UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE SELF- APPRAISAL OF TEACHING FACULTY (For the period from July 2014-June 2015) SECTION-A: GENERAL PROFILE OF THE TEACHING FACULTY 1. a) Faculty/School b) Period of Performance Data c)Department/Centre 2. a)Name b)Employee code b) a) Current Designation b) Grade Pay c)Address d) email e) Telephone f) Mobile c) 5 6 Off: Res: a) Age b) Date of birth c) Sex a) Indicate whether belongs to GM/ SC/ ST/ OBC/ Category I to III, Minority, etc., b)Indicate if physically challenged Educational Qualifications a)Basic Degree(s) Degree(s) University Year of passing b)Masters degree(s) ( Other than M. Phil) Degree(s) University Year of passing c)M.Phil Subject University Year of passing 1 7 d)Additional Diploma(s) Diploma(s) e)Additional certificate(s) courses/Training Cerificate(s) a) Doctoral Degree Subject b) Post-Doctoral studies (PDF) Fellowship University Year of passing University Year of passing University University & Country Year of award Year(s) c)Advanced Degrees like D.Sc, D.Litt, etc Subject 8 University Year of award a) Date of joining in this University b) Record of Academic and Administrative service rendered in this University since the date of joining Position held 9 Record of Academic and Administrative service prior to joining this University University/ State 10 Number of years of Experience in Teaching and Research Teaching at UG level Teaching at PG level Research after Ph. D From Position held From To To 2 SECTION-B: CATEGORY- I A TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES Code 11 Activity Performance Lectures Allocated and taken (16hrs/week) For the year 2014-15 PG Semester Degree/Diploma/ certificate Including students’ Score Course LTP hours Allotted Hours attended seminars, practical’s, etc (100 compliance= 30 points) 12 Research Scholars Colloquium/Ph.D. Viva 1 scholar=1 point as a member of committee For 2014-15 Colloquium/ Ph.D viva University Subject No of scholars (max. 10 points per year ) 13 14 Other teaching duties in excess of prescribed workload (1 hour = 1 point) Max. points= 10 per year Instructional design and delivery of prescribed material ( Self-learning kits, laboratory handbooks, teaching manual, question banks, etc) 5 points per activity/output For 2014-15 PG Degree Academic Year (2014-15) Sem ester Course University Total LTP hours Allotted Course Total Hours attended Nature of courseware Max. points= 20 per year 3 15 College/University term end exam duties attended. Scheme: Question paper setting 2.5 / 5 points per paper a) Paper-setting : Academic year(201415) University Semester b) Valuation works Academic University year(201415) Degree/ Semester Theory papers Practical Valuation of answer scripts 2.5/5 points per course Max. points= 10 per year 16 College/University internal exam duty/Internal Tests/Valuation of continuous assessment work Question setting of Internal Assessment Tests Theory papers Internal assessment works carried out : For the year 2014-15 PG Sem Theory Tutorials degree/dip ester papers Dissertation/ projects Practical Max. points = 10 per year 1 hour = 2 points Total Grand total of hours worked= 4 17 Additional examination related works of University attended: Nature of works a) Co-ordinator (CBCS) Internal b) Invigilation of University Exams c) Flying squad d) Custodian of papers Max. points = 10 per year 2 points per activity Year (2014-15) University Nature of work e) any other responsibility 18 Use of Innovative teaching-learning method: Nature of works expected are: a) ICT–PPT: (10 points/each) b) Interactive Courses – videocon mode: (5 points/each) c) Participatory Learning modules: (5 points/each) d) Other methods –video lectures: (5 points/each) Max. points = 10 per year Year (2014-15) Nature of work Number of modules Suitability/ Utility value Remarks on availability Points claimed = 19 20 Imparting Remedial/Bridge Courses and counseling a) NETcoaching : (5 points/each) b) Public Service Comm Exams coaching ( 5 points/ each) c) Optional Subject coaching in NET/UPSC/KPSC=5 points/each) d) Language skills training given outside dept. (5 points/each) Max. points = 10 per year Developing and imparting a) soft skills/ b) communication skills/ c) personality Year (201415) Nature of work Number of modules Location of delivery Year (201415) Nature of work Number of modules Location of delivery 5 developent courses/ d) awareness modules (each activity: 5 points) Max. points = 10 per year 21 22 Code 23 Developing and imparting specialized teachinglearning programmes a) in physical education, b) library; c) innovative compositions and creations in music, d) performing and visual arts and e) other traditional areas (each activity: 5 points) Max. points = 10 per year Organizing and conduction of popularization programmes / training courses in computer assisted teaching/ webbased learning and elibrary skills to students a) Workshop / Training course: 10 points each b) Popularization program: 5 points each Max. points= 10 Year (201415) Nature of work Year(2014-15) Number of modules Programme organized Location of delivery Number of beneficiaries SECTION B: CATEGORY II CO-CURRICULAR, EXTENSION AND PROFESSION RELATED ACTIVITIES ( give all details in a tabular form at the end of this proforma) Activity Performance Contribution to Corporate life in Universities / Colleges through meetings, popular lectures, subject related events, articles in college magazine and university volumes. a) ICT Based Teaching materials: (10 points each) b) Interactive Courses: (5 points each) Year (2014-15) Programme organized Score Number of beneficiaries 6 c) Participatory Learning modules : (5 points each) Max. points = 10 24 25 26 27 Institutional Co-curricular activities for students such as field studies/educational tours, industry-implant training and placement activity. a) Field studies / Educational tour: (5 points each) b) Industry – implant training : (5 points each) c) Placement activity : (5 points each) Community Service, Social Orientation and other Student Mentoring Activities through a) NSS b) NCC c) NSO d) other Governmental and e) non-Governmental channels (Each activity 5 points each) Max. points = 10 Students and staff Related Socio-Cultural and Sports Programmes (intra/interdepartmental and intercollegiate) a) Intra departmental : (1 point each) b) Inter departmental : (2 point each) c) Inter college : (3 point each) d) Inter University : (5 points each) Max. points = 05 Professional Ethics and Campus Development Activities like Institutional infrastructure projects, Cocurricular student educational programme like Environment Education, etc and value based programmes, and programmes in the TV/Radio Channels. (Each activity 1 point each) Max. points= 05 Year (2014-15) Programme organized Number of beneficiaries Year (2014-15) Programme organized Number of beneficiaries Year (2014-15) Programme organized Number of beneficiaries Year (2014-15) Programme organized Number of beneficiaries 7 CATEGORY II (B) PROFESSION – RELATED CONTRIBUTION Code 28 29 Activity Institutional Governance responsibilities like, Vice Principal, Dean, Director, Warden, Bursar, School Chairperson, IQAC coordinator and any other member ship of institutional committees a) Vice Principal / Dean / Director : 3 points each b) Warden / Bursar / School Chairperson /IQAC Coordinator : 2 points each c) Member of syndicate / Governing council : 5 points each d) Member of Academic council / Senate: 3 points each e) Member of other college / university level committees : 1 points each Membership in profession related committees at state and national level a) At national level: 3 points each At state level : 2 points each Performance Score Position held From To Total points = National level committees Year (2014-15) Activity State Level Committees Year (2014-15) Activity 30 31 Participation in subject associations, conferences, seminars without paper presentation (Each activity: 1 point) Participation in short term training courses less than one Year (2014-15) Year (201415) Activity University Programme Nature of duty 8 32 week duration in educational technology, curriculum development, professional development, Examination reforms, Institutional governance (Each activity : 5 points) Membership of professional associations committees, Boards of studies, editorial committees of journals / institutional publications. (Each activity: 2 points) Year (201415) University BOS Editorial committees Others CATEGORY-III : RESEARCH AND RELATED CONTRIBUTION ( attach a separate table showing all publications with title, year of publication, details of publishers, co-authors, etc at the end of this proforma both in hard-copy and in soft-copy forms and use only the rows which are applicable ) Score 33. Research Publication in Referred & indexed Journals a) Number of papers with Impact factor less than one b) Number of papers with impact factors between 1.0 and 2.0 c) Number of papers with impact factor between 2.1 and 5.0 d) Number of papers with impact factor between 5.1 and 10.0 34 35 36 Referred Journals which are not indexed without any impact factor Papers published in Vernacular & Indian language journals without any impact factors Non impact factor National level research papers in non-referred Number of papers published a) Number of papers published b) Papers published in Journal of the university published in its website as online Number of papers Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score 9 / journals but having ISSN numbers 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Full papers in conference proceedings, etc. (Abstracts not to be included) Research Publications (books, in chapters in books, other than referred journal articles) Text or Reference Books Published by International Publishers Text or Reference Books Published by International Publishers with an established peer review system Subjects Books by National level publishers /State and Central Govt. Publications with ISBN numbers Subject Books by other local publishers with ISBN numbers Number of papers Chapter in knowledge based volumes by Indian/ National level publishers with ISBN/ ISSN numbers of national & international directories Chapter in knowledge based volumes by Indian/ National level publishers with ISBN/ ISSN numbers of national & international directories Titles Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Year 2014-15 number score Titles Titles Titles Titles Titles Title of the book & the chapters 10 III (C) RESEARCH PROJECT (give details in the form of a table at the end of this proforma, including the funding agencies details) ( leave rows which are not applicable) 44 Sponsored Projects a) Major Projects Year & amount carried out/ongoing amount mobilized with minimum of Rs. Year Amount 4.00 lakhs up to Rs. 2014-15 5.00 lakhs b) Major Projects Year & amount amount mobilized with grants above 5.0 Year Amount lakhs upto 30.00 lakhs 2014-15 45 Minor Projects from Central /State funding agencies c) Major Projects amount mobilized with grants above 30.00 lakhs and upto 1 crore d) Major Projects amount mobilized with grants above Rs. 1 crore Year & amount a) with grants below Rs. 4.00 lakhs Year & amount Year 2014-15 Year & amount Year 2014-15 Year 2014-15 b) with grants above Rs. 5.00 lakhs 47 48 49 Consultancy Projects carried out/ongoing Completed projects: Quality Evaluation Projects Outcome/ Outputs Preparation of Policy documents of Govt. Bodies at Central and Amount Amount Year & amount Year 2014-15 46 Amount Amount a) Amount mobilized with minimum of Rs. 1 lac Year & amount b) Amount mobilized with minimum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs Year & amount Completed project Reports (Acceptance from funding agency) Year & amount Year 2014-15 Year 2014-15 Year 2014-15 Amount Amount Agency a) Patent b) Technology transfer c) Product d) Process Year & amount a) Central level Year & output Year Output 2014-15 Year CodeNumber 2014-15 11 State level Year & output Year Output 2014-15 b) State level III(D) RESEARCH GUIDANCE ( give detailed list of candidates at the end of the proforma) 50. a) M.Phil Degree awarded Year Number of candidates 2014-15 b) M.Phil Thesis submitted/ awaiting results Year Number of candidates 2014-15 a) Ph.D Degree awarded 51 Year Number of candidates 2014-15 b) Ph.D Thesis submitted/ awaiting results Year Number of candidates 2014-15 12 III(D) CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS ORGANISED ( give numbers; attach the details in tabular form at the end of this proforma) 52 Research Methodology/ Workshops or Conferences / Seminars & Symposia Research Methodology course (not less than three weeks ) Year 2014-15 Number of programmes Workshops of not less than one week duration Year Number of programmes 2014-15 a) International conference/ Seminar/ Symposia b) National conference/ Seminar/ Symposia c) State level/ university/coll ege level seminar/ conference symposia Year 2014-15 Number of programmes Year 2014-15 Number of programmes Year 2014-15 Number of programmes 13 PROGRAMMES PARTICIPATED/PAPERS PRESENTED (Please furnish year-wise details in the form of a table at the end of this proforma) 53 54 Papers in Conferences/Semin ars/Workshops etc.* Participation and Presentation of research papers (oral/poster) in Year Number of programmes/ papers 2014-15 a) International /Foreign conference etc., Year Number of programmes/ Papers 2014-15 b) National conference etc., Year Number of programmes/ papers 2014-15 c) Regional /State level conference etc., Year Number of programmes/ Papers 2014-15 d) Local –University /College level conference etc., Year Number of programmes/ papers 2014-15 55 Invitations for conference /seminars/worksh ops/symposia to deliver lectures/and /or Chair sessions (a) International /Foreign Year 2014-15 Number of programmes (b) National (c) StateLevel /Regional (d) University /College level Endowment lectures 14 III (F) AWARDS / HONOURS / RECOGNITIONS / FELLOWSHIP TITLES / POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH DEGREES LIKE D.SC., D.LITT., LLB ETC., DISCIPLINE SPECIFIC AWARDS 56 57 Awards by Foreign universities/Accredited International Bodies (2014-15) National : by UGC, CSIR, DST, DBT, ICAR & other Government bodies and professional Academies like Bhatnagar Award etc., (2014-15) 58 State / University level awards (2014-15) 59 Regional / local (2014-15) HONOURS /RECOGNITIONS SPECIFY 61 Foreign countries/Governments & International bodies like UNESCO etc., (2014-15) National like Padma Sri. Etc. (2014-15) 62 State level/university level (2014-15) 60 Score 63 Regional/ local by GO/NGOs/Rotary. Lions etc., (2014-15) 64 Professional Subject Based associations (2014-15) Score FELLOWSHIP TITLES 65 Foreign universities /bodies like FRCP, FRCS etc., (2014-15) 66 Indian Science & other Academies like Fellow of Indian National Science Academy FNA, FNASC, FAMS etc., (2014-15) 15 67 68 Indian Academies of Languages, Arts, etc., (2014-15) Discipline specific National level Associations POST-DOCTORAL DEGREES 69 70 D.Sc. from an university based on post-doctoral thesis D.Litt. from an university based on post-doctoral thesis/LLD Score Degree Year University Degree Year University The self-appraisal report submitted by the faculty based on evidence would be verified by the screening-cum Evaluation committee of IQAC. Place & Date Signature of the faculty Name: Designation: 16