Op-Editorial Framework

Human-Environment Interaction (Part 2)
Part I. – Watch “Wolves at Idaho’s Door” (Federalism: U.S. vs. the States) and
address the following
Identifying the conflict:
a. “The ranchers are concerned about…….
b. “The federal law requires………..
c. I believe that the ranchers concerns are justified/not justified because…
Part 2 – Use the following frame to create and develop your opinion-editorial
of an environmental problem
Identify the Problem: (Introduce the problem/topic)
“ The topic of the article related to the problem/challenge is………
Who is writing the article? What is their bias?
Thesis: “I think that the problem of ______________________ will…………
“This environmental problem has existed for……………. (length of time)
“There are several causes that have contributed to this problem, one of which is…….
Specific Consequences: (Why should we care?)
If the challenges continue to persist, the short term/long term consequences will
be…. (This should give ample opportunity to provide statistics/predictions)
Short term -
Long term-
“There are several things that can be done to……………. (slow, eliminate, improve the
What would you recommend? Where should we go from here?
“In summary/conclusion…………….I believe that”