Director, Institutional Analysis

1. Complete form, sign, and submit to immediate supervisor;
2. Supervisor (chair/director/dean)– review, approve, sign, forward to vice president or vice provost;
3. Vice Pres/Vice Prov - approve, sign, forward to Placement Committee (c/o UNR HR, M/S 238);
4. Placement Committee recommends administrative salary range and title & forwards to Provost.
Approval letters are then sent to Vice President, Dean or Director for PAF/Terms preparation.
DEPARTMENT. QUESTIONS? CALL UNR Human Resources at 784-6082.
Incumbents’ Name (if applicable): Serge Herzog
Current Title: Director, Institutional Analysis
Department: Planning, Budget, Analysis
Action Proposed: (check all that apply)
Position #: 10816
Current Range: 5
College/Division: Admin & Finance
Effective Date:
New position, Proposed Range:
Proposed Title:
Title Change, Proposed Title:
Proposed Reassignment from Range
to Range
Revised PDQ only (no range, title change proposed)
Title Approved:
Range Approved:
(Committee Use Only)
I certify that the statements in this description are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Employee’s Signature
I/we have reviewed the statements in this form and they accurately reflect the job assignments.
Immediate Supervisor’s Signature
Approved for Salary Placement Committee review.
Vice President’s Signature
Action Approved by the President:
Revised: 10/20/04
Position Description – Director, Institutional Analysis, Position # 10816
Page 2
Summary Statement: State the major function(s) of the position and its role in the university.
Attach an organizational chart with positions, ranges, and names for the division which reflects the
position in it as well as those supervised in the department.
The Director, Institutional Analysis, directs and manages the University of Nevada, Reno institutional analysis
program, the principal functions of which are to provide management information and planning support to
university administrators at all levels for decision-making and guidance of the university’s mission and programs,
and to provide support for the Assistant Vice President for Planning, Budget & Analysis and the programs of the
office of Planning, Budget & Analysis in fulfillment of agency goals and objectives. The individual serves as
campus-wide resource for statistical analysis, quantitative modeling, and research design and is directly
responsible for institutional research including institutional studies, statistical and policy analysis, analytical
List the major responsibilities, including percentage of time devoted to each. Provide enough
detail to enable a person outside the department to understand the job.
Analytical Studies and Reports Development:
Develop analytical studies based on empirical data from inside and outside the institution using
both descriptive and advanced inferential statistics (as well as data-mining tools) to support,
evaluate, and improve university operations
Design statistical analysis of the UNR enrollment forecast model to support campus strategic
planning and capital improvement
Design mainframe data extraction reports
Design faculty salary models
Prepare official UNR reports for the Chancellor’s Office, i.e., Remedial Enrollment Report to
Chancellor’s Office, enrollment-based funding taxonomy data, etc.
Administer and coordinate data collection for federal IPEDS survey
Support the PBA program
Other functions normally associated with institutional research (e.g., IPEDS and other outside
survey requests)
Discover and implement ways to optimize administrative data collection, definition, and
Program, Data, and Employee Management:
Direct and manage the institutional analysis programming all its complexity
Develop, implement and monitor data and analysis quality control systems and procedures
Direct development, publication and distribution of the web-based UNR Databook, data
management applications for interactive web-based data reporting and associated IT
maintenance needs
Acquire and maintain knowledge to support online data access using different server-based
Stay current in data-management trends in higher education
Assist in implementation of statewide data management solutions
Coordinate and supervise analytical reports by office staff and ensure quality control
Maintain an active office research agenda that leads to regular production of operationally
meaningful, analytically rigorous studies that are readily available to the campus community via
web access
Set and monitor the work program and priorities and procedure protocol and convention design
Provide daily operations training and supervision of office technical staff, and ensure professional
development opportunities for the office staff
Coordinate and/or perform external survey response
Review and evaluate the program to ensure effective and accurate service
Archive historical data
Evaluate institutional analysis services
Position Description – Director, Institutional Analysis, Position # 10816
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Provide consultation and advice on institutional studies and data
Provide planning and data support to university’s Program Review process as a member of the
Program Review Support Team
Provide support to the university’s Assessment program through membership on the Assessment
Assist in preparation of responses to external requests from the State Legislature and other State
administrative offices
Serve on university committees; provide archival of historic university and system documents and
data for research
Serve as liaison to other university institutional research offices, State offices, and other external
agencies and organizations
Maintain national inter-institutional contacts to keep informed on changing and projected local and
national higher education issues and in turn inform appropriate university administrators as
Enhance the reputation and visibility of the office through participation in the regional professional
organization and through its conferences
Describe how the decisions and judgements made by this position and the results of work
performed impact the department, division and/or the university as a whole.
The position is directly involved in the fundamentally important process of producing data on the operational
activity outcomes and a profile of our university in such a way as to make possible informed policy decisions by
those charged with managing and governing the institution. Errors in judgment could have a significant effect, as
management and budgetary decisions made on the basis of faulty information could create additional expense
or loss of revenue for the university. Errors in computation would create a significant loss of time in order to
correct and rework analysis or reports. Errors in data accuracy and in evaluation and analysis would raise
questions about the credibility of the office output, thus reducing its effectiveness and damaging its reputation
for reliability. Errors in enrollment report computations could result in loss of revenue or a negative audit, as
could failure to monitor the changing academic programs and organizational structure of the university with
respect to effects on enrollment counts and processes. Recognition of existing or potential problems or conflicts
in processes, information development, and/or communication, and use of good judgment in seeking solutions,
can result in improvement of university operations as well as foster greater understanding of it varied functions
among the university community. Identification of specific factors and/or operational behaviors (using advanced
analytical methods) of administrative and instructional units offer potential large-scale benefits to the institution.
Senior management gains a better understanding of key issues affecting the financial and academic well-being
of the institution.
Describe the knowledge, skills and abilities essential to successful performance of this job.
Knowledge of advanced statistical and research methods and ability to develop analytical tools to
identify factors and operational processes that have a significant impact on institutional quality, both in
administrative and academic areas.
Knowledge of higher education institutional research scholarship encompassing a broad range of
operational domains, including (but not limited to) student academic preparation, recruitment, and
enrollment; state funding of higher education; faculty compensation and workload; K-16 collaboration,
academic curricula issues; and course-scheduling and facilities planning
Knowledge of trends in decentralized data-management technology with higher education application
Knowledge of the structure of public higher education systems and institutions in general, of the UN
System and UNR campus in particular, of the Board of Regents and System policies; of the UNR
administrative manual; and of the Nevada Revises Statutes
Knowledge of the interrelationship of the divisional functions of the university and of the university’s
relationship to state government
Position Description – Director, Institutional Analysis, Position # 10816
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Effective oral and written communication skills
Public presentation skills to effectively impart complex information to large audiences of professional
and lay people
Good management, supervisory, and interpersonal skills
 Ability to clearly convey ideas and concepts, and gain acceptance of these ideas and concepts
 Ability to use, at an advanced level, both PC-based and mainframe-based data information
applications—including data-mining, statistical analysis, database, spreadsheet, word processing, and
conference presentation software
 Ability to design advanced statistical models using a variety of methodological approaches
 Ability to program in a mainframe data extraction language (e.g., Focus, Brio, Crystal), query Oraclebased data warehouse systems (SQL), and implement and maintain web-based data distribution
 Ability to supervise, promote teamwork, and ensure professional development within staff
 Ability to coordinate and direct multiple and varied concurrent projects.
Describe the type of personal contacts encountered in performing the duties of the job. Explain
the nature and purpose of these contacts: i.e., to provide services, to resolve problems, to negotiate.
Contacts involve developing and refining service, management information, consultation, assistance with
institutional data requirements, institutional comparison data and information, and formulating responses to
outside agencies:
Highest level within UNR, including the president, vice presidents, assistant and associate vice
presidents, deans, and directors
Faculty and staff
System directors
Directors and staff of state agencies and organizations external to UNR including universities and other
State agencies
Indicate the minimum qualifications which are necessary in filling this position should it become
vacant. Please keep in mind the duties/responsbilities of the position rather than the qualifcations of
the incumbent.
Minimum educational level, including appropriate field, if any.
Masters Degree from a regionally accredited institution in a research-oriented and/or
quantitative discipline, e.g., statistics, biometrics, operations research, etc
Minimum type and amount of work experience, in addition to the above required
education necessary for a person entering this position.
Masters Degree and five years or Doctorate and three years of progressively responsible
experience in institutional or management research using advanced analytical techniques and
online data management technology as well as supervision and program management.
Indicate any license or certificate required for this position.