Executive Director, 365 Learning

Item 3.C-April 11, 2014
To expedite and facilitate the PDQ review process, please send the PDQ and Org Chart electronically to
marshag@unr.edu for discussion and for initial review before routing PDQ for approval signatures.
Questions - call UNR Faculty HR at 682-6114
INSTRUCTIONS: See http://www.unr.edu/hr/compensation-and-evaluation for complete instructions.
Incumbent(s) Name (if applicable): Kerri Garcia
Position #(s): 11425
Current Title: Executive Director, Summer Session and
Current Range: 5
Academic Credit Programs (JCC:77623)
Department: 365 Learning
College/Division: Extended Studies
Account #(s): 1101-120-0019; 1101-120-1017; 1201-120-0005
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
( ) New position: Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
(X) Title Change, Proposed Title: Executive Director, 365 Learning
(X ) Proposed Reassignment from Range 5
to Range
( ) Revised PDQ only (no change in range or title)
( ) Line of Progression (show titles below)
JCC (Current
or new HR
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Fred Holman, vice Provost, Extended Studies
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Pres / Vice Pres / Vice Prov Signature Stacy Burton, Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs
Action Approved by the Provost/President (Completed by Faculty HR):
67541 Range:
Pos #(s): 11425
Eff: 4/1/2014
Approved Title: Executive Director, 365 Learning
Employee signs on “final” stamped approved PDQ and sends to HR for personnel file.
Employee Signature:_______________________________________________ __________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________________________
Rev: 10/1/2012
Position Description – Executive Director, 365 Learning
Page 2
1. Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the
university. Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division
which reflects the position in it as well as those supervised in the department. (This section is
used for advertisement of the position.)
The Executive Director of 365 Learning provides direction for the administration of a combination of
academic credit programs, offered year round; regionally, nationally, and globally; through the use of
diverse delivery systems including online learning and face-to-face programs for both matriculated
students and the adult student population. Principal functions include the direction of Summer
Session and oversight of Evening Studies Degree program, Online Learning, Wintermester, Weekend
& Late Start Classes as well as Freshman Start. These programs are majorly self-funded, exceed
28,000 enrollments every year and generate yearly revenues over $8,000,000. The position manages
activities which contribute to the fulfillment of the university’s central mission as well as its outreach
goals. The position makes strategic programmatic and fiscal decisions for these programs, often
working with the Provost’s office on a variety of issues such as online best practices, state
authorization for campus, instructional enhancement grants, strategic planning and accreditation. The
position reports to the Vice Provost, Extended Studies.
2. List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide
enough detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job (percentage
first with heading and then bulleted information).
45% - Program Leadership and Administration
 Collaborate with academic leadership and internal program leaders to create, develop and
implement delivery of all degree programs and courses offered via Online Learning, Summer
Session, Wintermester, Freshman Start, Weekend and Late Start, and Evening Studies
 Arbitrate conflicts, develop solutions and acquire consensus among all parties with vested
 Oversee development of comprehensive and complex schedule of academic course offerings.
 Manage enrollment activities to ensure achievement of target enrollments
 Oversee and evaluate processes to ensure faculty readiness (training, orientation, mentoring)
 Oversee development of technical infrastructure. Work with UNR IT and internal resources to
ensure quality service delivery
 Oversee interpretation and application of compensation rules and regulations for faculty
earnings; responsible for compliance
 Remain current and knowledgeable on regional/national trends in e-learning delivery methods,
technology, curriculum, etc.
 Establish operational policies and procedures; ensure best practices, QA protocols and state
authorization policies are followed and in compliance
 Formulate and implement comprehensive marketing plan
20% - Financial Administration
 Develop long- and short-range financial plans
 Determine and set financial priorities to ensure sound support of programs and resources
 Responsible for fiscal viability of individual programs and overall department efforts
 Oversee development of annual budgets; collaborate with campus Deans and Directors to
identify best course offerings, maximize revenue and troubleshoot/resolve conflicts
 Create and implement incentive plans for academic departments; evaluate success, identify
and implement improvements
 Oversee fiscal data collection, compilation and production of reports
Position Description – Executive Director, 365 Learning
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20% - Strategic Planning
 Determine objectives and develop plan for achieving goals
 Develop and implement quality assurance process to systematically evaluate and improve
quality of instruction from design and facilitation perspectives
 Use student outcome data, financial data, academic objectives to drive decision making and
program direction
15% - Supervision
 Support, coach, mentor and supervise administrative, classified, temporary, other staff
 Facilitate cross-functional collaboration and strengthening of internal communication
 Identify and optimize individual strengths and skill sets, matching them to corresponding
faculty, projects, other work
3. Describe the level of freedom to take action and make decisions with or without
supervision and how the results of the work performed impact the department, division and/or
the university as a whole.
Level of Freedom:
The Executive Director is the driver to creating and maintaining positive culture and reputation of
programs by students themselves and also by the departments and advisors and campus offices that
verbally promote our program options campus-wide. The six programs the position oversees have
28,000 student enrollments annually including a headcount of 7,000 students in Summer Session.
The position consults with the Vice Provost on overall strategic planning of the unit’s mission and
Well-executed decisions and judgments made by the individual have a tremendous impact on student
progress to degree and on the University in general. The direct result of successful administrative and
financial planning and oversight of these programs provides student opportunity to complete degrees
faster. Student retention is improved, (especially with Freshman Start and Weekend & Late Start
classes) which are specifically designed for this purpose. All the programs’ mission is completely
aligned with the University’s and assists the University in meeting its goals. Failure to perform all
levels of this position well (administration, financial, strategic and human resources) will impact the
department’s ability to be solvent and provide positive educational credit opportunities to its
constituents. Failure to perform these duties will impact the department’s ability to be solvent and will
prevent positive educational opportunities for University of Nevada, Reno students.
4. Describe the knowledge, skills (to include cognitive requirement and verbal and written
communication), and abilities (to include task complexity, problem solving, creativity and
innovation) essential to successful performance of this job (in bullet format).
Knowledge of:
 Full range of credit programs and delivery systems for program participants
 Strategic planning, budgeting and forecasting demand
 National standards and proper protocols for implementation, including but not limited to
accreditation standards and best practices of online learning
 Curriculum, instruction, or student learning and development theories and methodologies (i.e.,
students, seniors, adult learners, youth, staff, public, etc.)
 Educational endeavors throughout the nation and their potential application within state of
Nevada and the University
Position Description – Executive Director, 365 Learning
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Higher education policies pertaining to degree programs, major requirements and the Core as
well as university protocols relating to student conduct, student appeals etc.
Online learning as a delivery system and its interconnections with other distance education
systems and its potential
State and Federal laws and regulations relating to position, i.e., Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA)
Effective marketing techniques for varied audiences
 Creation of a positive year end account balance that creates the possibility of financial
incentive for campus departments and college deans
 Capacity for creativity and entrepreneurial thinking
 Management and supervision skills
 Excellent verbal and written communication
 Analytical, decision-making, and problem-solving skills
 Program management and assessment to identify student demographic base, program
enrollment and retention
 Leadership in facilitating the development of courses and programs at the university level that
exemplify academic integrity
 Excellent verbal and written communication
 Excellent interpersonal skills
Ability to:
 Determine educational needs of degree-seeking students at a four-year land grant institution
as well as community and high school learners
 Work with diverse populations and be sensitive to gender, disabilities, and cultural and ethnic
diversity issues
 Translate these needs into course curriculum offered through 365 Learning programs
 Oversee a variety of programs entirely dependent on generating its own income
 Collaborate with a multitude of campus departments and entities
 Work with benchmark universities on various collaborative projects
 Oversee and advise program leaders regarding budgeting, programmatic nuances and
marketing strategies to promote 365 Learning offerings
 Understand and maneuver university mainframe computerized student registration and
tracking system
 Effectively lead a high level producing team
 Leading a staff where expectation for production and results is imperative
 Work successfully with department chairs and Deans in strategically designing sustainable
programs and classes
5. Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job.
Explain the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve
problems, to negotiate.
Campus offices, President,
Provost, Vice Provost, deans,
department chairs, faculty,
Admissions and Records,
Student Services, Facilities
Management, ASUN, Food
Services, etc.
Reason for Contact
To develop and enhance continuing and positive partnerships; to
discuss a variety of issues including but not limited to discussing
classes to be offered, establishing online learning/summer session
or other program protocols, serving on accreditation review
committees or campus search committees, participating in campus
strategic planning workshops, etc., to explain program salaries to
faculty and chairs; to increase participation in the program
Position Description – Executive Director, 365 Learning
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Provost’s office
To work with whenever requests need to go before the Regents or
to establish Summer Salaries for President approval,
Planning, Budget and Analysis
To discuss budgets and expenditures
Other university colleagues
Reason for Contact
To establish, nurture and maintain extensive contacts throughout
the nation who are also charged with the strategic, financial and
programmatic responsibilities of programs similar to those at the
6. Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it
become vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsibilities of the position rather than the
qualifications of the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Master’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Master’s Degree and five years, or a Doctorate and three years, of combined
experience directing self-funded academic programs such as Online Learning,
Summer Session, and other non-traditional learning opportunities, and budgeting a
variety of self-funded and state-funded programs and program administration
Preferred Licenses or Certifications: None
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.