DIM Syllabus

John H. Reagan High School
Enabling our students to realize great heights
713-865-4400 ext. 321
“Digital Interactive Media”
Course Syllabus 2015-2016
Instructor: R. Gray
Email: rgray@houstonisd.org
Conference: 12:15 – 1:00pm
Room # M325
713-865-4400 ext.321
Course Overview:
Through the study of digital and interactive media and its applications in information
technology, students will analyze and assess current and emerging technologies, while
designing and creating multimedia projects that address customer needs and resolve a
problem. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly
evolving workplace environment. The knowledge and skill acquired and practiced will enable
students to successfully perform and interact in a technology-driven society. Students
enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and critical thinking and apply them to
the information technology environment.
General Expectation:
This is a hands-on and self paced instructional course. You will responsible for your
success in this course.
Students must demonstrate ability to work in a self pace, individualized environment, using
time management and work organizational skills
Students must come prepared with needed materials.
Students must participate daily.
Students must turn in assignments on time to receive full credit.
Late work will be penalized 25 points.
Students are responsible for saving all assignments using a flash drive or cloud storage
Device and/or cloud (flash drive with at least 2GB)
Classroom Rules:
The uniform dress code must be worn at all times.
You must show respect towards others in the class room at all times.
Conduct yourself in a responsible manner obeying all school rules.
Do not use profanity in classroom.
Be on time and seated when bell rings.
Clean your work area before you exit the class.
Treat equipment in the manner you would your own, do not write, remove, damage
and part of the hardware.
Daily Responsibilities:
First step as you begin the lesson for the day:
Blank Agenda handouts are located in the designated folder on the wall. Please
complete daily with the content objective and assignment in detail. This will provide
you with organization, knowledge of any missed assignments, and deadlines and
dates assignments are due. This is graded weekly and earns you 90% in your
participation grading.
Additional warms will be listed on the board for you to complete. Follow instructions as
you complete them. They will be graded.
Make-Up Work/Absences
Do not expect me to inform you of your missing assignments, this is your
responsibility. Get information from agenda, obtain any missing handouts, turn
work in as soon as possible.
Students are allowed to make-up missed assignments for excused absences only. Students
must make-up assignments within 3 days of absence. Make sure you locate and complete any
missed assignments in a time allotted. Don’t wait till grading periods to make-up missing work.
Your Grade will count on you being responsible.
Missed assignments that are not made up will be recorded as a grade of (0).
Classroom Folders:
A class room folder will be given to each student with a bind to store it. Do not take class
folder out of the classroom. All your assignments, graded work, daily activities will be stored in
this folder. You will be held responsible for lost work and folders.
Required Text/Materials:
Notebook paper
Storage device (Flash drive)
Textbook provided by teacher
Mon 4:00-4:50pm
Or by appointment
Grading Scores
90-100 excellent
80-89 good
75-79 average
70-74 passing below avg.
70-below failing
Grading Scale
Projects/Group 25%
Daily Participation 20%
Daily Assignments 30 %
Agendas 5%
Test/Quizzes 20%