The Media

 Traditional
Newspapers : NY Times, Wall St. Journal,
Washington Post (Declining circulation)
Television: CBS, NBC, ABC (Declining w/ cable
t.v.)---Since ‘80 broadcast news has lost 54% of
viewership; Nielsen report
Magazines: Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and
World Report (Declining circulation; down 10% in
the last yr.)
Trends toward mergers and consolidation (less
competition; Viacom, Time-Warner, Disney, News
Corp., G.E.)
Who Are the Media?
The “New Media”
More interactive
More emphasis on entertainment-”infotainment”
Ratings Cable News Aug.
Nielsen program ratings for cable news channels for
The Media and Public Opinion
Does the media influence public opinion (Mixed
Television “personalizes” candidates and elections
Media stress short-term elements of elections
Those who consume media influence others
Media help set national agenda
Rise of advocacy journalism rather than objective journalism
Journalists are more liberal as a whole
Media are primary linking mechanism between public/gov’t
Profit motive--emphasis on boosting ratings--”trivialization” of
news----people less informed on important issues
Other Examples
REPORT: "Fair and balanced" Fox
News aggressively promotes "tea
party" protests
On the February 27, 2009 edition of On the Record, host Greta
Van Susteren said: " 'Tea party' protests are erupting across the
country. Angry taxpayers, or at least some of them, are taking to
the streets in the spirit of the Boston Tea Party. People are
protesting President Obama's massive $787 billion stimulus bill,
his $3.55 trillion budget and a federal government that has been
ballooning by the day since the president took office."
Not to be Outdone…..
Media May Shape Opinion
Based on Content
Following the 9/11 terrorism, media coverage
followed accusations by government
authorities that pointed toward al Qaeda as
the group that carried out the attack on the
United States and Osama bin Laden as
leader of that group. Those news reports on
the attack and the aftermath shaped public
opinion to support the war on terrorism.
Do the media influence public opinion?
Mass public pays little attention to the news and often
forgets what it sees or reads
Selective attention: many focus in on media sources they
already agree with
Selective perception: many perceive the news in a way
they want to view it--they see what they want, filter out the
Media are only one source of influence-- political
socialization suggests importance of family, school, peers
People consume media for variety of reasons other than
information (boredom, entertainment---less likely to pay
attention to hard news or analysis
Impact of newspapers
Typical perception of liberal bias, but they generally endorse
Republican candidates (Publishers tend to be Republicans)
Complaints from liberals and conservatives:
Conservatives claim reporters are too liberal college graduates with
hostility towards middle class values
 Liberals claim publishers are too conservative and are more
concerned with profits than exposing social, economic , political
Lack of Competition: most cities now have one major paper
Largest amt. of pres. Campaign coverage devoted to day-to-day
campaign activities
“Horse Race” coverage (who is in the lead?)
Impact of Television
Most people get news from television (decline of substance; rise of
 Concern that television is aligned with “big government”: use of t.v. as
throne of president
President can bypass journalists questions
Decline in presidential press conferences
White House manipulation w/ photo ops and sound bites
Concern that television has fostered cynicism, distrust, negativity
towards politics
Lack of competition (media conglomerates; TIME-Warner)
Concern that people look at politics through “camera lens” rather than
“party lens”; further decline of party
Decline of network t.v. news in favor of cable t.v. news
Effects of Media
Roles of Media
Gatekeeper: influence which subjects are of nat’l
importance, ie to help set nat’l agenda
Scorekeeper: keep track of, and help make political
Watchdog: scrutinize people, places, and events (Watergate,
Nature of Media Influences
Issue Framing
“Sameness”; homogeneity of coverage
Media companies are a business, main objective to make $
Most influential at the agenda-setting phase of policy making
Provide forum for building candidate image
Act as linking mechanism between gov’t and people:
In the past: People>Party>Government
 Now: People>Media>Government
Contribute to higher cost of campaigning ($2 Bil. In 2012
Contribute to candidate-centered campaigns
Nature (Cont’d)
Increased role of campaign consultants (report on
polls/focus groups)
 White House manipulation
 Photo Ops
 Sound Bites
 Spin Control
 Staged Events
 Negative coverage of Congress: Seen as
 Far less coverage of Supreme Court
Photo Ops and Staged Events
Photo Ops and Staged Events
Nature (Cont’d)
Media most influential
In primary elections rather than general
On undecided voters. Most voters make up their mind before
fall campaign.
Increasing Importance of Internet
Communicating with the public: web sites, You Tube,
Facebook. Twitter