1. In this problem, you are going to plot the sum of several sine waves, either in Origin or in Excel (Excel will be more fun--more "interactive"). You can also do the problem in something like Mathematica or Matlab. You will plot not just any sine waves, but you do have some leeway. First decide whether you wish to do a spatial or a temporal frequency. Next choose that frequency. Generate a sinewave with amplitude 1.00 at the fundamental frequency. Generate a sinewave with amplitude 0.33 at the third harmonic (i.e., 3 x fundamental) Generate a sinewave with amplitude 0.20 at the fifth harmonic. Generate additional sinewaves for the odd harmonics, decreasing the amplitude in proportion to the harmonic as above. You can probably stop at about 11th harmonic. Now ADD all the sinewaves and plot the sum. Does your answer look like Fig. 50-3 in The Feynmann Lectures? If not, how would you make it so? For fun, visit this site: http://www.falstad.com/fourier/e-triangle.html Or this one: http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mastascu/eLessonsHTML/Freq/Freq4.html