Course Guidelines

* This Copy Stays at Home * This Copy Stays at Home * This Copy Stays at Home *
Contact Information:
Email: Room: GYM-A Phone: 713 865-4400 (x387)
Tutorials: Tuesdays 8:00-8:30 a.m. Thursday 8:00-8:30 a.m. (When requested)
Dear Parents and Student,
Welcome to physical education at Reagan High School! Students who participate
will have a great experience in this class. Please bring all required
materials by Tuesday, September 3, 2013.
Classroom Rules and Requirements:
1) Be prepared and punctual.
2) Be courteous and respectful.
3) Be honest.
4) Never assume, always ask questions if
something is unclear.
5) Think!!
1) Warning.
2) Classroom detention.
3) Parent contact.
4) Discipline referral.
5) Parent, teacher, student conference.
Grading Policy:
Major Grades: 30%- Written Tests,
Projects. 30%- Skills Tests
Daily Grades: 40%- Dress and Participation
 Reagan Physical Education Shirt
 Shorts: Maroon, Gray, or Black
 Spiral Tablet, Combination Lock-No key
 Tennis Shoes
You are required to bring your spiral tablet to class every day.
Teacher Absences:
I will always tell you in advance if I know I will be absent from school. Usually,
you will know the assignment before you come to school that day. There are no
hall passes when I am out, so please plan accordingly. You know how this
classroom runs; continue as though I were here. If I have an unexpected
absence, the same rules apply.
Student Absences:
If you must be absent, please notify me at the earliest possible time. If your
absence was not anticipated, it is your responsibility to gather the
assignments that you missed. I will not remind you of missed assignments. You
will have three weekdays to complete your missed assignments. If you miss an
exam, be prepared to take it when you return to class. Keep in mind that the
format of the re-test is at my discretion.
Missed assignments should be obtained outside of class hours only.
You have the option to retake any test grade below a 75 within seven days of
the grade being posted on Gradespeed.
Late Work:
Classroom assignments and homework are expected to be completed on time.
Additionally, you have received two homework passes. Please use them wisely.
Late assignments will not be accepted.
All of your papers should be labeled with the proper heading. The upper left-hand
corner should include the following information: 1)full name, 2)subject and period,
3)date. See the example below. Five points will be deducted from any paper that
is turned in without a proper heading.
Full Name
Subject and Period
Free Days:
There is no such thing as free day but we do have a recreational day every
Friday, At our discretion!
If you fail to follow these procedures or are disrupting the classroom
environment, you will be given a personal detention with me. You will be
required to spend 30 minutes before or after school or during lunch cleaning up
the classroom, lab stations, or lab equipment. If I hand you a Detention Notice,
please hand me your ID. I will keep your ID card at my desk until you have
filled out and returned the Detention Notice. You will have one week to serve
your detention. Failing to serve detention will result in referral to your dean. In
high school classes, it falls to the student to inform the parent of a detention.
Scheduling the detention in a timely manner so that it does not affect parent
schedules is a student responsibility.
Lock and Lockers:
Students are responsible for purchasing a combination lock (no key locks) for
their locker. The lockers are used for storing Physical Education supplies only.
The coaches are not responsible for any stolen items.
Students are not allowed to bring electronics in the gym. All electronics that are
being used during the physical education class will be confiscated and turned in
to the respective Principal. There is a monetary fee for the return of all
confiscated phones.
1) Immediately go to the locker room and dress in your Reagan P. E. attire.
2) If you do not dress there will be a written assignment for you to complete.
The highest grade that you may receive on the assignment will be a 70.
3) Hall passes: Only one person may be out of the classroom at a time
4) You will be expected to actively participate in all tasks and discussions in the
classroom/gym. This means asking questions, contributing answers, and playing
an active role in all activities.
5) You should always bring the appropriate materials to class. Every day, you
will need your spiral tablet, Reagan P.E shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes.
6) The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
7) Please keep locker room and restroom clean, PLEASE FLUSH! Dispose of
personal items properly. Trash should be thrown in the trash can. Our custodial
staff works hard to maintain a clean campus. Please support their efforts.
8) Students will be required to learn safety rules. Students should follow safety
rules at all times.
9) All work that is to be turned in must be completed in blue or black pen. If I
cannot read your work, I cannot grade it.
10) If there is something about you that I should know (e.g. poor vision,
asthma) please tell me ASAP so that I can accommodate your needs.
Physical Education
You play a crucial role in your child’s education. I ask you to participate in
your child’s learning by monitoring Agenda sheets, checking grades on
Gradespeed (instructions can be found at, and
encouraging your child to attend tutorials. The easiest way to communicate
with me is by e-mail Additionally, you can access
my lesson plans via the Reagan High School website.
I have carefully read and understand these rules, procedures and guidelines for
Coach Ehmling’s class. I will honor them at all times.
Student Name
Student Signature
I have carefully read and discussed these guidelines with my child. I
understand them and support them. (Please write your email address legibly. I
will never send out information that does not directly pertain to my class.)
Parent Name
Daytime Phone Number
Parent Signature
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Parent E-mail Address