SEC 403 Theory and Practice in Teaching Secondary English 9-12

SEC 403 Theory and Practice in Teaching Secondary English 9-12
Course Description: Co-requisite SEC 421 Field Experience Block 3: Secondary Teaching (1)
This course provides emphasis on theory, curriculum development, inquiry, critical thinking, classroom
management, instructional strategies and selection of appropriate instructional materials for teaching secondary
English. Successful planning and teaching practices with adaptations to diverse needs of students will be discussed
and incorporated into coursework.
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to explore the strands, methods, and materials related to a school curriculum for
teaching English to high school students. These objectives are adapted from the National Council of
Teachers of English (NCTE).
1. Demonstrate an understanding of and competence in short-term and long-term planning for English
2. Explore the challenges related to English instruction with emphasis placed on strategies for teaching
literature, composition, and language, including, but not limited to: reading/writing workshop, tracking,
teaching at-risk students, exceptionality, teaching non-native speakers of English, teacher ethics, diversity,
critical thinking, learning styles, and interdisciplinary models
3. Plan and teach lessons to meet the unique needs of English Language Learners.
4. Become familiar with the technology, professional resources, trade books, and other materials related to
the teaching of English
5. Demonstrate ability to assess student achievement, including English Language Learners and other atrisk students in literature, composition, and language.
6. Plan an interdisciplinary unit based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
7. Examine and evaluate materials, both print and electronic, useful in teaching English 9-12.
8. Utilize various techniques to practice and apply the role of reflective practitioner and lifelong learner.
9. Understand and develop individual resources (including media, technology, and traditional text) for
combining the various strands within the teaching of English Language modes of reading, writing,
listening, speaking, viewing, and critical thinking.
10. Demonstrate an understanding of assessment and evaluation techniques, (formative and summative) for
both alternative and standardized assessments.
Required Texts:
1. Tchudi, S.J. and Tchudi, S.N. (1999). The English language arts handbook (2nd ed).
ISBN: 086709463X
2. Dunn, M. (2002). Ella Minnow Pea. ISBN: 0385722435
3. Haddon, M. (2003). The curious incident of the dog in the night-time. ISBN: 0385512104.
4. Noden, H. (1999). Image grammar. ISBN: 0867094664
5. Required journal articles will be provided by instructor via URL or hard copy.
History of English ed
Long and short term planning
Designing instruction
language and literacy
oral and written expression
responding to literature
fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and multimedia
Process writing, Writing workshop, Portfolios
"6-traits" writing
Evaluating learning
traditional, alternative, and authentic assessment
1. Text Responses (and weekly discussion board reflections)
2. Web-based assignments/postings
3. Professional Research assignment
4. Interdisciplinary collaboration and resulting collaborative lesson plan
5. Thematic Instructional Unit
6. Final Exhibition
7. Reflective letter to meet 21st Century Standards (Taskstream)
8. Satisfactory completion of Field Experience. Credit for Field Experience will not be awarded
unless you receive a passing grade from the course, as per Watson School of Education policy.