Efficient Development through SCORM Standards Paul F. Merrill Michael D. Bush Thor Anderson http://id2scorm.byu.edu/scorm.ppt Purpose Enhancing the reusability of our instructional products Courses Syllabi Lectures Presentations Handouts Java Applets Simulations Multimedia Multimedia Graphics Pictures Charts Diagrams Animations Video Clips Audio Clips Affluent Throw-away Society "We're reminded a hundred times a day to buy things, but we're not reminded to take care of them, repair them, reuse them, or give them away." Michael Jacobson, Center for the Study of Commercialism We need to find better ways to reuse share, and recycle our instructional products Or at least many components thereof! Examples of the Problem Examples of the Problem Examples of Problem Obsolete Programming Languages APL Applesoft Basic Pascal Logo procedure convert; var fTemp : integer; cTemp : real; begin space; write('Enter the Fahrenheit temperature: '); readln(fTemp); cTemp := (5 / 9) * (fTemp - 32); space; writeln(' Celsius is ', round(cTemp) : 1); end; Examples of Problem Obsolete Authoring Systems Coursewriter IconAuthor Examples of the Problem Obsolete Versions Course of Action Authorware Examples of the Problem CBI course on APL Examples of the Problem Obsolete Hardware Apple IIe Amiga Videodisc SyQuest Removable Cartridges NeXT Magneto-Optical Discs Examples of the Problem Future obsolescence? Blackboard WebCT Jupiter Flash Visual Basic JavaScript iShell Sources of Obsolescence Business viability Proprietary binary formats Versions of interpreter ??? Goals Reusable Accessible Can be easily found (by a search engine) for reuse by learners or developers (Discoverability) Interoperable Can be easily reused by a variety of tools Can by used by a variety of platforms, hardware, browsers, tools, etc. Durable Can be reused with no or minimal modifications with new technology (hardware & software). Possible Applications Accessible electronic instructional product repository (Digital library) Independent instructional modules (SCO: Sharable Content Objects) Cataloging of instructional modules or SCOs and content assets (Use of metadata) Use of international standards for instructional products (SCORM). Separation of content, presentation and interaction (Development productivity) Importance of Standards Examples of Standards Examples of Standards Other Examples ??? SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative (1995) Suite of technical standard specifications or guidelines to enable the sharing and reuse of course content What is SCORM? A suite of standards or standard practices that is a composite, made up of what are often adaptations or extensions to standards that originated from other standards or specifications organizations. Where do these standards come from? Key Working Affiliations IMS CANCORE ADL JISC/CETIS Co-Lab OKI/MIT OCLC SIF MERLOT IEEE/LTSC EDUCAUSE/NLII NCAM DEST/IMS Australia Singapore Mexico Thor Anderson, IMS Where do standards come from? Progression of ideas to standards R&D Concepts User Needs SIF W3C oclc Spec Consortia CEN/ISS Programs Testbeds, Markets Specifications, Best Practice New Products, Pilot Programs, Testbeds Standards Bodies Technical Trends COLIS IMS Accredited Standards Sources of SCORM Standards XML eXtensible Markup Language <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>List of Books</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>List of Books</H1> <HR><BR> <B>Title </B>Learning Perl <BR><B>Authors </B>Schwartz & Christiansen <BR><B>ISBN </B>1-861002-94-7 <BR><B>Price </B>39.99 USD <BR><BR><BR> <B>Title </B>Programming Perl <BR><B>Authors </B>Wall, Christiansen & Schwartz <BR><B>ISBN </B>1-861002-97-1 <BR><B>Price </B>39.99 USD </BODY> </HTML> <?xml version="1.0"?> <listofbooks> <book> <title>Learning Perl</title> <authors> <author>Randal L. Schwartz</author> <author>Tom Christiansen</author> </authors> <isbn>1-861002-94-7</isbn> <price currency="USD">39.99</price> </book> <book> <title>Programming Perl</title> <authors> <author>Larry Wall</author> <author>Tom Christiansen</author> <author>Randal L. Schwartz</author> </authors> <isbn>1-861002-97-1</isbn> <price currency="USD">45.98</price> </book> </listofbooks> SCORM Standards Content Packaging Communication between course & Learning Management System (LMS) Course & student metadata SCORM Content Packaging Standard Content files should be placed in a single directory with possible sub-directories The course, its content and navigation structure should be described with a special file in XML format located in the top-level directory named: “imsmanifest.xml.” SCORM Manifest File Course metadata Course sequencing or navigation structure SCO metadata Assets or resources metadata Sample Manifest Files Generic Manifest File VAD Manifest File Runtime System API The Future: Representing Content General: From media to learning Specific: Video Asset Description Demonstrations French CD French CD to XML Current Examples QTI Examples Learning Objects? Media Objects Knowledge Objects Learning Objects Course Objects Instructional Components LEARNING OBJECTS KNOWLEDGE OBJECTS STRATEGY OBJECTS MEDIA OBJECTS From M. David Merrill Components of a knowledge object NAME DESCRIPTION PORTRAYAL From M. David Merrill And Dorling-Kindersley Examples of Reusability Display Functionality Monitor vs. PDA Instruction vs. Assessment Resources ID2SCORM Conference Web site Learning Objects, Knowledge Objects and Mental Models, M. David Merrill Educational Technology article VAD development Web site CVP paper submitted to IEEE MultiMedia