October 27, 2009

Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate, 27 October 2009
Thomas Henry, Joohyn Chung, Afsaneh Minaie, Alan Clarke, Jeff Bulger, Numsiri
Kunakemakorn, Mark Borchelt, Scott Lewis, Lorraine Wallace, Phil Matheson, Greg Briscoe,
Geoffrey Cockerham, Tracy Sermon, Ian Sorensen, Virginia Bayer, Calvin Bond, Dennis
Potter, Julian Smit, Todd Low, Robert Price, Fred Davis, Paul Tayler, John Balden, Pat
Ormond, Hugh Rode, Amir Kia, Vaughn Armstrong, Mark Crane, Liz Hitch, Moh El-Saidi,
Matthew Holland, Floyd Olson, Dale Boam
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes. Minutes are approved.
3. Senate Minute
a. Robert’s Rules Tidbit. Chuck Allison gives a brief PowerPoint presentation about
the following items:
i. how we currently define faculty at UVU
ii. rules of debate
4. Administrative Reports
a. President – Matthew Holland talks about his recent visits around campus.
b. VPAA – Liz Hitch talks about President Holland’s visits around campus.
c. PACE – Corey Callahan talks about availability of flu shots and the Health Risk
d. UVUSA – Kyle Brown. Not here.
5. Action Items
a. Policy 635: Faculty Rights and Professional Responsibilities. Some portions
handled by other policies (Tenure, Appeals, etc.)
i. The following motion is on the floor (motion was tabled until this meeting
at the last Senate meeting): The policy committee moves that the following
recommendations be forwarded to the policy sponsor and steward. Second.
(Recommendations distributed by email).
1. Amendment: Julian Smit moves that we remove the last
sentence of the preamble in section V; that we also strike
references to “tenure track” and “non-tenure track” faculty in
V.A.1, V.B.3 and change it to just “Faculty Member”; and that
we remove the affected sentence in V.C.1. Second. All those in
favor? Amendment passes.
2. Amendment: Alan Clarke moves that we replace “shall” with
“should” from V.C.1 “a” through “d” and we also remove the
preamble, changing items “a” through “d” to items “1” through
“5”. Second. All those in favor? Amendment passes.
3. Amendment: Numsiri Kunakemakorn moves that we add a
sixth item to IV.A.6 that reads as follows: “Faculty Members
are entitled to accurate and timely information pertinent to
collective and individual responsibilities likely to impact
working conditions and reasonable and timely opportunities to
consider and have input on proposed changes.” Second. All
those in favor? Amendment passes.
4. Amendment: John Balden moves that we change “reasonable”
in V.A.2.C to “reasonable and appropriate”. Second. All those
in favor? 14 in favor, 5 opposed, 11 abstained. Motion fails.
5. Amendment: Paul Tayler moves that we change “shall” to
“should” in IV.C.1. Second. All those in favor? Amendment
6. Amendment: Paul Tayler moves that we strike the following
words from IV.F.3: “in such competence, it is implicit that
responsibility exists for both adverse and favorable
judgments.” No second. Amendment fails.
7. Amendment: Virginia Bayer moves that we add the following
language to the Definitions section, III.A: “and in conformance
with expanding and evolving notions of academic freedom.”
Second. All those in favor? 15 yes, 10 opposed, 3 abstain.
Amendment passes.
ii. All those in favor of the original motion, including the approved
amendments that are recorded in the minutes from the last meeting,
and the approved amendments from this meeting? Motion passes.
b. Policy 638: Post-Tenure Review
i. Calvin Bond moves that we take policy 638 off the table from last
April so that we can continue to debate it. Second. All those in favor?
Motion passes.
ii. Paul Tayler moves that the following recommendations be forwarded
the policy sponsor and steward. Second. (recommendations are
iii. Thomas Henry motions to table policy 638 until the next meeting.
Second. Motion passes.
6. Adjournment
Next Meeting: 10 November 2009
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