Panhellenic Bylaws

Accepted December 3, 2001
Updates: November 17, 2005; October 29, 2007; April 2008, October 2008
1. FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic
Association shall be from July 1 to June 30.
2. CONTRACTS. The signatures of the Panhellenic President or the Vice President
Administration shall be required to bind the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic
Association. The Panhellenic Advisor’s signature may be required in addition to the
President and Vice President Administration. The council will follow the rules,
regulations, and procedures of the University of Nevada, Reno and the Nevada System
of Higher Education.
3. CHECKS. All checks issued on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic
Association shall be approved by the President and Vice President Administration.
4. PAYMENTS. All payments due to the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic
Association shall be given to the Vice President Administration, who shall record
them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to the Board of Regents.
a) Amount. The dues of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity shall be
an assessment of ten dollars ($10.00) per member and pledge each semester,
within thirty (30) days of the beginning of the semester. The Panhellenic
Council shall determine the amount of such dues. Continuous Open Bid (COB)
members will pay dues upon being approved.
b) Time of Payment. The dues of each Panhellenic Association member fraternity
shall be made payable on or before March 31 for the spring semester and
October 1 for the fall semester. The bills will be determined annually by the
Panhellenic Council.
1. The office of President of the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association
shall be held in rotation by each National Panhellenic Conference fraternity chapter in
order of its established at the University of Nevada, Reno.
Delta Delta Delta
Pi Beta Phi
Kappa Alpha Theta 1922
Delta Gamma
When electing the position of Panhellenic President, experience is not required,
however should be taken strongly into consideration by the chapter when electing this
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2. The offices of Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President Administration, the Vice
President of Programming, and the Recruitment Assistant shall also be held in rotation
by National Panhellenic Conference fraternity chapter.
3. The offices of the Director of Academics, Director of Public Relations, Director of
Philanthropy and the Co-Editor of the Greek Times will be appointed by the
Panhellenic Executive Board. Appointed positions will be composed of no more that
two people from one chapter. These positions are open to all women who are currently
active members in the Panhellenic community and meet the eligibility requirements
stated in the constitution. Interested parties will draft letters of intent addressed to the
Panhellenic Executive Board who will then interview candidates and fill the positions
by no later than 15 days prior to the conclusion of the Fall semester.
4. Any executive Panhellenic officers, including Vice President of Recruitment, Vice
President of Administration, Vice President of Programming, Recruitment Assistant,
Director of Philanthropy, Director of Academics, Director of Public Relations, and
Co-Editor of the Greek Times, may be asked to disaffiliate for formal recruitment at
the discretion of the President, Vice President of Recruitment and the approval of the
executive officer
1. President
The President shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
b) Have overall responsibility for the operation of the Panhellenic council.
c) Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the UNR Panhellenic
d) Call and preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Executive Board.
e) Review and approve all Panhellenic checks and contracts involving Panhellenic, as
provided in Article I.
f) Serve as member ex-officio of all Panhellenic committees with voice but no vote.
g) Report as required to the NPC Area Advisor.
h) Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file which will include a copy of
the current Panhellenic Constitution; Bylaws and Standing Rules; current
Panhellenic budget; current NPC Manual of Information and related materials;
current correspondence and materials received from her NPC advisor and other
pertinent material.
i) Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
j) Represent the Association at the annual Western Regional Greek Conference.
k) Meet at least twice per month with the Panhellenic Advisor.
l) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
m) Serve as the sorority liaison to university administration and the community.
2. Vice-President of Recruitment
The Vice President of Recruitment shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
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b) Perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve.
c) Serve as chairman of the Recruitment Committee.
d) Maintain a complete and up-to-date file which shall include the following:
Recruitment stats for the past five years; recruitment rules; pamphlets; programs,
bulletins, evaluations, party schedules, and any other pertinent recruitment
materials. It will also include a copy of the current Constitution and Bylaws,
Recruitment Rules and Procedures.
e) Meet at least twice a month with the Panhellenic Advisor.
f) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
g) Attend the annual Western Regional Greek Conference.
h) Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
Vice President Administration
The Vice President Administration shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than thirty days after the beginning
of spring semester.
b) To keep an up-to-date roll of members of Panhellenic and call it at all council
c) To keep current statistics concerning the number of initiated members and pledges
of each Panhellenic chapter.
d) Maintain a complete up- to-date file which will include the minutes of the
meetings of Panhellenic meetings, copies of all contracts made by Panhellenic and
current correspondence.
e) Be responsible for all official correspondence made by Panhellenic unless
otherwise provided for.
f) Meet with the Panhellenic Advisor at least monthly.
g) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
h) Be responsible for the general supervision of Panhellenic finances.
i) Be responsible for the preparation of the annual Panhellenic budget, and following
its approval by Panhellenic provide copies for all member fraternities.
j) Receive all payments due to Panhellenic, collect all dues and give receipts.
k) Be responsible for the prompt payment of all bills of Panhellenic.
l) Maintain up-to-date financial records; give financial report at each Panhellenic
meeting and an annual report at the close of her term of office.
m) Sign Panhellenic contracts when authorized to do so.
Vice President of Programming
The Vice President of Programming shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than thirty days after the beginning
of Spring semester.
b) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member Sororities.
c) Be at least a sophomore standing at the start of her term.
d) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her Sorority.
e) Maintain a complete and up-to-date Programming file and copy of the Panhellenic
Constitution and Bylaws.
f) Help member Sorority activity chairs with traditional weeks such as Homecoming,
Mackay, and Greek weeks and act as a liaison for the Sororities to Flipside.
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g) Head all Panhellenic event planning committees.
h) Plan and execute one educational program per semester.
i) Organize and plan Greek Week, All Greek Ball, and Greek Weekend/Greek Midweek with IFC counterpart.
j) Meet with IFC counterpart once a month to discuss upcoming events.
k) Meet at least monthly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
l) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
Recruitment Assistant
The Recruitment Assistant shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than thirty days after the beginning
of the spring semester.
b) The women would likely become the Vice President of Recruitment the following
year and should strongly consider this a two year commitment.
c) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member sororities.
d) Be at least sophomore standing as the start of here term.
e) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her sorority.
f) Maintain a complete and up-to-date Recruitment file and copy of the Panhellenic
Constitution and Bylaws.
g) Assist the Vice President of Recruitment in the promotion, planning, execution,
and evaluation of Recruitment.
Director of Public Relations
The Director of Public Relations shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
b) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member Sororities.
c) Be at least a sophomore standing at the start of her term.
d) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her Sorority.
e) Work closely with the Executive Board and all committees and member Sororities
to keep news media informed of all favorable publicity about Panhellenic and its
member Sororities (this includes but is not limited to all chapter philanthropy
events, neighborhood cleanup, good deeds, etc).
f) Maintain a complete and up-to-date PR file, which will include all media
correspondence, a list of publicity contacts, and an up-to-date copy of the
Panhellenic Constitution and Bylaws.
g) Maintain relations with the Sagebrush, Reno Gazette Journal, etc.
h) Help promote Greek Week, All Greek Ball, Greek Weekend and all Panhellenic
i) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
j) Will meet with her IFC counterpart at least once per month to discuss positive
promotion for Greek life in the media.
k) Work with and oversee the work done by the Greek Times Co-Editor as well as
report Co-Editors progress and work done back to the PC Executive Board.
Director of Philanthropy
The Director of Philanthropy shall:
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a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
b) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member Sororities.
c) Be at least a sophomore standing at the start of her term.
d) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her Sorority.
e) Work closely with the Executive Board and all committees and member Sororities
to organize at least one major philanthropy project and one major service event
each year (Campus Cleanup does not constitute a major philanthropy).
f) Meet at least monthly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
g) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
Director of Academics
The Director of Academics shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
b) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member Sororities.
c) Be at least a sophomore standing at the start of her term.
d) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her Sorority.
e) Promote academic success among the sororities.
f) Work with the Greek Leadership Coordinator and chapter academic chairs to
maintain up-to-date records of grades.
g) Coordinate helpful seminars to promote academic success.
h) Coordinate with the IFC counterpart for a large system-wide project.
i) Meet at least monthly with the Panhellenic Advisor.
j) Attend Panhellenic Executive Board meetings and Greek Leadership Council
Greek Times Co-Editor
The Greek Times Co-Editor shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than 30 days after the beginning of
the spring semester.
b) Be an active member of one of the Panhellenic member Sororities.
c) Be at least a sophomore standing at the start of her term.
d) Be eligible to seek and hold office in her Sorority.
e) Produce two issues of the Greek Times a semester in conjunction with the IFC
f) Work under the Director of Public Relations and report work and progress back to
1. Committee Representatives
The committee Representative shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later than thirty days after the beginning
of the spring semester.
b) Be appointed by their chapters.
c) Serve on a Panhellenic Committee and help with the duties of the committee as
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d) The chairmanship will be offered to the delegates according to the set rotation
e) Be at least of freshman standing in their sorority.
f) Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
2. Panhellenic Delegates
The Panhellenic Delegates shall:
a) Serve for a one-year term commencing no later tan thirty days after the beginning
of spring semester.
b) It is recommended she be of at least sophomore standing in the house at the time
of election.
c) Must attend all Panhellenic meetings. If lack of participation and/or attendance is
shown by a delegate, the fraternity may elect a new delegate.
d) Represent her fraternity when voting.
e) Must support the NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.
f) Must understand local Panhellenic policies and maintain an up to date file
including current Constitution and Bylaws, an NPC manual and all other related
g) Should know how to consult the NPC Area Advisor for assistance and advice
regarding Panhellenic concerns and should know when to consult own NPC
delegate regarding chapter concerns.
h) Be responsible for presenting regular Panhellenic reports at chapter meetings.
i) Submit any required lists of chapter personnel or other information to the President
of the Panhellenic Council.
The Executive Board Shall:
a. Be composed of the Panhellenic President, VP of Recruitment, VP of
Administration, VP of Programming, Recruitment Assistant, Director of
Philanthropy, Director of Academics and the Director of Public Relations.
b. Appoint the next set of Directors as well as the Greek Times Co-Editor.
c. Appoint all Standing and special committees and their Chairwomen and, in
making these appointments, recognize representation from all member
d. Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council when
advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by Panhellenic
Council vote.
e. Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the
Panhellenic Council through the Vice President of Administration and record the
action in the minutes of that meeting.
f. Shall have at least monthly meetings to plan and coordinate the leadership of the
g. Shall meet at least monthly with the Greek Leadership Council.
The Standing Committees of the University of Nevada Reno Panhellenic Council shall be the
Recruitment, the Publicity committee, and the Judiciary Committee.
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1) Recruitment Committee
a. The recruitment committee shall consist of a chairman (Vice President of
Recruitment) and a member from each chapter. Alumnae advisers are
welcome, and encouraged, to attend, but they have no voice and no vote.
b. Duties. This committee shall be responsible for all Panhellenic Council
matters related to recruitment including any violation of recruitment
c. The Panhellenic Advisor (or designee) will be the advisor to this committee.
2) Publicity Committee
a. Membership. The Publicity Committee shall consist of a chairman and no less
than two members from different chapters. Alumnae advisers are welcome,
and encouraged, to attend, but they have no voice and no vote.
b. Duties. The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for all forms of publicity
dealing with the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association. This
Committee shall work closely with the Executive Board and all Committees to
make certain that the news media is kept informed of favorable publicity about
the Panhellenic Association and its member fraternities.
3) The Judiciary Committee
a. The Judiciary committee shall consist of the Vice-President of Administration
as Chairman. The members of the Executive Board, two alumnae advisers on
a rotation basis and the Panhellenic Advisor as an ex-officio member.
b. It shall be the duty of the Judiciary Committee to deal with violations of the
Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules of the University of Nevada, Reno
Panhellenic Association.
The Alumnae Advisory Committee shall:
a. Consist of one alumna from each member fraternity.
b. Be elected by their chapters to serve a one-year term commencing no later than
thirty days after the spring semester.
c. Meet with the Panhellenic Council Executive Board and their respective
committees at least one a month.
d. Be responsible for serving the Panhellenic Council in an advisory capacity with a
voice but no vote.
e. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.
1. Administration Of Membership Selection
a) An early fall recruitment shall be held.
b) The National Panhellenic Conference Quota-Total system shall be in effect during the
school year (fall through spring) for eligible women students.
c) The preferential bidding system shall be used in cooperation with the NPC Release
figure method.
d) Except during the formal recruitment period, continuous open bidding shall be in
effect during the school year (fall through spring) for all eligible women students.
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e) Chapters which do not fill basic quota during formal recruitment may continue to bid
and pledge to quota in continuous open bidding even though reaching quota puts them
over total.
f) All membership selection events shall be held in the chapter designated locations.
g) Every regularly enrolled new member, initiated, and affiliated members shall be
counted in the chapter total.
h) A list of pledged, initiated, and affiliated members shall be filed with the President of
the Panhellenic Association and with the Panhellenic Advisor on the first day of
classes each semester.
i) Any de-pledging, termination or other change in membership shall be reported to the
President of the Panhellenic Association and the Panhellenic Advisor no later than
twenty-four hours after it has occurred.
j) Follow all NPC Unanimous agreements regarding membership selection and
recruitment, including the prohibition of alcohol and men.
2. Recruitment Counselor Regulations
a) The Panhellenic Council has the authority to levy sanctions as necessary in accordance
with the National Panhellenic Council and UNR Panhellenic code of ethics,
Unanimous Agreements, and recruitment regulations. Including, but not limited to:
1) Breach of Disaffiliation Contract
2) Unethical behavior in respect to NPC Code of Ethics
3) Breach of collegiate Panhellenic bylaws including, but not limited to the
following sections of the “Formal Recruiting Rules” (Article X):
b) In the event that a recruitment counselor is found in violation of a regulation, the
following sanctions may be imposed on the chapter that member disaffiliated with, or
individual member. These sanctions include, but are not limited to:
1) Immediate expulsion from Recruitment Counselor status and privileges. Member shall
also relinquish all Recruitment Counselor apparatus received during active
Recruitment Counselor status.
2) Fine in the amount of $100.00, to be given to chapter whose member is in breach of
3) In the event member or chapter is unable to pay the fine imposed on them, community
service may be given as an alternate sanction.
c) The College Panhellenic shall abide by all recruitment regulations according to NPC
manual of Information, and the University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Constitution.
All infractions shall be appropriately documented and handled through NPC
d) The Panhellenic president, vice president recruitment, recruitment counselors and
other designated Panhellenic officers, shall disaffiliate with their chapters during
formal recruitment. (Was in participants, some wording changes) Disaffiliation
includes: wearing no identifying insignia, letting their affiliation known, revealing of
tattoos, and having no contact with chapter members outside of recruitment specific
3. Formal Recruitment Regulations
a) Contact
1) There shall be no summer recruitment functions given by a sorority or its
alumnae. This includes all encounters other than those for the purpose of
normal courtesy or those cleared by Panhellenic.
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2) Summer recruitment events/functions will include representation of all
organizations and/or Panhellenic Officers in disaffiliated status.
3) No chapter specific information may be distributed by a sorority during
recruitment or pre-recruitment, including to and/or by alumnae, except during
formal recruitment parties. (Most was as in silence period section) General
“Go Greek” information may be distributed if approved by Panhellenic Vice
President Recruitment.
4) Normal social contact shall be in place at all times, excluding silence period.
Normal social contact is defined as normal, everyday conversations,
interactions and attire that are not chapter specific.
5) No sorority women (or men) may accompany a potential new member to or
from a party with the exceptions of recruitment counselors. (was in limitation
of locals)
b) Silence Period
Silence period shall be in accordance to NPC recommendations.
1) Strict silence is the period in which there will be no conversation or contact
with potential new members by sorority members, potential new members or
alumnae. This includes all reference to sororities (verbal, written, printed, or
typed). Strict silence is designated as a the period of time from the end of the
potential new members’ last party until she reports to the sorority from which
she accepts a bid.
c) Financial Limitation
1) A specific limitation of the amount of money that can be spent shall include
flowers, drinks, decorations, costumes, incidentals, and monetary donations.
This amount includes the first day of recruitment through bid day and the
amount shall be a total set by the Panhellenic council.
2) Dress. Uniform dress, if used, may not be purchased by individual sorority
members unless suitable for everyday practical uses. Any other accessories
must be owned by the chapter or purchased within the above designated
recruitment budget.
d) Participants
1) City Panhellenic and alumnae shall be bound by all University of Nevada,
Reno Panhellenic rules.
2) Alumnae. The number of alumnae which shall participate in the formal
recruitment events/parties shall be determined by the Panhellenic Council
before recruitment begins. Additionally, alumnae may assist with the
recruitment duties in the house as long as they do not participate in the formal
recruitment party.
3) Only active college members of the University of Nevada, Reno chapters and
alumnae of the sorority as above specified may attend the recruitment events.
Exceptions to the rule may be requested by a chapter to the Panhellenic
Council to be approved by the Panhellenic President, Vice PresidentRecruitment and the Greek Advisor.
4) Members of any national group who have not officially affiliated with their
local chapter shall not be allowed to participate in recruitment.
5) No men may participate in recruitment. Exceptions to the rule may be
requested by a chapter to the Panhellenic Council to be approved by the
Panhellenic President, Vice President-Recruitment and the Greek Advisor.
6) The Panhellenic President, Vice President-Recruitment, and recruitment
counselors shall disaffiliate with their chapters during formal recruitment.
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e) General Limitations
1) No potential new member or chapter member may be absent from classes or
cancel any university appointments for the purpose of attending a recruitment
2) Potential new members nametags are to be worn at the recruitment events and
shall be furnished by Panhellenic.
3) Decorations. Sororities may display flowers, sorority emblems, badges and
pins, Greek letters, crest, candles, favors, and scrapbooks. No decorations shall
be displayed outside the house with the exception of bid day.
4) Refreshments shall be served concurrently by all houses at specified party as
agreed upon by the Panhellenic council.
f) Potential New Members
1) A Potential new member shall attend orientation and the maximum number of
recruitment parties to which she as accepted invitations. In case of illness or
other emergency the potential new members shall notify the Panhellenic and or
her recruitment counselor. The Panhellenic and/or recruitment counselor shall
notify the sororities involved.
2) Preference. A potential new member who has signed her preference card may
not change her choice. She may withdraw her preference entirely, but then will
not be eligible for recruitment for one full calendar year. She must withdraw
her preference through the Panhellenic office. A potential new member is
permitted to write a first and second, and third choice on her preference card if
she so desires.
g) Snap bidding, Enforced Releases and Continuous Open Bidding
1) Snap Bidding
a. Snap bidding to quota only may occur as soon as the lists of all eligible women
are officially given to the recruitment chairman at the Panhellenic office
b. All eligible women, including those who did not receive a bid during formal
recruitment or women who withdrew from formal recruitment are not eligible
to be snap bid.
2) Enforced Releases
a. The recruitment consultant will recommend release figures to all groups. It is
expected that these recommendations be followed.
b. The figure release specialist may recommend a +/- list. It is expected that this
recommendations be followed.
3) Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
a. Continuous Open Bidding may begin the first regular school day following
formal recruitment. Grade verification or transcripts will be required before a
woman may be pledged in continuous open bidding.
b. The proper paperwork needs to be filed with the Panhellenic office, which is
the COB form filed within 24-hours of extending the invitation.
h) Recruitment Practices
1) After the first set of invitational parties, Panhellenic strongly urges each
sorority to re-invite only those potential new members they are seriously
considering for membership. This will enable both the potential new member
and the sorority to know “how they stand” early in the formal recruitment
2) Panhellenic strongly urges each sorority to invite to the preference party only
those potential new members they will place on the bid list.
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3) No sorority member may purchase any gift, favor, preference letter or note for
a PNM or vice versa during formal recruitment.
4) Each house must display a detailed financial poster of all pledge and active
expenses for one school year at 2 or more recruitment events.
j) Fraternity Recruitment
1) All sorority chapters at the University of Nevada that are recognized by Panhellenic
may not assist any fraternity and/or fraternity men in any recruitment process, with the
exception of all Greek events and all Greek marketing. This includes co-hosting
recruitment socials and wearing fraternity insignia, promoting or advertising for any
individual fraternity during the fraternity/sorority recruitment period which is set forth
by the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils each year. With the exception of
sorority women wearing fraternity insignia (pins and badges), for engagement
purposes and events in which the sororities are participating (i.e., Watermelon Bust,
Frats at Bat, etc.).
2) In the event in which this occurs, the Panhellenic Council will hold the chapter in
which the individual is a member of responsible. The chapter will be required to
produce a “Pro Greek” article that will be published in the Greek Times.
3) Insignia clothing may be worn in good taste. When in question the chapter president
should be addressed.
1.) A woman must be a regularly matriculated student to be eligible for recruitment and
2.) A Panhellenic Association member fraternity may not issue an invitation to
membership or formally pledge a woman during any school recess.
3.) A new member may be initiated whenever she has met the requirements of the
fraternity to which is pledged.
4.) All forms of hazing on pledge day and/or pre-initiation activities which are defined as
hazing shall be banned.
Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off
fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or
ridicule. Such activities and situations include creation of excessive fatigue; physical and
psychological shocks; wearing, publicity, apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in
good taste; engaging in public stunts and jokes; morally degrading or humiliation games and
activities; late night sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities
which are no consistent with the regulations and policies of the educational institution.
1) When all NPC chapters at the University of Nevada, Reno are close to or over total,
the Panhellenic Council shall consider raining total or adding another chapter.
2) Such a chapter shall be organized through colonization by a NPC fraternity or through
organization of a local sorority which may petition an NPC fraternity for a chapter.
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3) Consideration should be given to NPC fraternities that have previously had chapters
on the campus and to those NPC fraternities which have filed letters expressing an
interest in the campus.
1) Any dispute arising out of the violation of Panhellenic Association rules and regulations
shall be adjusted through a conference of delegates of the fraternities involved.
Sororities that are recognized by Panhellenic who decide to participate in Intramural Sports
and have a team under their organization must abide by the following terms.
A. Only active members and members who have signed a bid are eligible to play.
B. All participants must be in good standing with their chapters.
C. All participants must adhere to the regulations established by the Intramural Sports
Board for all intramural athletics.
D. Any member that is alumna of their chapter can participate in intramural sporting
events, for up to one year after becoming alumna.
The University of Nevada, Reno Panhellenic Association and its Panhellenic Council shall be
governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” except in matters specifically
provided for in the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules.
These Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the voting members of Panhellenic
Council, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the
preceding regular meeting.
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