Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 Teachers’ Name: Bina Singh Grade Level: 12 Date Bell Ringer This is the activity that students will be expected to do before class begins. Week of: 9/8/2014 – 9/12/2014 Subject: AP Biology TEKS/STUDENT EXPECTATIONS OBJECTIVES What will students know and be able to do? How will you let them know the goals? Write in student friendly language. INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES (ANAG) Accessing Prior Knowledge, New Information, Apply Knowledge, Generalization ASSESSMENT How will students show you that they know and can do using a variety of formative assessments? ACCOMMADATIONS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS RESOURCES MATERIALS (What different teaching strategies are used to teach all students including GT, 504,LEP, and Special Ed?) Mon Tues VideoBozeman’s Science-Chi square & Standard deviation calculation UNIT1-Scientific Method & Analysis Science Practice3Student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking to guide investigations within the context of AP course. Video about Darwin’s Finches Compare the different types of beaks and justify the reason for changes in the beak. UNIT-Evolutionary Biology Essential questions1)Identify the major mechanism of Evolution 2) How can evolution be measured? 1) Antibiotic Resistance(Case study) 2) Stomach ulcer(Case study) Practicing calculation of SD & Chi square. Quiz on Scientific method & Analysis Practice on Mastering Biology. Reading assignments Computer, Projector, Lab report on the labs. Writing assignments – Provide examples/ evidence and justify the statement’Descent with modification” Chapter reading Practice on Mastering Biology. Practice on free response questions Practice AP LAB-Natural selection Wed Thurs 1) Adaptation LabDifferent animals pick up food with different tools. 2)’Avida Reading & Discussion 3)-Case study-Moth on bark & mice on background. Discussion-Why camouflage is needed? Moth box,Mat representing bark colors. Young Women’s College Preparatory Academy Girl’s Rock 2014-2015 Fri What is a cladogram? What does it tells you? 1)Building a cladogram 3)Which is the evidence & showing its of evolution? significance. 4)How does life 3)Watching continue to evolve? fossils,visuals&discussing embryological, anatomical&physiological evidences of evolution. Discuss the short answer questions about Cladogram. Lab-Who is close to whom? Practice questions on Mastering Biology, Quest Assessment. White boards, Markers, Chemicals, Well plates, Computer