CS6025 Adv. Operating Systems - Spring 2016 ASSIGNMENT NO. 3. Preemptive Scheduling with Shortest Remaining Time First, SRTF. Study the behavior of a batch OS scheduling using the simulation model implemented in batsrtf.cpp 1. Copy the file "batmsrtf.cpp" from /home/jgarrido/psim3 2. The output will be stored in files "batmsrtf.dat" and "resources.dat". 3. Run the simulation model as is, then change the arrival for the types of processes. Compare the performance of the two simulation runs. The input parameters are hard coded in this C++ program. 4. Write a report describing the characteristics of the operating system modeled. Use the guidelines for structuring the report. Include at the end of the report your answers to the following questions. 1. What are the main differences between the two models and with the previous models? 2. Explain how interrupts are indicated in the simulation run. Identify the first three processes that are interrupted. Indicate the time they were interrupted and the time they were allowed to resume execution. 3. Identify the processes and their types that interrupted other processes. 4. What aspect of an operating system is the model representing? 5. What performance measures does the model compute? 6. What is noticeable in the dynamic behavior of the system? 7. What other performance measures can this model compute?