Routine Name: ce Description: Changes the current working element. Usage: ce element-path element-path complete or relative pathname of element to make current working element; can also be operating-system style hierarchy abbreviations, such as . (current), .. (element above current) Example: ce ce ce ce / /proto output .. genesis > genesis > genesis > /foo Notes: element create compartment foo ce ^ pwe All GENESIS elements exist in a hierarchy. The root lives at the top of the tree (designated by /) and child elements are created beneath the root. You use the ce routine to move about the tree (much as you can use the "cd" command to move about the operating system file system). If the element-path specified in a ce call starts with a / then the path is assumed to be an absolute path from the root of the element hierarchy. If the first character of the path specified is not a / then the path is assumed to be relative to the current working element. See also: pwe, le, pushe, pope, stack