School Food Service Management

Bowling Green State University Dietetic Internship Program
School Foodservice Management
Pre-rotation check list
_____ Assignments printed and reviewed
_____Pre-rotation self assessment as journal entry
_____ Readings completed
_____Complete foodservice/management review quiz
_____ Review foodservice section of Formulas for Success CD
Planned Experience
Evaluation Strategy
Preceptor/Intern Comments
DI 4.4 Participate in public policy activities, including both legislative and regulatory initiatives.
Identifies issues relevant to
school foodservice
Identify current state and
national legislation relevant
to foodservice
Identifies issues relevant to
school foodservice in the
school wellness policy
Identify regulations
applicable to menu planning
and sale of competitive
Review article “Fostering healthy
food consumption in schools:
Focusing on the challenges of
competitive foods”
Review article “Understanding
Barriers to Implementing Quality
Lunch and Nutrition Education”
Review article “When Nudging in the
Lunch Line Might Be a Good Thing
Discuss relevant points with
preceptor –journal entry
discuss with preceptor, program
director to review journal
Search on the State of Ohio
legislature page to identify current
bills that are relevant to school
foodservice –journal entry
discuss implications with foodservice
director – would changes be
required? –journal entry
discuss with preceptor, program
director to review journal
review school wellness policy and
composition of committee
identify current goals –journal entry
what changes have been made as a
result of this policy? –journal entry
discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
Review eligibility criteria for free and
reduced lunch
Review the nutritional requirements
for school lunches
Review current state competitive food
Journal entry summarizing guidelines
DI 4.6 Use current informatic technology to develop, store, retrieve and disseminate information and data.
Utilizes computers and
other technology as
Evaluation of competency
Review use of computers in this
department - journal entry listing all
Assist in data entry, analysis,
ordering, etc. using computers if
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
evaluated by preceptor, program
director to review journal
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
Intern Rating
DI 2.3 Design, implement and evaluate presentations considering life experiences, cultural diversity and educational background of the
target audience.
Develop and present an
employee in-service
training program.
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Review policy and procedures on
evaluated by preceptor and
employee in-services.
Review educational needs of target
audience (foodservice employees) does this group have special needs –
multi-lingual printed materials, low
literacy, etc.? journal entry describing
these needs
Plan in-service on topic designated by
foodservice director using existing
materials or developing as needed,
using FN 5210 lesson plan format
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Conduct in-service as needed.
Develop and present a
nutrition education session
for population served.
Evaluation of competency
Use existing programs (i.e. Team
Nutrition) or develop an education
session for target audience as needed
using the lesson plan format used in
FN 5210
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
director to evaluate lesson plan
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
Intern Rating
DI 1.4 Evaluate emerging research for applications in dietetics practice.
Review research articles
relevant to foodservice and
apply if applicable
Review article Relationships of Meal
and Recess Schedules to Plate Waste
in Elementary Schools
Discuss findings with preceptor and
comment on applicability or
relevance to this setting as a journal
discuss with preceptor, director
to review journal entry
DI 4.5 Conduct clinical and customer service quality management activities
Monitor food quality.
Monitor customer
Monitor outcomes related
to continuous quality
Evaluation of competency
Review and procedures for
monitoring of food quality.
Conduct taste test and temperature
check for a meal – use test tray form
if desired
Discuss results with preceptor, make
journal entry.
Discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
Review Putting the Wow! In
Dietetics: An Introduction to
Customer Satisfaction
Review policy and procedures on
quality improvement
Use school health index, complete
module 4: nutrition servicessummarize results in journal entry
Discuss methods for monitoring
customer satisfaction with preceptor.
Develop survey as needed and
implement if possible.
Discuss with preceptor
Review powerpoint – Performance
Read article CQI Process
Identify performance indicators and
quality indicators for the foodservice
department –journal entry
Identify an area needing improvement
and draw a fishbone diagram
identifying the materials, methods,
training and staff issues showing
cause and effect – journal entry
Develop an action plan journal entry
Assist with data collection for ongoing CQI as needed
Discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
DI 4.9 Obtain and analyze financial data to assess budget controls and maximize fiscal outcomes.
Reviews budget planning
process at this facility.
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Note – you do not need to
interview school administrators
when completing School Health
Read articles – The Case of the
discuss with preceptor or
Disappearing Money series
budgetary manager
Review budget development/
resource allocation handout
What are the current issues regarding
the budget? How are they being
addressed? – journal entry
Review budgetary policies/ guidelines
Review current budget.
Review forecasting procedures.
Complete break even analysis
Intern Rating
Assists in planning menus
that meet facility budget
Evaluation of competency
Review school district web page for
menus any nutrition initiatives
Review menu pricing strategies and
menu pricing worksheet.
Using facility resources, plan a one
day menu
Price each item based on facility
pricing policies - justify pricing
method (demand oriented, prime cost,
Using forecasting procedures plan
purchasing needs for next purchasing
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
evaluated by preceptor
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
DI 4.1 Use organizational processes and tools to manage human resources.
Reviews human resource
policies, lines of authority,
personnel responsibilities
for the department.
Identify issues related to
hiring and retaining
Review possible issues
related to employee theft
Review other sources of
revenue loss
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Review organization chart, lines of
authority/ communication.
Review job descriptions of personnel
- update if needed.
Attend departmental meetings if
discuss with preceptor
director to review assignments,
journal entries
Read articles: Choosing the Best
Candidate: What to Look For (And
Avoid) in a New Hire and
Maintaining Quality Despite Staff
Turnover and Motivating
Unmotivated People
Review policies related to posting job
openings – is there a policy for hiring
internal candidates? Is there a
standard set of questions used in the
hiring process? Discuss with
preceptor - journal entry.
Review policies related to orientation
and training – are checklists used to
ensure process is standardized?
journal entry
Discuss problems of employee
turnover with preceptor – what is the
estimated financial cost of hiring an
employee? What does this include?
journal entry
Are there any employee incentive
programs in place? Are they
effective? journal entry
Complete management case studies.
discuss with preceptor, director
to review assignments, journal
Review employee theft policies and
Read article How to avoid excessive
employee theft
Complete employee theft assignment
discuss with preceptor, director
to review assignments, journal
Review policies related to
consumption of food and leftovers.
Discuss revenue loss related to these
issues with preceptor.
discuss with preceptor, director
to review assignments, journal
Intern Rating
Assists in development of
staffing schedule.
Monitor performance of
designated employee
Identify federal regulations
regarding employees
Reviews components of
Identify employee wellness
Evaluation of competency
Read article: Staffing and
Scheduling the Foodservice
Review scheduling policies and
How many FTE’s does this facility
employ? Journal entry
Assist in completing schedule for one
week or designated time frame if
discuss with preceptor, director
to review assignments, journal
Read article How to Deliver an
Effective Performance Appraisal
Review performance evaluation
Review discipline, grievance
procedures/ policies.
What type of record keeping is done
to ensure performance appraisals are
accurate? Discuss procedures with
preceptor – journal entry
program director to review
journal entries
Review policies and procedures
regarding FMLA, Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act, NLRA, WARN
(Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act), FLSA (Fair Labor
Standards Act)
Is this facility unionized? Review
current union contract
Are there any particular issues to
consider when working with this
union? –journal entry
discuss with preceptor, director
to review assignments, journal
Review contract buying and
foodservice equipment handouts
Review facility policy and procedure
re: contracts, capital expenditures
Describe contracts in a journal entry
Discuss with preceptor,
assignment evaluated by director
Are there employee wellness
initiatives in place? journal entry
develop programming, newsletter
article, etc. as needed add to portfolio
discuss with preceptor, director
to review journal entries
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
DI 4.3 Apply systems theory and a process approach to make decisions and maximize outcomes.
Review methodology used to
apply systems theory in a
foodservice setting.
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Review article: A Systems-Based
Food Safety Evaluation: An
Experimental Approach
Identify specific elements that
interact in this foodservice system
Journal entry
Program director to review
journal entry
Intern Rating
Uses problem
solving/critical thinking
skills to find solutions to
foodservice dilemmas.
Evaluation of competency
With preceptor, select a problem or
potential problem or project and
document in journal as follows – can
be problem identified as part of CQI
performance indicator review :
1. identify in writing what the
problem is
2. identify the underlying issues
and the various “sides of the
3. develop an action plan for
solving the issue
4. review your action plan with
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
discuss with preceptor, program
director to evaluate assignment
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
DI 1.3 Justify programs, products or services using appropriate evidence or data.
Investigate selection of a
new piece of equipment for
the facility.
Investigate new food product
Read article Success Strategies for
Buying Capital Equipment
Discuss future capital expenditures
with director
Research equipment options and
write specifications as journal entry
considering number of meals to be
prepared, space available and energy
1. name of equipment
2. construction material
3. power or heating source
4. controls, safety features
5. certification
6. warranty
discuss with preceptor,
assignment evaluated by director.
Discuss procedure to add a new
product to the menu or ala carte
offerings with preceptor
Identify a potential new product to
add to either the menu or ala carte
offerings for one of the schools –
what factors will you consider?
journal entry
Develop a marketing strategy to
“sell” this item to your preceptor
including potential selling price,
labor and storage/equipment
implications – document as journal
Develop a marketing strategy to sell it
to the target audience. – document as
journal entry
DI 4.7 Prepare and analyze quality, financial or productivity data and develops a plan for intervention.
Evaluate workflow in an
6/27/16 revised, cmh
Observe preparation for meal noting
any problems in traffic patterns, use
of horizontal versus vertical space
(including retrieval of articles from
storage, food preparation and serving
- make journal entry discussing
Discuss efficiency of current layout
with director. Prepare alternative
layout to correct any observed
problems as journal entry.
discuss with preceptor, journal
entry to be evaluated by program
Intern Rating
Evaluate productivity of
Evaluate physical
As journal entries show the following
trays/minute and compare to
benchmark for this type of facility, if
Choose a meal and calculate the labor
cost /meal
Choose a menu item and estimate the
food cost percentage.
What is the food cost percentage used
by this facility? Choose a menu item
and calculate the selling price based
on this percentage (if not available,
use 40%)
Labor cost/meal = total salary cost  total meals & meal equivalents
Food cost percentage = cost of food item  income from food item
Raw food cost  food cost percentage = selling price
Discuss with preceptor,
assignment to be evaluated by
program director
Evaluate environmental
issues impacting
foodservice operations.
Uses standard methods to
monitor food costs
Participates in food
production operations.
Evaluation of competency
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Review kitchen design principles
handout; refer to undergrad text for
additional information if needed.
Complete kitchen design worksheet
and discuss with preceptor.
Review article “A decision tree for
Discuss with preceptor,
selecting the most cost-effective
assignment to be evaluated by
waste disposal strategy in foodservice program director
Review cost factors and options
described in article (composting,
reusable mug system, recycling
center, etc.) and determine which are
utilized by facility –journal entry
Review water usage – does the dish
machine recycle rinse water? Are
flow restrictors or aerators used on
faucets? Is cold running water used
to thaw food or clean produce?
journal entry
Review energy usage – what pieces of
equipment use the most energy? Was
energy efficiency considered when
purchasing equipment? Journal entry
Complete energy conservation
practice checklist.
Choose a food item and conduct a
cook from scratch versus buy
prepared item study – determine the
prime cost for each item and
compare. Choose an item with 100%
as purchased yield if desired (i.e.
baked goods)
Describe in journal entry
Prime cost = food cost + direct labor cost
Review facility policies/procedures
Work with an employee completing
routine tasks as needed
Complete productivity assignment
Under direction of supervisor,
develop production and labor sheets
for a meal
evaluated by preceptor
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
evaluated by preceptor, journal entry reviewed by director
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
Intern Rating
DI 3.7 Develop and evaluate recipes, formulas and menus for acceptability and affordability that accommodates the cultural diversity
and health needs of various populations, groups and individuals
Modify recipe according to
guidelines for quantity and
nutrient content.
Choose 1 recipe from a standardized
cookbook. (If possible choose a
recipe that can be incorporated into
the facility menu)
Modify recipe so that it will serve
100 people (or number designated by
director) and put in block format.
Identify critical control points.
Prepare recipe if possible.
evaluated by preceptor/director.
Review facility policy and procedures
re: menu planning to meet special
requirements dictated by school lunch
guidelines journal entry
Review policies for offer versus serve
options and competitive foods
Discuss with preceptor
Review article Providing services to
meet the needs of your culturally
diverse population.
Collect general demographic
information on population served note diversity within population. e
journal entry.
Review current menu and describe
how it fits the needs of the
population served. journal entry
Discuss with preceptor.
Analyze menu to determine
compliance with school foodservice
guidelines using an analysis program
such as Nutrikids or evaluation of
food group servings.
Evaluated by preceptor
Review article Tips for Improving
Product Selection and Specifications
Review handout on can cutting and
sensory evaluation
Review facility policy and procedure
for sensory evaluation of new
Discuss possibility of participating in
a can cutting or other product testing
with the foodservice director journal
Use facility procedure or method
included to set up a duo-trio, paired
comparison, triangle taste test or
descriptive test
Evaluated by preceptor, director
to review journal entries
Promotes improved
nutrition practices of target
Understand/identify special
needs of the population
served by the food service
Assures compliance with
regulatory guidelines.
Evaluate food items using
standard procedures.
Evaluation of competency
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
DI 3.6 Coordinate procurement, production, distribution, and service of goods and services.
Reviews procurement
subsystem - receiving,
storing, inventory and
issuing of food and
supplies in compliance
with federal, state and local
6/27/16 revised, cmh
Review receiving and inventory
procedures handouts.
Review facility policy and procedure:
receiving, and inventory
complete purchase order for one week
supply of food, etc.
Assist in conducting an inventory complete inventory checklist
Assist in receiving - complete
receiving assignment
Observe/participate in serving of
food on trayline etc. - make journal
Evaluated by preceptor.
Intern Rating
Reviews purchasing
Review role of commodity
foods in school foodservice.
Evaluation of competency
Review facility procedures for
Assist in purchasing food and
supplies under supervision of
responsible personnel
Review food specification handout,
discuss with preceptor;
Complete specification assignment.
Evaluated by preceptor and
Review USDA Foods, America’s
Finest satellite seminar
Review the USDA Commodity Fact
Sheet Database
Discuss current use of commodity
foods with preceptor –journal entry
Research the current foods available
Choose one of the foods and develop
a menu either using the food as
purchased or in a recipe. Forecast
how much of the product will be
needed – journal entry
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
Intern Rating
DI 4.2 Perform management functions related to safety, security and sanitation that affect employees, customers, patients, facilities and
Review safety issues for
this facility.
Review employee food
consumption policies
Review sanitation issues
for this facility.
Perform a safety and
sanitation inspection.
Evaluation of competency
6/27/16 revised, cmh
Review federal, state and local
regulations including OSHA and
health department
Review most recent facility
inspection for compliance with
regulations - journal entry
discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
Review policy and procedures
regarding employee food
consumption for quality purposes.
Review state and facility policies
regarding employee beverage
consumption in the kitchen
Discuss any concerns with
inappropriate food consumption with
preceptor journal entry
discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
Review facility policies and
procedures regarding sanitation
including waste disposal, pest
management, dishwashing, storage
and handling of cleaning supplies,
floor maintenance. Review policies
for inclusion of HACCP guidelines
including documentation procedures.
Where are MDS sheets located?
Overhead sprinklers? Eye wash
stations? journal entry
How often are thermometers
calibrated? journal entry
Review facility policy and procedure
on monitoring and recording
How are dishes sanitized? What are
temperatures of wash and rinse cycle?
journal entry
discuss with preceptor,
program director to review
journal entries
Conduct sanitation audit using
facility forms if possible.
evaluated by preceptor
1= competency attempted, with minimal success
2= competency partially met
3= competency nearly met at entry level
4= competency met at entry level
5=competency surpasses entry level
NA = not attempted or observed
Intern Rating
Were competencies generally met? yes
Suggestions for future planned experiences
Preceptor Signature
Intern Signature
Post rotation checklist:
Goals and objectives signed by preceptor and intern
Post rotation evaluation form completed by preceptor, signed by intern
Submission of assignments to director
Complete intern feedback form and submit
Retake foodservice/management review quiz if score is <90%
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