Business Practice Revision BPR BPR016 Number Business Practice Section(s) Requiring Revision (include Section BPR Title Transmission Owner Selection Process New Section No., Title, and Protocol Version) Impact Analysis Required No (Yes or No) MMU Report Required (Yes or No) Requested Resolution (Normal or Urgent) Revision Description No Normal New BP to incorporate the Selection Process paper developed by the TO Selection Task Force and approved by the MOPC. The purpose of this business practices is to define the process to be utilized by SPP only in the event the Designated Transmission Owner (DTO) is unable or unwilling to arrange for the construction of a project. Reason for Revision Tariff Implications or Changes (Yes or No; If yes include a summary No of impact and/or specific changes) Criteria Implications or Changes (Yes or No; If yes include a summary No of impact and/or specific changes) Credit Implications (Yes or No, and summary of impact) Name E-mail Address Company Company Address No Sponsor Richard Ross on behalf of the BPWG AEPSC Page 1 of 13 Business Practice Revision Phone Number Fax Number 918.599.2966 Proposed Business Practice Language Revision 1.16 TO Selection When A DTO Rejects an NTC (return to TOC) SPP sends a Notification to Construct (NTC) to the Designated Transmission Owner (DTO) for projects to be built pursuant to Attachment O, Section VI of the SPP Tariff. The purpose of this business practice is to define the process to be utilized by SPP in the event that DTO is unable or unwilling to arrange for the construction of a project identified pursuant to the SPP planning procedures. This overall selection process is depicted in the diagram found in Appendix 1. Business Practice If the DTO for a NTC either: 1) informs SPP that it does not want to be a DTO and does not arrange for another entity to assume the NTC in its place, 2) does not respond to the receipt of the NTC within the defined 90 day period and in the manner required by Attachment O, or 3) cannot reach an agreement on a modified NTC with SPP within the 90 day period, then SPP shall solicit a new Transmission Owner to build, own, operate and maintain the project pursuant to the following process: (1) Staff will notify the Chairman of the Board of Directors (BOD) and the Chairman of the Oversight Committee. (2) Within 15 days, the Oversight Committee (OC), with recommendations from SPP Staff, will form a Selection Committee (SC), consisting of a group of SPP Staff to oversee the selection process and to make a recommendation to the Oversight Committee in accordance with the process described herein. The Chair of the SC shall be an SPP employee at the Director level or higher. The SPP Staff members of the SC shall include at least one employee from each of the following functions, not to exceed nine members. (3) Engineering Regulatory Operations Finance During the implementation of this Business Practice, the SC may, in its sole discretion, designate and utilize Stakeholder Experts in order to provide input and expert opinions to the SC. The designated Stakeholder Experts shall be Page 2 of 13 Business Practice Revision selected for their expertise to supplement the knowledge and expertise of the SC. For a Stakeholder Expert to qualify to participate with the SC, the Stakeholder Expert must not be an employee or consultant for any of the entities or their affiliates vying to construct the project. If, after a Stakeholder Expert is selected and agrees to participate, the company that the Stakeholder Expert represents in the SPP does initiate efforts to seek to construct the project, the Stakeholder Expert shall immediately notify the SC and shall be removed as a Stakeholder Expert. Each Stakeholder Expert must sign the SPP confidentiality agreement prior to participating in the selection process. (Staff to add reference to location of the document) Stakeholders Experts shall be the primary source from which the SC shall obtain expertise which it deems to be beyond its capability. The SC may also utilize such consultants as it determines are necessary to provide specific expertise. The SC may on occasion query a Committee or Working Group regarding a matter it deems necessary to obtain such Committee’s or Working Group’s input. In the event the SC determines that it must query a Committee or Working Group, the query shall be narrowly designed in order to maintain the integrity of the evaluation process. (4) Within 15 days of its formation, the SC’s shall issue a Request for Information (“RFI”). The purpose of the RFI is to generate a list of those entities interested in becoming the DTO for the NTC and which meet the list of minimum requirements given in Attachment O. The RFI will be developed by the SC based upon the original NTC issued by SPP and shall contain a. The overall parameters of the project; b. the original NTC; and c. any additional information as specified in Appendix 3. The RFI will be distributed to the identified contacts for each Transmission Owner in SPP, each SPP Member, posted on the SPP website and OASIS and distributed to anyone who has expressed an interest in becoming a Transmission Owner in the SPP. Those entities wishing to participate in the selection process must respond back to the SC within 30 days of the posting of the RFI with the required information contained in Appendix 3. . The SC will review the responses for completeness and reject any response that is incomplete or does not meet the qualifications. The SC shall notify a responding entity if its response is rejected for being incomplete. If time allows, the responding entity may resend a corrected or modified response back to the SC for consideration. Entities whose response is determined to be complete will be considered a Qualified Entity (“QE”). Any entity that fails to respond to the RFI or whose response is rejected will not be considered further in this selection process. Page 3 of 13 Business Practice Revision (5) If no response to the RFI is received, then the SC will inform the OC and the BOD of the lack of interest and the obligation to construct shall remain with the DTO. (6) Within 45 days after the RFI has been posted, the SC will develop and issue an RFP containing the information detailed in Appendix 3. The RFP will only be issued to those entities that have responded to the RFI and have met the qualifications of the RFI. (7) Each Qualified Entity (“QE”) shall respond to the RFP within 60 days from the date the RFP is sent to the QE (“Response Window”). A QE may request an extension of time to the Response Window; however, the Response Window shall not be longer than 75 days from the date the RFP was sent to the QE. The SC may grant such an extension of time based on good cause provided by the QE. Good cause for an extension to the length of the Response Window may include, but not be limited to: documented proof that the RFP was not received in a timely manner by the QE, holidays, delay of information from SPP, and/or a delay in information from third parties required for the QE to complete its response to the RFP. (8) If no response to the RFP is received, then the SC will inform the OC and the BOD of the lack of interest; and the obligation to construct shall remain with the DTO. (9) The SC will immediately review each response to the RFP it receives for completeness. The SC will promptly return any response to the QE that is incomplete; however, the QE may resubmit a corrected or modified response if the resubmittal is made within the Response Window. Any QE that fails to respond to the RFP within the Response Window will be deemed to have waived its right to respond to the RFP. (10) Upon the receipt of the last QE response, or upon the closing of the Response Window, whichever is first to occur, the SC will begin its review of the information supplied by each QE responding to the RFP. The SC shall review all the responses to the RFP and make its recommendation to the OC based upon the selection process outlined in Appendix 4 within 30 days of the initiation of its review. During the review period the SC may ask additional questions of a responding QE and/or have each responding QE give a face-toface presentation. The SC may take up to an additional 30 days to complete its review if either the number of responding QEs or the complexity of the analysis requires additional time. The SC must notify the OC of the extension and the reason for the extension prior to the end of the original 30 day review period. The recommendation shall rank each QE as prescribed by Appendix 4 in a nondiscriminatory manner based upon the information supplied, or obtained, Page 4 of 13 Business Practice Revision through the review period. The SC will compile an internal report detailing the process, participants, data and results of its deliberation. A public report will also be published by the SC; however, the public report shall not contain any confidential information obtained by the SC during the selection process. The public report shall be made available to all SPP stakeholders prior to the final selection of the BOD. (11) The OC shall review the SC recommendation, results and explanations and submit those results, along with its recommendations to the SPP BOD. The SPP BOD shall select a QE for the project (Selected Transmission Owner or “STO”) and a backup QE based upon the input it receives from the OC. (12) Upon the selection of the STO by the BOD, SPP shall notify the STO that it has been selected to become the new DTO for the project. The STO shall sign any necessary agreement(s) obligating it as the DTO to assume all of the rights and responsibilities related to the project and the NTC pursuant to the SPP Membership Agreement and the SPP OATT. (13) If the STO does not respond within 15 days of notification, is no longer willing to become the DTO, or is unwilling to sign the necessary agreement(s), the STO shall be deemed to have waived its right to become the DTO and SPP shall notify the BOD, OC and the SC of the results. SPP shall then contact the backup QE and offer the project to it on the same terms the project was offered to the STO. (14) If the backup QE also fails to sign the necessary agreement(s) to become the DTO within 15 days of notification, SPP shall notify the BOD, OC and the SC of the results. The SC and OC shall review the remaining applications and submit another recommendation to the BOD. If no other QE can be found to construct the project, then the original Transmission Owner shall remain the DTO and shall be required to begin following the requirements of the NTC1. 1 SPP Open Access Transmission Tariff, Attachment O, Section VI (6), page 300L. Page 5 of 13 Business Practice Revision Business Practice XX.YY Appendix 1 – Transmission Owner Selection Process Flowchart Transmission Owner Selection Process Members of the SC are selected by the Oversight Committee (1 week) SC develops an RFI to determine a list of interested entities (15 days) SC develops the RFP (45 days) Parties respond to RFI (30 days) Incomplete Response SC Reviews responses to the RFI (15 days) SC issues the RFP to interested entities SC receives and reviews responses to RFP (60 days) Incomplete Response SC Evaluates RFPs (30 days) SC makes Recommendation to Oversight committee No QEObligation to Construct remains with DTO Oversight Committee makes recommendation to SPP BOD BOD Selects STO Selected QE executes agreements to become the DTO SPP Contacts STO Selected QE does not sign agreements Page 6 of 13 Business Practice Revision Business Practice X.X Appendix 2 Selection Committee Confidentiality Agreement Between The Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and (Recipient) Please refer to the appropriate SPP confidentiality (or NDA) agreement. (Staff to insert link to document here) Page 7 of 13 Business Practice Revision Business Practice XX.YY Appendix 3 – RFI/RFP Procedures PURPOSE To identify the minimum Request for Proposal (RFP) requirements for selecting an entity to construct a transmission project in which the Designated Transmission Owner (DTO) has refused. To facilitate the RFP process, it would be beneficial to first issue a Request for Information (RFI) for the specific project. RFI REQUIREMENTS General Introduction/Background OATT / Regulatory context Purpose of RFI / statement of objective (tied to NTC and refusal of DTO to construct) Confidentiality statement (as applicable) RFI Timeline Notice of Intent to Bid (a standardized form) issued with the RFI Consistent with Attachment O Section VI, paragraph 6, the RFI must state that the entity responding to the RFP must demonstrate the following to be considered a viable bidder: That the entity has obtained all state and regulatory authority to construct, own and operate transmission facilities within the state(s) where the project is located That the entity meets the creditworthiness requirements of the Transmission provider (SPP) That the entity has signed or is capable and wiling to sign the SPP Membership Agreement as a Transmission Owner upon the selection of its proposal to construct and own the project RFP REQUIREMENTS 1. General Introduction/Background OATT / Regulatory context Purpose of RFP / statement of objective (tied to NTC and refusal of DTO to construct) Confidentiality statement (as applicable, covering the confidentiality of the bids and what those evaluating the bids have agreed to in terms of a confidentiality statement) Dispute resolution process 2. Bid Content Requirements and Submission Procedures Page 8 of 13 Business Practice Revision Demonstration that the entity has signed or is capable and willing to sign the SPP Membership Agreement as a Transmission Owner upon the selection of its proposal to construct and own the project Demonstration that the entity has obtained all state and regulatory authority to construct, own and operate transmission facilities within the state(s) where the project is located Timetable for RFP bids o RFI issued o Notice of intent to bid o RFP issued o Pre-bid Q and A deadline o Pre-bid conference (if appropriate) o Bid due dates o Information policy o Clarification of proposals o Bid selection date RFP primary contact Identification of major partners, contractors, and associated contracts Requirements to comply with Good Utility Practice, SPP criteria, industry standards, applicable Transmission Owner construction /technical criteria, and applicable local, state, federal requirements Duration of Offer Conditions of Bid Managerial qualifications Financial Demonstration of financing Demonstration of meeting SPP creditworthiness requirements Demonstration of articles of incorporation Cost estimates Statement of cost recovery Demonstration of Revenue Requirement calculations 3. 4. Engineering and Construction Statement of whom will engineer/design the project Minimum technical requirements / specifications o Technical requirements for conductors, terminations, structures, etc (as applicable and tied to the NTC) Demonstration of applicable qualifications and certifications to construct in the state in which construction is required Anticipated timeline of project o Schedule estimates o Progress milestones o Progress reports Demonstration of past transmission construction experience Page 9 of 13 Business Practice Revision 5. 6. 7. 8. Equipment acquisition process o Construction equipment o Transmission line material Description of applicable ROW / real estate acquisition process Description of routing process Description of permitting processes o Eminent domain status o Process for obtaining easements o Surveying responsibility Description of construction clearance processes. (Permission from the local operations group to cross other lines, turn off reclosers; have nearby lines reenergized while working on or near them, etc. Who will have the responsibility to inspect the construction? Operations and Maintenance Demonstration of operations o Statement of which entity will be operating and maintaining the line Demonstration of compliance with SPP ERO, NERC requirements Description of relevant control center operations Storm / outage response plan Maintenance Plan o Staffing o Equipment o Crew training Record of past maintenance performance Information Exchange Identification of data required to be provided to the SPP in accordance with NERC reliability standards (for power flow, short-circuit, stability analysis etc.) Data of design of the facilities for the Transmission Provider CEII requirements Safety program/Current/past statistics Internal safety program Contractor safety program Safety performance record Evaluation Procedure (should be listed in RFP) Statement of bid evaluation methodology o For acceptable bids o For bid selection o Use of an independent evaluator (if applicable) Bid Evaluation fees (if applicable) Page 10 of 13 Business Practice Revision 9. Attachments - under the premise that standardized forms from each bidder will aid in the evaluation of each bid by SPP. Possible Standardized Forms o Notice of Intent to Bid (part of the RFI) o Bid certification o Bid Cover Sheet o Pricing o Regulatory Milestones o Construction Milestones o Representation Authorization o Bid exceptions Page 11 of 13 Business Practice Revision Business Practice XX.YY Appendix 4 – Selection Criteria PURPOSE To identify the process used in the rating and selection of the Selected Transmission Owner. GENERAL The Selection Committee will use “Reasonable Professional” standard in evaluation of proposals from the various respondents. Minimum requirements (regulatory authority, credit worthiness, and TO membership) must be met in order to included in this process. The Selection Committee will score respondents on the items described below. Highest score may not always be selected. Low scores in individual categories may eliminate respondents from consideration PROCESS Each Selection Committee member will score respondents’ proposals by category from zero to the allowed number of points for that category. Points are totaled for all respondents and the results are used in guiding the committee to the ultimate selection. There are 100 possible points for each respondent RFP. CATEGORIES Project Expertise-20 points o Engineering o Permitting o Environmental o ROW Acquisition o Procurement o Project Management (including scope, schedule management) o Construction o Commissioning o Technology content Safety program/Current/Past statistics-15 points o Internal safety program o Contractor safety program o Safety performance record (program execution) o RFP conformance Cost to customer- What will the (long term) final impact be on the customer’s bill?-20 points o Estimated total cost of Project o Financing costs Page 12 of 13 Business Practice Revision o FERC Incentives o Revenue Requirements o Lifetime cost of the project to customers Reliability/Quality/General Design-15 points o Type of Construction (wood, steel, design loading, etc.) o Estimated total owning costs o Losses (design efficiency) o Estimated life of construction Operations-15 points o Control Center operations (staffing etc.) o NERC compliance –process/history o Storm/Outage response plan o Past reliability performance Maintenance-15 points o Staffing o Maintenance plans o Equipment o Crew training o Maintenance performance/expertise o NERC compliance-process/history Page 13 of 13