Abstract In the context of information systems, the requirements analysis may... phase in information systems development. Requirements modeling used for many...

In the context of information systems, the requirements analysis may be the most important
phase in information systems development. Requirements modeling used for many years
different techniques from flowcharting through data flow diagrams and entity-relationship
diagrams to object-oriented schema today. Conceptual modeling which is at the core of the
analysis task focuses on building a faithful representation of a domain of problem that can be
incorporated in the development of an information system. High quality conceptual modeling is
important because it enables early detection and correction of system requirements errors. Yet
little research has been undertaken on many aspects of conceptual modeling to address the
fundamental question: “How can we model the world to better facilitate our developing,
implementing, using, and maintaining more valuable information systems?” (wand
&weber,2002). This paper reviews the types of research that have already been undertaken and
future research opportunities.