April 13, 2010

Faculty Senate
Chuck Allison, Vaughn Armstrong, John Balden, Virginia Bayer, Kathy Black, Calvin Bond,
Mark Borchelt, Bret Boyer, Clayton Brown, Arlen Card, Alan Clarke, Geoffrey Cockerham,
David Connelly, Suzy Cox, Mark Crane, Fred Davis, Lars Eggertson, Moh El-Saidi, Tom
Henry, Liz Hitch, Brian Jensen, Reba Keele, Amir Kia, Olga Kopp, Numsiri Kunakemakorn,
Pierre Lamarche, Scott Lewis, Todd Low, Phil Matheson, Susan Middleton, Afsaneh Minaie,
Matt Nelson, Floyd Olson, Pat Ormond, Dennis Potter, Robert Price, Susan Rasmussen,
Dyanne Riley, Julian Smit, Ian Sorensen, Paul Tayler, Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, Lorraine
13 April 2010
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes are approved.
3. Announcements
a. Athletics Report – Mike Shively gives an update to the Senate about athletics
at UVU. Handout: Recent UVU Athletic Highlights
b. Benefits Update – Corey Callahan gives an update on benefits at UVU.
Handout: Medical and Dental Plan Coverage Change Recommendation for
c. Note about Adjunct Policy—when this policy is revised in the next academic
year, that the Faculty Senate will consider the issue of academic grievances.
4. Action Item
a. Proposed UVU Policy 647: Faculty Grievances. The Policy Committee moves
that we forward this policy to the sponsor and stewards with the following
recommendations. (Recommendations distributed by email). Second.
i. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves
1. that we change language to IV.A. that reads as follows: remove
the reference to Policy 635 and add “the ran academically
related issue not specifically covered by another policies with
which one would have a right to a hearing.
2. that we delete IV.D.
3. that we add language to V.B.2. that reads as follows “the
standing faculty senate grievance committee may determine
the power to hear the case or not. Second. All those in favor?
Amendment passes.
ii. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that we add language to IV.E. that
allows us to carry forth a grievance when under a court order.
Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
iii. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that we change the following
language in V.B.2.b. (changes underlined): change “mutually
agreeable amount of time” to “reasonable amount of time.” Second.
All those in favor? Amendment passes.
iv. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that we add the following language
to V.E.4 (addition underlined): Each party shall have the right to be
represented “at his or her own cost…” Second. All those in favor?
For: 25 Against: 5 Abstained: 8
v. Amendment: Numsiri Kunakemakorn that we add the following two
sentences to V.B.E.5: Copies of the recordings of proceedings will be
kept by the Office of Academic Affairs. Copies of the recordings shall
be made available to the grievant and respondent upon request.
Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
vi. Amendment: Kathy Black moves that we add a sentence regarding
binding arbitration. Second. All those in favor? Amendment fails.
vii. Amendment: Paul Tayler moves that we add language to V.B.2 that
states the parties may use professional and independent mediation.
Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
b. All those in favor of the original motion with the approved amendments?
Motion passes.
5. Administrative Reports
a. UVUSA – Kyle Brown will be replaced by Christopher Loumeau
b. AAVP – Liz Hitch commends the Senate for their success in moving policies
c. President – Matt Holland thanks the Senate for their work.
6. Presentation
a. Certificates of Appreciation for Retiring Senators – Chuck Allison thanks the
Senators who are rotating off the Senate.
b. The Passing of the Gavel – Chuck Allison  John Balden. Chuck Allison and
John Balden both say a few words as the gavel is passed.
7. Adjournment
Next Meeting: 14 September 2010
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