UVU BOARD OF TRUSTEES April 9, 2009 7 p.m., S213c Board of Trustees Members Present Janette Hales Beckham Greg Butterfield Joni Tuttle Daniel W. Campbell Timothy R. Clark Paul B. Clyde Steven J. Lund Carolyn H. Merrill Doyle M. Mortimer Terry E. Shoemaker Joseph Watkins UVU Regular Attendees Elizabeth J. Hitch, Interim President Steve Clark, Faculty Senate Past-President Cory Duckworth, Vice President Student Affairs Mohammed El-Saidi, Interim Academic Vice President Vincent Fordiani, Special Assistant to President for Constituent Relations Val Hale, Vice President Advancement and Marketing Linda Makin, Executive Director of Planning and Budget Clint Moser, PACE President Karen Olsen, Secretary to the Board Val Peterson, Vice President Administration and Legislative Affairs Board of Trustee Members Excused J. Scott Jenkins Guests Ernie Carey, Dean Technology and Computing Lowell Glenn, Chair Department of Finance and Economics Bruce Parker, Associate Academic Vice President Brad Plothow, University Marketing and Communications Greg Swab ???? K.D. Taylor, Co-Chair Strategic Directions Advisory Committee, Associate Dean General Academics Ian Wilson, Dean Woodbury School of Business Dinner guests were members of the University library staff: Mike Freeman, Director; Azucena Aguayo, Carlos Alarco, Lesli Baker, Rama Chamberlain, Jacques d’Emal, Christy Donaldson, Catherine McIntyre, Keith Rowley, Tim Rowley, Annie Smith, Mark Stevens Trevor Tooke, recently elected student body president, was introduced. He transferred from the University of Utah where he attended for one semester, and will be a senior at UVU majoring in business with a minor in Steven J. Lund Japanese. He lauded the great student council. I. ACTION A. Resolution of Appreciation for Trustee Joseph Watkins. Chair Janette Beckham read the resolution of Appreciation for Joseph Watkins who has served as a Trustee for the past year and as student body president. B. Strategic Directions. Val Hale and K.D. Taylor served as co-chairs for the Strategic Directions Advisory Committee for the past year. Val Hale reported on the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, which was distributed. He explained from the SWOT analysis the strategic directions are developed. Discussion with the Trustees included questions on open enrollment and attracting high academic quality students, mission of certificates to master degrees, budget reduction and effect on programs and quality, review of need and quality of academic programs and the number of degrees, retention, efficiencies, graduation rates, integration of two and four-year degrees, K-16 alliance, strategic goals of Regents including retention, addition of leave of absence coordinator to counsel students who stop out, definition and core standards for teaching excellence, setting course standards for disciplines, articulating the engagement terms in the mission statement (community engagement and engaged learning). It was decided to include in the SWOT analysis, an item #6 that says “define and implement teaching excellence in a primarily undergraduate university focus on teaching and engaged learning.” UVU Board of Trustees April 9, 2009 Page 2 K.D. Taylor reported on the Strategic Directions. In the course of the year the Strategic Directions Advisory Committee wanted to ensure that they had investigated all priorities and looked very carefully at what ought to be done based on guiding concepts, mission and SWOT analysis. After much discussion they recommended continuing with the current strategic directions and improve on them by refining and creating greater detail. These directions need to be implemented in a way that will move forward the institution and bring it closer to the vision for the future. They also recognized that there were some emphases they wanted to focus on specifically including accountability and openness, which is a core value for the institution. They wanted to encourage faculty and staff to identify and implement a method of communication that will cultivate trust. Trustees were told half of the SDAC rotates each year, and is made up of faculty, staff and students. Trustee Lund motioned for approval of the 2009-10 Strategic Directions. Trustee Mortimer seconded. Voting was unanimous. C. Policy 133. Compliance with Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA), and deletion of Policy 134. Schedule for GRAMA and Family Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA). Vice President Peterson explained there are currently two policies, 133 and 134, that address GRAMA requests. 134 talks about fee structure and records access. These two policies will be combined, with policy 134 eliminated. Vice President Peterson explained there are guidelines that state the fee must be reasonable. Trustee Campbell motioned for approval of Policy 133. Compliance with Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) and deletion of policy 134.. Trustee Shoemaker seconded. Voting was unanimous. D. MBA in Business Administration. Dean Ian Wilson explained Utah State University has offered an MBA program on our campus for the past 12-13 years. This request is for a similar weekend program which will replace the program provided currently by USU. There will be a beginning cohort of 40 students with two tracks – accounting and management. Request is to begin Fall 2010. In year 3 a second cohort will begin and in year 4 it is anticipated beginning a day-time program with 40 students. Dean Wilson said the accounting track includes most of the degree requirements and all of the content needed for the Master of Accountancy, and students will be able to sit for the CPA. The accounting track students will take an additional 9 hours of accounting courses along with those required for the MBA degree. It is an affordable weekend/evening program for working students. Funding will come from several sources, including faculty that were funded as part of university status, the Woodbury family donation, and tuition. Trustee Watkins motioned for approval of the Masters of Business Administration degree. Trustee Butterfield seconded. Voting was unanimous. E. BA/BS, Minor, and Integrated Studies Emphasis in Finance; Emphasis in Biochemistry added to the BS in Chemistry; and five emphases in the Digital Media BS degree – Audit Production, Gaming and Animation, Project and Information management, Internet Technologies and Cinema Production; stand-alone minor in Entrepreneurship and deletion of emphasis in Outdoor Leadership in the BA/BS degree in Integrated Studies. Trustee Campbell motioned for approval of the above curriculum requests. Trustee Shoemaker seconded. Voting was unanimous. F. 2008-09 Revised Operating Revenue. Linda Makin, Executive Director of Budget and Planning reviewed the revised operating budget for current year. a) $4.5 million in tuition revenue was realized from enrollment, which will be used for part of the budget reduction and also to fund new students, as no new tax funds were provided by the state. b) The state, in order to balance their budget, reduced tax fund revenue by $2.5 million and backfilled with federal stimulus money. It is not known when or if UVU will receive this funded and whether it will have designated use. Also if any grant is received from an area that received stimulus money, the amount received UVU Board of Trustees April 9, 2009 Page 3 will be deducted from the budget, so each request will be carefully reviewed. Trustee Butterfield motioned for approval of the 2008-09 Revised Operating Budget. Trustee Lund seconded. Voting was unanimous. G. 2009-10 Compensation Package. Val Peterson noted there will be no across-the-board increase in compensation this year. UVU has adjusted medical benefits with six plan changes and increased the employee premium share by $25 for family coverage. Last year each employee was given an on-going base increase of $300, so the decrease roughly equals this amount. The only salary adjustments will be for rank and tenure that will be funded from allocated faculty retention funds. There is also a minimum wage increase, so any employee below that level will be increased. Trustees asked if there was ever a time that rank and tenure adjustments have been held back because of funding and were told no. Trustee Shoemaker motioned for approval of 2009-10 employee compensation. Trustee Mortimer seconded. Voting was unanimous. H. Tenure Approvals. Trustee Shoemaker motioned for approval of tenure for the following faculty and for advancement in rank to Associate Professor. Trustee Watkins seconded. Voting was unanimous. John Anderson, Information Systems and Technology Vaughn Armstrong, Finance and Economics Marlene Bacon, Nursing Kelvyn Blackhurst, Automotive Technologies Joel Bradford, Earth Science Gregory Briscoe, Language Kathren Brown, History and Political Science David Connelly, History and Political Science Mark Crane, English and Literature Jay DeSart, History and Political Science Matthew Draper, Behavioral Science Stott Harston, Criminal Justice Olga Kopp, Biology Ruhul Kuddus, Biology Margaret Mittelman, Emergency Services Grant Moss, English and Literature Shannon Mussett, Philosophy & Humanities Joylin Namie, Behavioral Science Troy Nelson, Nursing Terry Petrie, Theatrical Arts Robert Price, Engineering Graphics and Design Axel Ramirez, Secondary Education Dyanne Riley, Music Abdus Samad, Finance and Economics David Scott, Communications Michael Shaw, Philosophy & Humanities Kay Smith, English and Literature Sidney Smith, Engineering Graphics & Design Catherine Stephen, Biology Kim Strunk, Dance Mark Talbert, Art & Visual Communications Abraham Teng, Computer Science & Pre-Engineering Craig Thulin, Chemistry Machiel Van Frankenhuijsen, Mathematics Mina Wayman, Nursing Brian Whaley, English and Literature Troy Wilson, Culinary Arts Mike Wisland, Digital Media The following faculty approved for tenure had previously achieved the rank of Associate Professor: Matthew Draper, David Scott, David Connelly and Marlene Bacon. II. GENERAL CONSENT CALENDAR A. B. C. Minutes of March 19, 2009 Board of Trustees Meeting HR Report for March 2009 Investment Report for February 2009 D. Aircraft Purchase. Dean Ernie Carey explained the aircraft fleet replacement plan. They have only one plane that is not a Diamond aircraft. All planes must also be replaced after a certain number of flight hours. This request is to add one more twin engine and one more four passenger single engine Diamond aircraft. This will allow students to graduate with more multi-engine flight time. Two smaller planes will be replaced which represents a fleet upgrade. Maintenance will be easier because all aircraft will be similar. Planes are soft-funded from available cash and purchase price is much lower at this time. The UVU flight school has the lowest costs in the nation of any flight school and is the 3rd largest flight school in the nation. Questions from Trustees include: a) will there be less planes – yes, the fleet is reduced from 35 to 27, b) does the purchase of planes go through the normal purchase process - yes, c) these planes are much better quality for a comparable price than the same planes purchased several years ago and technology has increased. UVU Board of Trustees April 9, 2009 Page 4 E. Community Based Job Training Program. This federal grant was approved before the stimulus bill became effective so will not be impacted by AARA guidelines. The UVU Compliance Officer monitors all grant funding. F. Fuel and Power Utility Payment Expense. Vice President Peterson said this discrepancy came to light because Alpine hired a consultant to review their fuel and power expenses. UVU does not review bills that are the responsibility of another entity. This building was leased to Alpine School District for a year and the fuel and power expense was not changed over at the end of that lease period. Trustee Clark motioned for approval of the General Consent Calendar. Trustee Campbell seconded. Voting was unanimous. III. INFORMATION A. 2009-10 Budget Information. Linda Makin reviewed the2009-10 budget proposal including anticipated revenue from enrollment growth, and tuition increases which have been approved by the Regents. The budget will be 97.68% of the beginning budget of the previous year. Enrollment growth and the funding for university status have helped keep the budget at a higher level. Other funding will come from tuition increases, unallocated master-degree funding, and unallocated faculty retention money. UVU will be approximately 46% state tax funded, a huge swing from the previous year, which means UVU will again need to focus on equity. A large percentage of this budget relies on federal stimulus money and UVU was given more than any other institution. Stimulus funding will be not be allocated until it is received. It was determined early to proceed with the 17% cut, which has been accomplished. This has impacted adjunct and advisor to student ratios, along with space per student. The budget reduction plan was implemented and all campus groups shared in the cuts through tuition increases, premium share, program elimination and reduction in services. Impact: a) Fewer employees will be asked to do more and serve more students. b) employee reduction included 4 executives, 27 faculty and 34 staff. Four staff were released involuntarily, c) enhanced voluntary separation program resulted in reduction of 3 faculty, 2 executive and 14 staff positions, d) 1 executive, 1 faculty and 3 staff were hired in other positions within the institution, 3) 18 staff moved from appropriated to non-appropriated funding, f) all other position reductions occurred through normal employment actions. There has also been organizational restructuring and lost momentum. B. President’s Report. a) 14th annual Wolverine Achievement Awards sponsored by UVUSA presented Trustee Campbell with the Friend of UVU award, b) rodeo team is going to college national finals, with the men’s team winning first in region and the women third in region. c) 25 students who placed first in the Skills USA competition will now compete at nationals in June, d) NPAB members were asked to report on “word on the street” at our last meeting. It was discovered we need to continue to promote the caliber of our students and faculty. e) Ethics Point is being implemented that will be used in place of “Tell the President” to report concerns of dishonesty or employee fraud. f) Senator Hatch will be speaking on campus, g) Lunch with Liz will be held April 15 at noon, where final budget allocations and space summit decisions will be reported. h) Summer University will be promoted as a primary staff development opportunity. Divisional service projects will be held and there will be a spring clean up. i) UVUPhoria II will be held June 11. C. Commencement. Trustees were given an update on the Commencement activities. Trustee Mortimer motioned to move to Executive Session to discuss matters allowed under the Open and public Meeting Act. Trustee Campbell seconded. Voting was unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.