Team Suspect Presents: Aspen Mieszko Kruger Garrett Earnshaw Yoni Mekuria Joe Chmura Welcome to Aspen Aspen’s Purpose To dynamically control a network of peripheral devices, a network that controls as well as senses. Why “Aspen”? Baseline Objectives Design and implement a core module that can control a network of devices (Aspen). Control the network through the use of a PC interface. Control peripheral devices with a Controller Area Network (CAN). Accepting a wide range of nodes (e.g. inferred, power, other network protocols, etc.) Dynamic network accepting hot-pluggable nodes. General Description Aspen Core will connect to a computer via RS232. Aspen Core will control network of “Leaves” via CAN General Description (cont.) Each Leaf will handle interface between the CAN and its specialized function. PC – Core Module Interface Friendly GUI with status and control of all Leaves. Customized ASCII protocol through RS232. Call and Response Handshake. Character parsing on both ends. Core Module – Node Interface Tolerant CAN line with error checking for very noisy environments. Dynamic hot-pluggable nodes. Node check-in every 3 minutes for live node availability. General Node Design Half node design will be universal to interface with the standard network The interface will consist of retrieving data from the CAN chip and using this data to perform a controlling or sensing activity Custom developed protocol for wide range of nodes. Division of Labor Tasks Power (core and leaves) Coldfire User Interface Communication w/ Leaves (Core & PC) CAN Programming Documentation Node Design Cabeling Team Member in Charge Yoni, Joe Mieszko Mieszko Garrett, Mieszko, Joe Joe, Garrett Garrett Yoni, Joe Yoni Schedule Risks and Contingencies Getting the Coldfire to function properly. Getting necessary licenses for software needed. Learning CAN technology. Powering the individual leaves. Demon Magic (i.e. bad luck). Contingency Plans Redesign processor from the ground up using FPGA. Use other technologies like I²C instead of CAN for Leaves. Use individual power sources for each leave. Tap Dance and accumulate good karma. I 2C Questions