Christine Robson
September 18, 2007
Review: The gulfs of evaluation and execution
– what they are
– how to use them well
– reducing the gulf
– Command-based interaction
– Direct-manipulation interaction
– Error Prevention
– Description errors
– Capture errors
– Mode errors
Gulf of execution
– How do I do it?
Gulf of evaluation
– What did it do?
evaluation execution
Review: The Gulfs
Where thought is required
Gulf of execution -- thinking required to figure out how to get something done -transforming high-level intention into specific physical actions
Gulf of evaluation -- thinking required to understand what is being perceived -transforming raw sensory data into an understanding of objects, properties and events
The transference of the relation between one set of objects and another for the purposes of brief explanation
Metaphors can be used to highlight and suppress features
A means to bring the real world into your interface
You’re borrowing a conceptual model the user has experience with
Use it if you have one, but don’t stretch for one if you don’t!
A presentation tool is like a slide projector
The painting metaphor in Photoshop
Your laptop has a desktop
– The desktop metaphor was started at
Xerox PARC with Xerox Star
Files can be put in the Trash Can ©Apple
Can you think of any more?
Too limited- restricts the possibilities of the interface
Too powerful- implies things the system cant do
Too literal or cute- makes it difficult to understand the abstract concept
Mismatched- conveys the wrong meaning
Capture essential elements of the event/world
Deliberately leave out or mute the irrelevant
And are appropriate for user task and interpretation
Reduce the distance between the physical system and your goals by using metaphor
Bring perceptions closer to interpretations & evaluations
Bring intentions closer to executions
Conversation vs. Model world
– Abstraction uses language vs. directly operating on objects
– Describe actions of interest vs. performing actions directly
Employ Abstraction to separate your user’s intentions and perceptions from your system commands and capabilities
Semantic: is it possible to say what one wants to say?
– Can it be said concisely?
– Make form of expression similar to meaning of expression
– i.e. onomatopoeia: “boom” of explosion; “cocka-doodle-doo” of roosters.
User’s Goals
Another way of looking at Gulfs
Meaning of
Form of
Gulf of execution
– Match description level of interface language to level at which person thinks of the task (often interface is much lower)
Gulf of evaluation
– Match terms of output to the form user requires for checking that goals have been met
Gulf of execution
– Permit specification of action by mimicking it (i.e. move pointer with mouse, point with finger or light pen, etc)
Gulf of evaluation
– Depict output so that relationships between input action and output is obvious and easy to perceive (i.e. graphical chart versus table of numbers)
– Ill suited for abstract operations i.e. spell checker or searching a database by scrolling
Solution: combine direct manipulation with abstractions
– i.e. the word processor
– Buttons, menus, dialog boxes abstractions that provide direct manipulation in the small
Two ways of doing the same thing…
Which do you like?
Computer objects as visible moveable objects
Icons to represent items
Items can be “picked up” and moved
Items can be “thrown out”
Items can be “copied”
User interacts with visual representation of data objects
– Continuous visual representation
– Physical actions or labeled button presses
– Rapid, incremental, reversible, immediately visible effects
– Files and folders on a desktop
– Scrollbar
– Dragging to resize a rectangle
– Selecting text
Visual representation and physical interaction are important
Design Principles
– Affordances
– Natural mapping
– Visibility
– Feedback
Perceived and actual properties of a thing that determine how the thing could be used
Scroll bars are scrollable
Buttons are clickable
Can you think of some more?
Physical arrangement of controls should match arrangement of functions
Best mappings are direct, but natural mappings don’t have to be direct
Simplest but most important
Capabilities and relevant parts of your system should be visible
– Don’t make the user guess if you have functionality- show them!
– Icons, menu options, etc
Feedback is what the system does when an action is preformed
Actions should have immediate visible, auditory or tactile effects
– Push buttons
– Drag & drop
Always let the user know that you caught their action
Confirmation Dialogs
– Don’t overuse them!
Substantially reduce the efficiency of the interface
The user will learn to expect it
– “oh, just click yes and get past it”
Usually better to have an undo function
Can be great when used wisely
You should always provide lots of information
No room for error, but is this the best way to enter Social Security number?
All the states are visible, but is this the most effective way to select state?
Description Error
Capture Error
Mode Error
Intended action is replaced by another action with many features in common
– Pouring orange juice into your cereal
– Putting the wrong lid on a jar
– Throwing your shirt into the toilet instead of the laundry basket
Avoid actions with very similar descriptions
– Long rows of identical switches
– Adjacent menu items that look similar
A sequence of actions is replaced by another sequence that starts the same way
– Leave home and find yourself walking to class instead of where you wanted to go
Avoid habitual action sequences with common prefixes
Modes: states which have different meanings
– Caps lock
– “edit photo” vs. “view photo” modes in image software
A mode error occurs when a user performs an action that is appropriate to a different mode and gets an unexpected and
undesired response.
Avoiding mode errors
– Eliminate modes
– Visibility of mode
Show me I’m in CAPS LOCK
– Spring-loaded or temporary modes
Click to highlight
– Disjoint action sets in different modes
No overlapping commands
Be precise- restate users input
– Not “cannot open file” but “cannot open
Give constructive help
– Why error occurred and how to fix it
Hide technical details
– Don’t show your stack trace unless the user asks for it
Which is more helpful?
Links to a URL describing the specific problem you are having
Of course… that requires your net connection to be up…
Human Information Processing
– Fitts's Law
– GOMS by Lorin Hochstein
Due Today: Project topic
– Team name (branding)
– Turn it in now if you have it, but please by 5pm today. John Tang has office hours from 2-
3:30pm if you would like to discuss.
Contextual inquiry (Due Sept. 27)
– Pick appropriate method
– Group analysis
– Report
Discussion section Sept 19
Introduction to Facebook platform
Basic familiarity with features, constraints of platform
You don’t want to miss this one… click apply for membership
Remember that the design cycle is iterative:
– Design, Prototype, Test… then iterate and create a better design based on what you learned
Always think through your design goals first- what features should your interface have?
Generally good work!
Most common comment—looking for more reflection
– What did you learn from testing with user?
– What would you improve?
Most did good job interpreting intent of the assignment
See handout
Remember, no late homework accepted on group assignments
Webcast, today, 1:30pm Pacific Time
Randy Pausch, CMU professor
– Professor of Computer Science, HCII, and Design
– Co-Founder, Entertainment Technology Center t18TalkPoster.pdf
(must have Windows Media Player 9)
Pick up your homework
Take a handout on the
Contextual Inquiry