Dear Kitty,

Dear Kitty,
Contrary to my usual custom, I will for once write more fully about the food
because it has become a very difficult and important matter, not only here in “Secret
Annexe” but in the whole of Holland. All Europe and even beyond.
In the twenty-one months that we’ve spent here we have been through a good
many “food cycles”—you’ll understand what that means in a minute. When I talk of
‘food cucles” I mean periods in which one has nothing else to eat but one particular dish
or kind of vegetable. We had nothing but endive for a long time, day in, day out, endive
with sand, endive without sand, stew with endive, boiled or en cssserole, then it was
spinach, and after that followed Swedes, salsify, cucumbers, tomatoes, sauerkraut, etc.