STAFF EMPLOYEES’ COUNCIL DATE: _December 15, 1999___Meeting called to order 2:03___

DATE: _December 15, 1999___Meeting called to order 2:03___
Business Building Room 402
REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Camilla Allen, Robert Boyd, Shirley Boyd (proxy for Joyce
Duncan), Robin Collins, Debi Dearman, Stephanie Flatt, Kristy Forbes, Elizabeth Gadsden
(proxy for Val Chappel) , Lorrie Gaffney, Gary Grant, Judi Hamilton, Jim Henley, Samantha
Hoole, Gary Kramer, James Meldrum, Kendall Stagg, Teena Tuttle, Betty Osborne, Lucy Rice,
Peggy Troupe (Proxy for Ginger Miller), Cheryl Steed (proxy for Terri Garside).
VISITORS: Patty Chambers, John Davis
REPRESENTATIVES ABSENT: Bob Martin, Denise Schaar-Buis, Ann Ettinger, Debbie
Hammersmith, Joyce Duncan (proxy), Val Chappel (proxy), Terri Garside (Proxy) , Ginger Miller
(Proxy) , Jewell Radcliffe
I. Minutes
 October minutes approved with no changes. November minutes approved with a
change to Gary Grant’s Safety committee notes.
II. Guest Speakers
 No guest speakers
III. Chair's Report
 Chair Gaffney advised council feedback is needed from the council members
regarding the web page.
 If new photos are wanted to contact Ted Cook in the Old Education Bldg.
 Council requested to Gary Grant that the Safety Committee do a proposal on behalf
of the council to look at the traffic problem on Evans Avenue to include request for
speed bumps at Evans Ave and the crosswalk at the 7-eleven on Virginia St.
 Lois in the Academic Affairs needs a representative with research background to sit
on search committee for Vice President search. Next Meeting is Tuesday,
December 21st, 1999 at 10:30.
 Advised council members that council needs to be advised as to who are the
committee chairs for the committee’s.
 Treasurer – Debi Dearman
Will be setting up a budget for council
Get committee expense(s) estimates to Debi
All committee’s need to get copies of DPO’s to Debi prior to service so she can stay on top
of expcnses.
IV. Committee reports were given for the following:
 Classified Employee Recognition
 Chair is Debi Dearman
 Met and selected 1 winner for January
 A mailing of nomination forms will be done in mid-January.
 Hope to add the nomination form on the web.
 Encourage constituents to solicit nominations.
Submitted by Debi Dearman
 Compensation Committee
 Chair is Joyce Duncan
 Gathering data and getting strategies for council review.
 Had meeting with Ashok.
 Governor is looking at step increases to the legislature.
 Personnel Commission meeting in Carson City 12/16/99. Seek to eliminate ½
steps may be approved to make the steps 8 instead of 15.
Submitted by Stephanie Flatt
 Staff Development Committee
 Chair is Teena Tuttle
 No new applications received
Submitted by Teena Tuttle
 Educational Leave Stipend - No Meeting
 Facilities Planning and Management Board
 Met on 12/14/99
 Minutes from the November meeting were unavailable
 Discussion was focused on the Capital Project request list & prioritized to be
made current.
 Deans will be asked to submit all necessary requests for repairs for the next biennium.
 Discussion for Cain Hall reallocation was table until Spring.
 Buzz Nelson supplied the promised Master Plan update brochures and were
distributed to council members
Submitted by Debi Dearman
 Food Services
Had meeting last week and Liz asked Chartwells representative to attend our meeting and
they said yes.
Submitted by Liz Gadsden
 Parking
 Meeting was held – nothing to report.
Submitted by Robert Boyd and Cami Allen
 Safety Committee
 No meeting held
 Re: November’s minutes – false alarms – alarms/sound cards have been replaced and new
boiler put in regarding Cabon monoxide.
 No update on Nye Hall complaint
 Study on the crosswalk on Virginia street – count how many cars stop at crosswalk.
 Safety training is available on all issues: office, ladder, laboratory, respiratory, etc. John
Davis is willing to do groups. Call him at extension 4845.
Submitted by Gary Grant
 Staff Employee’s By-laws
 By-law review tabled to January’s meeting.
 Any questions or notes call Robert Boyd extension 4625.
Submitted by Robert Boyd
SEC Open House
Chair is Cami Allen
Event will be held February 2nd, 2000.
Valentine theme
Contest amongst Council committee’s for best decorations
Submitted by Cami Allen
SEC Luncheon
Chair is Teena Tuttle
Event will be held 6/27/99
In the JTSU Auditorium
Theme is Mardi Gras
Luncheon fee will be $10.50
Donation letters will be done for door prizes
Submitted by Teena Tuttle
Special Interests
Co-chairs are Robin Collins and Kendall Stagg
Research has been done re: amount available for fee waivers
If money is not used we lose it
Ask constituents if they would be interested in petitioning for a 6 credit waiver – Advise
Kendall of responses
Lorrie Gaffney will put the question on the website.
6 credit issue tabled until January.
Submitted by Kendall Stagg
SEC Web Page
Co- Chairs are Lorrie Gaffney & Robert Boyd
Progress on-going & meet as needed.
Changes are made monthly
Submitted by Lorrie Gaffney
V. Meeting adjourned at __3:50_pm______________.
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Shirley M. Boyd, Secretary
Lorrie Gaffney, Chair