doubler cells UCSB PK Sundararajan 75 GHz HBT master-slave latch UCSB connected as Static frequency divider Thomas Mathew Hwe-Jong Kim 200 GHz Logic Program re-fabricated 1999 (Q. Lee) UCSB design In 1999 operated to 66 GHz limit of available sources technology: 400 Å base, 2000 Å collector HBT 0.7 um mask (0.6 um junction) x 12 um emitters 1.5 um mask (1.4 um junction) x 14 um collectors 1.8105 A/cm2 operation, 180 GHz ft, 260 GHz fmax simulations: 95 GHz clock rate in SPICE test data to date: tested, works over full 26-40 and 50-75 GHz bands now testing in 75-110 GHz band (limited signal power) 3.92 V, 224 mA, 0.88 W f =75GHz, f =37.5GHz f =69GHz, f =34.5GHz in out -0.03 0 -0.04 -0.02 -0.05 -0.04 Vout (Volts) Vout(Volts) in -0.06 -0.07 out ~3.5 dBm input power -0.06 -0.08 -0.08 -0.1 -0.09 -0.12 -0.1 modulation is synthesizer 6 GHz subharmonic -0.14 -0.11 0 50 100 Time(PS) 150 200 0 50 100 Time(ps) 150 200 19 GHz adder-accumulator UCSB Thomas Mathew Objectives: 40-60 GHz clock rate adder for 20 GHz DDS Approach: building blocks for a pipelined adder Simulations: 40-60 GHz clock rate in SPICE Significance: Design to meet 20GHz DDS requirements Status: Component blocks built, working at 19 GHz 2 bit carry logic: f max ck = 19GHz 0 -0.05 Vout(Volts) -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 0 100 200 300 Time(ps) 400 500 20 GHz S ADC UCSB S Jaganathan ONR ADC Program Design comparator is 75 GHz flip flop DC bias provided through 1 K resistors Integration obtained with 3 pF capacitors RTZ gated DAC Integrated Circuit 150 HBTs, 1.2 x 1.5 mm, 1.5 W Integrator-1 Integrator-2 Bias Rz Current Summing node Vin Bias RL RL C gm1 C gm2 C C RL RL Rz MasterSlave Flip-flop Clock Bias Bias Delayed Clock Idac Out Submicron device scaling: towards THz bandwidths Scaling drift-diffusion electron devices for 2 x increased speed: 2 x thinner layers, 4 x narrower junctions 4 x higher current density, 4 x improved vertical contacts Results with submicron III-V HBT scaling: 300 GHz f , high (1100 GHz ?) fmax Challenges with scaling: power density, improved vertical contacts, breakdown Opportunities: aggressive parasitic reduction of III-V's (as in Silicon) III-V HBT scaling to below 0.1 um Prognosis: much faster transistors, amplifiers, and logic are still feasible In Case of Questions Submicron Transferred-Substrate HBT UCSB Michelle Lee S 21 /5 10 x S 12 S S 22 11 measured equivalent circuit Why Mason’s Gain, U, is used to find fmax: 40 40 30 Gains, dB MAG/MSG can be above U ...above -20 dB/dec line U MAG/MSG 25 20 15 10 U 30 MAG/MSG 25 20 15 10 (CE, small Ccbx ) 5 ( CE, large Ccbx ) 5 0 0 1 10 Frequency, GHz 100 40 U: all 3 35 30 Gains, dB MAG/MSG can be below U …below -20 dB/dec line 35 Gains, dB 35 25 U is same for CE , CB, & CC MAG/MSG common emitter 20 15 MAG/MSG common base 10 5 MAG/MSG common collector 10 Frequency, GHz 100 U is not changed by pad parasitics U has -20 dB / decade slope to fmax MSG slope is -10 dB / decade MAG has no fixed slope -for hybrid- model comment: U is not given by: 0 1 1 10 Frequency, GHz 100 S 21 2 1 S 1 S 2 11 Plots generated using HP / EESOF simulator and standard hybrid- model 2 22 Measuring High fmax Transistors I DC-50 GHz & 75-110 GHz Network Analysis waveguide-coupled micro-coax probes Parasitic probe-probe coupling S12 error background: not corrected by calibration gain measurements corrupted, worse for W-band corrupted W-band measurement Measuring High fmax Transistors II Offset reference planes, on-wafer LRL calibration standards separate probes to reduce coupling reference planes at transistor terminals 230 m 230 m Line-reflect-line on-wafer cal. standards Lo+1275 m+Lo 20-60 GHz LINE Lo+560 m+Lo 75-110 GHz LINE Lo+Lo 20-60 GHz Calibration standards THROUGH LINE SHORT Lo Lo 75-110 GHz Calibration standards Calibration verification OPEN (reflect) DUT Lo Lo Lo Lo V= 2.04 x 108 m/s (r = 2.7) Device under test 185 GHz Single-Stage Amplifier: High fmax demonstration 6.2 Submicron HBT Program also supported by AFOSR • Single-stage reactively-tuned amplifier at 185 GHz with 3.0 dB gain • Gain-per-stage is comparable to results from HEMT technologies • Simple design to provide directions for future work Measured Gain 4 3 2 S21, dB 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 140 150 160 170 180 190 Frequency, GHz 200 210 220 80 1.2ps 30 0.2ps IN OUT 80 1.2ps 50 • Future Work: Multi-stage amplifiers with improved devices 50 0.2pF 30 1.2ps 50 0.6ps Ultra-High fmax Transferred-Substrate HBTs 6.2 Submicron HBT Program f max f / 8RbbCcb • Sub-micron scaling of emitter and collector widths has resulted in record values for extrapolated fmax (1 THz) 25 MAG/MSG 20 Gain (dB) • Transferred-substrate process results in dramatic reduction in collector base capacitance (Ccb) 15 U 10 h21 5 0 -5 1E10 1E11 1E12 Frequency (Hz) • Improved E-beam lithography at UCSB will allow more aggressive device scaling Sub-micron HBT measured from 0-50 GHz and 140-220 GHz • Reduce base resistance with carbon base doping and improved base Ohmics High speed device measurements require careful attention to measurement and calibration methodology •Goal: Build the World’s Fastest Electron Device