Metaphors We Live By --Notes Lakoff & Johnson Ch 1. Paragraph 2 good intro. to the issues. 1. conceptual system defines daily reality 2. conceptual system is metaphorical therefore: what we think & do daily is built on metaphor (we are not normally aware of our conceptual systems. The class will be conducting a phenomenological analysis of ‘being-in-the-world’) Ch. 12 on grounding our conceptual system is also important. What is the authorizes the metaphors we use to think & live by? Why do we employ the metaphors & concepts that we do? See para. 2 and page 57. physical & cultural influences Page 59 we conceptualize non-physical in terms of the physical. (Nature as a abstract concept is us vs. nature in battle metaphor. Then there are different garden metaphors: restrained French and 18th century British garden as taming nature vs. farmer’s garden of today –i.e. Pollan’s book) Ch. 3 Hiding and Highlighting. What gets used & what gets hidden? Razor & words. Conduit metaphor Ideas go into words as containers and sent to hearer. This notion is that meaning as object is independent of culture & context.. untrue. *Orientation Metaphor Ch. 4 We have bodies: Up/down , verticality. .. . … … look at page 20 illustration. The experiential basis is what we’re exploring in our course. --Understanding “is” grasping. Grasp control & look understand. --Role of stasis vs. motion. (as in landscape painting & also in draughtsman contract. Think of spaces in film such as wood, garden, manor house, library) Also, think of light/dark & true/false as relates to seeing “is” understanding in the film. *Ontological Metaphors Ch. 6 categorize things in experience as objects; allows for identification, quantification, causes. Provides boundaries (what counts as a boundary?) ex. street corner, mountain, inflation. For Greenaway film: what happens when these boundaries move or ideas behind the metaphor are overturned? Land in-out (human instinct for territory) Visual field container Also, event as container *Structural Metaphors Ch. 13 One structured concept in terms of another, ex. Labor is Resource & Time is Resource. P. 66-67