February 23, 2010

Faculty Senate
Chuck Allison, Vaughn Armstrong, John Balden, Virginia Bayer, Calvin Bond, Mark Borchelt,
Greg Briscoe, Clayton Brown, Arlen Card, Joohyun Chung, Alan Clarke, David Connelly, Suzy
Cox, Geoffrey Cockerham, Fred Davis, John Graham, Stott Harston, Tom Henry, Brian
Jensen, Amir Kia, Olga Kopp, Numsiri Kunakemakorn, Pierre Lamarche, Scott Lewis, Todd
Low, Phil Matheson, Susan Middleton, Afsaneh Minaie, Margaret Mittelman, Matt Nelson,
Floyd Olson, Pat Ormond, Robert Price, Susan Rasmussen, Julian Smit, Ian Sorensen, Paul
Tayler, Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, Lorraine Wallace
23 February 2010
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes are approved.
3. Announcements
a. UVU Policy 646: Faculty Appeals for Retention, Tenure and Promotion is now
in Stage 3. Please submit comments by Friday, March 19.
b. Elections for Standing Committee Chairs. A two-thirds vote is required to be
able to hold this election today. All those in favor? Vote passes. All
candidates are ratified.
i. Budget and Benefits: Stan Jenne
ii. Faculty Development: Thomas Henry
iii. Academic Standards: (Greg Briscoe – this semester only)
iv. Post-Tenure Review: Arlen Card
4. Administrative Reports
a. President Holland talks about the science building donation, the legislature,
and the deans’ searches.
b. UVUSA – Kyle Brown talks about a guest speaker, student body elections,
and the student government discussion on student fees.
c. Moh El-Saidi talks about a recent accreditation meeting in Seattle. UVU is on
track for the next accreditation visit.
5. Information Items
a. Student Success and Retention – Michelle Kearns, the new director of Student
Success and Retention, talks about initiatives and faculty recommendations
related to student success and retention.
6. Action Items
a. Proposed UVU Policy 637: Faculty Tenure. The policy committee moves that the
policy be forwarded to the policy sponsor and steward with the recommendations
distributed to the faculty last week. Second.
i. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that we amend V.D.2.b by striking
the words “from colleagues within and/or outside the University” and
adding the words “soliciting evaluations of scholarly and creative
work from peers outside the university is encouraged.” In addition,
that we change language throughout the policy that the solicited
reviews will be made available to the candidate in an anonymous
fashion. Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
ii. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that the following changes be made
to V.H: (Second)
1. Change the heading from “Non-Reappointment” to “NonReappointment and Dismissal”
2. The paragraph be rewritten (changes underlined) as follows:
“A tenure-track faculty member who is found not to be meeting
expectations according to this policy and is not recommended
for retention or tenure shall be notified by March 15 of the
academic year that concludes that probationary appointment.
In such case the faculty member is given a one-year, terminal
appointment. Any faculty member can be dismissed for cause
after due process is provided as specified in University policies
(see UVU Policy 648: Faculty Disciplinary Action and
Termination).” In addition, that dates for midterm review vs.
tenure review be clarified.
3. Friendly amendment: that the following change be made to
G.10. to maintain consistency:
a. Add the word “shall” and remove the rest of the
sentence after “the next academic year.”
4. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
iii. Amendment: Paul Tayler moves that we make the language
consistent regarding service in the document, based on the
comprehensive language in IV.D.3. Second. All those in favor?
Amendment passes.
iv. Amendment: Paul Tayler moves that we add language that states that
the RTP committee will place the faculty member’s annual reviews in
the tenure file. Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
v. Alan Clarke moves that we add the word “preferably” to the second
sentence of V.B.6, to read as follows: “Faculty members may serve an
unlimited number of terms, but preferably no more than two terms in
succession.” Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
vi. Amendment: Julian Smit moves that we strike the words “and
approved by the dean” from V.B.1.
vii. Thomas Henry moves that we table this policy until the next Faculty
Senate meeting. Second. All those in favor? Motion passes.
7. Adjournment
Next Meeting: 9 March 2010