Design Principles John C. Tang September 13, 2007 NEEDS


Design Principles

John C. Tang

September 13, 2007 NEEDS




Updates on facebook project

Conceptual model




Action cycle

– Gulf of execution

– Gulf of evaluation

Time for group work

facebook group project

Discussion section topic, Sept. 19

– Introduction to facebook platform

– Basic familiarity with features, constraints of platform

Project ideas

– Yes! You need to do something different

– We know about the applications in lists

– Group design process  generate new idea

– Convince us why it is better than prior ideas

facebook group project


Implementation effort should be realistic

Must demonstrate working prototype

– OK if not all aspects are working

User study must test for complete idea

– Hybrid working prototype, paper prototype

– Wizard of Oz

Great discussion sections!

Really appreciated good work

All slides uploaded to the web site

Allowing extra time (until 5:00pm today) to form groups

Take advantage of office hours (Brian, me, Christine) for feedback on topic ideas

Stanford Big Face(book)-off?

Social networking

Social networking fueled by


– Social status

– Contests

– Popularity


– Collectivism

– Activism


FB: Causes

Promote awareness of UN Millennium project goals

– Educate people about goals

– Award “badge” for passing quiz

– Community recognition for shared awareness

Criteria: Review facebook application (Due Sept. 18)

Pick an interesting application

Clearly explain to us what it does (illustrated)

Observe at least 2 non CS160 people using application (give demographic info)

Write review

– What works well

– What doesn’t work well

– Support with evidence from observations

– Suggested improvements

– Shouldn’t be more than around 5 pages

Design nuts & bolts

Identified need

Conducted Contextual Inquiry

Stimulated ideating skills

Exercised visualizing skills

Working towards getting pixels on screen

Conceptual model

View of the system as the user believes it to be, especially how the user can act upon it and what the system’s responses mean

Conceptual Model of a


Design Model

– The model the designer has of how the system works

System Image

– How the system actually works

– The structure and behavior of the system

User’s Model

– How the user understands how the system works

The most important thing to design is the user’s model. Everything else should be subordinated to making that model clear, obvious, and substantial. That is almost exactly the opposite of how most software is designed . David Liddle

Raising the bar: self-evident design

Back in 1946, users had to be highly trained to use ENIAC

– Researchers

– Military

– technicians

Today’s computer manual

Conceptual Model of a

System (augmented)

Design Model

– The model the designer has of how the system works

System Image

– How the system actually works

– The structure and behavior of the system

User’s Model

– How the user understands how the system works

Some “repair” between the designer and user

– User manual


A bad example

Radiator control

A good conceptual model

Allows users to reason through:

– What can I do?

– How do I do it?

– What result will it have?

– What is it telling me?

Conceptual Model and


User’s conceptual model does not always have to match reality

– Must be consistent with system’s behavior, reactions

My new refrigerator

Temperature controls for GE EnergyStar refrigerator

We know from Norman that this is probably not how refrigerators work

But it’s how we want to control temperature

Iterative revision of the conceptual model

As user interacts, conceptual model is revised

– Breakdowns (unfulfilled expectations or unclear representations) require explicilty revising conceptual model

– Consistency is key for developing robust conceptual model

What’s your conceptual model

Read? Feedback? Archival? Contribute?





Norman’s 7 stages of action


Translating goals

To actions

Based on user’s model

Norman’s 7 stages of action

System presents results back to user

According to design model

Gulfs of execution and evaluation


We’re even assuming the computer works perfectly!

The Gulfs

Where thought is required

Gulf of execution -- thinking required to figure out how to get something done -transforming high-level intention into specific physical actions

Gulf of evaluation -- thinking required to understand what is being perceived -transforming raw sensory data into an understanding of objects, properties and events

The gulfs simplified

Gulf of execution

– How do I do it?

Gulf of evaluation

– What did it do?

evaluation execution


Overcoming the gulfs

Gulf of execution

– Make commands and mechanisms of the system match the thoughts and goals of the user

Gulf of evaluation

– Make output displays present a good conceptual model of the system that is readily perceived, interpreted, and evaluated

Design Principles


Natural mapping




Primary controls visible

Secondary controls discoverable

Three crucial “visibilities”




Of objects of interest

Of available actions

Of system status (feedback)

Remote control (good)

Remote controls (bad)

Car radio

Primary controls visible

But how do you set radio station preset?


How do you scan forward?

Learned conventions

De facto standards that become established over time

Natural mapping

Naturally connecting user’s model with system model

– taking advantage of physical analogies and cultural standards

– Physical properties (stove burner layout)

– Metaphorical/linguistic (on is up)

– Analogous function (playback control buttons)

“Natural” is individual and culture-specific

Stovetop control

Natural mappings

Minimize the number of cognitive steps to transform action into effect, or perception into comprehension.

Applicable to both action and displays

(execution and evaluation).

Minimize the need for labels, instructions, help systems.

Different contexts for


Social and organizational contexts

– Office work

– Off the desktop

– Out-of-doors

Cultural norms

– Red and green

– Reading direction

– What may be offensive

Conflicting mappings?


Timely communication of system status

Visibility of system status, feedback

At all times, the system visually indicates what state it is in.


- Hourglass “wait” icon

- Progress bars

- Security padlock on browser

Progressive vs. interruptive feedback

Feedback can be progressive, a part of the sequence of actions themselves

Feedback can also be interruptive, a break in the sequence of actions

Smooth is usually preferred to interruptive

Multimodal feedback






“...the perceived and actual properties of the thing, primarily those fundamental properties that determine just how the thing could possibly be used.” [Norman]

In other words

How a thing appears tells us how the thing can be used.

(Whether the implied use matches the intended use is a question for design.)


Knurling provides a visual affordance for



I’m Clickable I'm Not Clickable

William Gaver, 1991

“People perceive the environment directly in terms of its potentials for action.”

“An affordance of an object … refers to attributes of both the object and the actor.”

“…when the apparent affordances of an artifact matches its intended use, the artifact is easy to operate. When apparent affordances suggest different actions than those for which the object is designed, errors are common.”

Affordances and metaphors

Metaphors meant to “jump start” user’s conceptual model for a system

Affordances meant to “jump start” user’s conceptual model for interacting with an artifact

As with metaphors, if affordances are designed poorly, they thwart developing a correct conceptual model

Perceptible affordance

When there is perceptual information for an existing affordance.

Knurling communicates that you can actually move and resize the window with it.

Hidden affordance

When there is not perceptual information for an existing affordance.

This is actually a button.

False affordance

When there is perceptual information for an affordance that does not exist .


False affordance?

Sequential affordance

Acting correctly on a perceptible affordance leads to information indicating new affordances

Perceived affordances

Norman primarily concerned with perceived affordances - what the user understands the affordances to be

The correct parts must be visible and they must convey the correct message

If you can't see it (or find it) you can't use it

Perceived affordance is a combination of what you see, and what you know

Experts and novices


Unfamiliar with the system

Possibly unfamiliar with the context and domain

Often apprehensive about technology

Often unwilling to explore interfaces for fear of inflicting permanent damage

Confidence develops slowly at first


Familiar with the system, context, and domain

Usually comfortable with technology

Willing to explore interfaces, try new things, teach themselves (Rely heavily on undo.)

Confidence develops quickly

Usability curves for different system types

Intermediate Expert




Info Kiosk

Time Time

Designing for experts and novices

Often difficult to design for both at once

Experts require rapid control and feedback. The computer is interrupted more by them

Novices require steady and comprehensible control and feedback.

They are interrupted more by the computer

Experts and Novices

In direct manipulation interfaces:

- Provide menu accelerators, keyboard shortcuts

- Command lines within GUIs (e.g.,

Visual Studio)

- Reveal complexity over time

- Nest complexity in space

- Make first tier actions most apparent


First group assignments!

Project topic (Due Sept. 18)

– Team name (branding)

Contextual inquiry (Due Sept. 27)

– Pick appropriate method

– Group analysis

– Report

Project topic (due Sept.


1 pg. description of project area

– Need

– Conceptual approach

– Similar to “commercial” presentations

– Email addresses

Preferably due in class, but if you need more time, 5:00pm Tuesday

– Take advantage of office hours

Grading criteria: Just do it!

Contextual Inquiry (Due

Sept. 27)

Pick appropriate method

– Direct observation

– Surveys

– Diary study


Each team member must do at least one first-hand data collection!

Contextual Inquiry (Due

Sept. 27)

Group analysis of data


– Method used



– Analysis

Resources used

Hindrances encountered

Design implications for improvement


Contextual Inquiry:

Grading criteria

Picking appropriate method

Conducting method properly

– What participants you pick

– Appropriate description of method


– Including data from contextual inquiry

– Drawing appropriate conclusions

– Design implications

Extra slides (not presented in class)

Next time


– Norman, DOET, Chapter 3


– facebook application review

– Group project topic

Visibility (bad examples)

Clear what to do, but is this the best way to enter Social Security number?

All the states are visible, but is this the most effective way to select state?

Overwhelming tabs

Everything is discoverable, but way too much information
