Routine name:
Creates an element and assigns values to its fields.
Simundump is not really a human-use command. It only
occurs in dumpfiles, and is always preceeded by initdump
and simobjdump, and followed up by enddump at the end of
the file.
simundump object element ... -tree tree x y z
object: The object class to be created
element: The path of the new element
... : Fields values of the element. The field names are
specified earlier in the file by the simobjdump command.
-tree tree: A currently disabled option for getting the
wildcard path from an xtree.
Here is a little dumpfile using simundump that recreates a
simple 2-compartment model.
initdump -version 3
simobjdump neutral
simobjdump compartment activation Vm previous_state \
Im Em Rm Cm Ra inject dia len initVm
simundump neutral /a 0
simundump compartment /a/compt 0 0 0.6632976405 0.6632942696
-0.3333315551 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
simundump neutral /b 0
simundump compartment /b/compt 0 0 0.3299660931 0.3299627243
0.3333349228 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
addmsg /b/compt /a/compt RAXIAL Ra Vm
addmsg /a/compt /b/compt AXIAL Vm
// End of dump
Simundump does quasi-intelligent 'merging' of files with
existing simulations. If an element is already there, it
will content itself with updating the field values and
adding missing messages. It won't try to add messages to
missing elements, and won't complain: it assumes that you
meant to leave them out. It also has a provision for
ignoring orphan elements, whose parents are not defined.
options are activated by the initdump command.
In current versions of simdump/undump, the first field
to simundump is always the 'flags' field of the element (even
if it not requested). This restores the clocks, and other
status attributes of elements.
Xodus poses lots of problems for simundump, because Xodus
objects do not always behave cleanly. For example,
Xodus objects often have default field values like 'nil'
which are not valid when trying to reload the dumpfile. It
is necessary to exclude the offending fields by using
simobjdump to select well-behaved fields for the dump.
Furthermore, there is no 'field' to determine whether an
xform is displayed or not, so the forms won't appear until
explicity 'shown'. There are various other annoyances, like
things not updating when you expect them to. For this reason,
simundump will need help if you are trying to reload an
See also:
initdump, simdump, simobjdump