Final Exam Info

Georgia Perimeter College - Dunwoody (Dr. Kim’s Section)
ENVS 1401
Information on Final Exam (200pts)
60 Questions, All Multiple Choices questions:
As many as 10 Questions may be from past hour exams
4 ~ 5 Quantitative Questions, but calculators are helpful, but not required;
Several Graphic Questions and several Chemical Equations.
Keywords/Topics/Subjects topics to be covered are given below:
1. Chemistry: carbohydrate, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
2. Biology: eukaryotic, prokaryotic, photosynthesis, respiration, autotrophs, heterotrophs,
origin of life, evolution, speciation, natural selection
3. Ecology: biodiversity, species, extinction, habitats, populations, carrying capacity,
growth curves, food chains trophic levels, species interactions, keystone species, biomes
4. Environmental Systems: carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle (nitrogen fixation, denitrification),
water cycle, rock cycle, tectonic plates (divergent, convergent, subductive), climate system
5. Human Population: logistic growth, exponential growth, Malthusian view, demography,
age structure pyramids
6. Soil & Agriculture: soil classification – loam, soil degradation, soil system, desertification,
Soil protection, irrigation, rangeland, fertilizer over-fertilization & overgrazing
7. Food: Production history and the green revolutions, malnutrition, pesticide, crop diversity,
genetic modification (GM), livestock practices
8. Biodiversity, genetic diversity, species extinction rates, causes of extinction
9. Toxicology: carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen, allegren, neurotoxin, pesticides, toxicity and LD50
10. Water Cycle: distribution of freshwater, groundwater as a finite or sustainable resource,
pH, rain water, freshwater ecosystems, dams pros and cons, wetlands, surface water, ocean,
drainage basin, freshwater pollution, aquifer, point source vs. non-point source of pollution
11. Atmosphere: chemical compositions, smog and key pollutants, atmosphere structure,
weather, climate, ozone hole and CFC, UV radiation, acid rain, greenhouse gases,
global warming, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, pollution control, scrubbing
12. Energy: First Law of Thermodynamics, renewable vs. non-renewable,
fossil fuels of oil, gas and coal, nuclear, renewable of hydropower, solar, biomass, wind,
geothermal, and electricity.