ATTENDANCE INFORMATION The following information is provided to assist you in understanding our attendance policy. Please remember that absences should be excused with a note from home within two days of the absence. RELEASED ABSENCE: The school must have parent contact prior to the student leaving the school building for any reason. Students who leave the school building without establishing parent contact with school personnel before leaving will be marked unexcused. When possible, students must bring a note with the release time to the attendance office, before they leave the building. IF A STUDENT IS ILL AT SCHOOL and wants to go home, the student must see the nurse. The school nurse will only be in the building for a limited number of hours each day. Therefore, you must check out through the attendance office if the nurse is not available. We will call parents or guardians for permission to leave school. IF A STUDENT NEEDS TO LEAVE SCHOOL FOR ANY OTHER REASON, the student must see the Attendance Office before leaving. The Attendance Office will attempt to call the parent at home or work for permission for the student to leave. If the student has a note signed by the parent or phone contact with a parent, the Attendance Office will issue the student a release slip. EXCUSED ABSENCES: Illness, doctor/dental appointments, family emergencies and funerals constitute excused absences. Students will have two school days to clear an absence. After that, the absence will remain unexcused. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Missing the bus, oversleeping, alarm not working, going out to lunch, going to work, staying home to do homework, studying for a test, etc. are examples of unexcused absences. Parents are notified the day of an unexcused absence by the computerized phone calling system. These calls generally take place between 5 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. that evening. If you prefer to be notified by the computer at a phone number other than your residence, please advise the attendance secretary at (503) 353-5829. CONSEQUENCES FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Long detention or Saturday school is assigned for unexcused absences. Failure to attend detention will result in a Saturday school. Failure to attend Saturday school will result in additional consequences. NOTE: This policy may be changed during the school year due to Board action. PREARRANGED ABSENCE: An absence should be prearranged when a student will be absent for three or more days for a school-related activity, field trip, family business or college visitations. Prearranged absence forms can obtained in the attendance office. After teachers have signed and administrative or counselor approval has been obtained, return the form to the attendance office. Prearranged absences should be arranged five school days prior to the excused absence. PARENT CONTACT: Students absent from school must have a note from home. If the student has forgotten the note, the student is welcome to call home from the Attendance Office. Staff will verify with the parent the reason for the absence. All unexcused absences must be cleared within two days following the absence. Parents are encouraged to call the Attendance Office at (503) 353-5829 if the student is home ill. The student will then be excused for the day. CHECK STUDENT’S ATTENDANCE: From CHS home page: Go to PARENT ASSIST. Enter your USER NAME and PASSWORD. If you do not have this information please call the Counseling Office at 503-353-5810 x38114. MAKE-UP WORK: Teachers will provide a procedure for make-up work in the course outline. When students are absent from class, at the discretion of the teacher, it is the student’s responsibility to cover missed assignments outside instructional time. ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION: A student may not participate in practices, competition, or performance on a day in which he/she is unexcused for more than half of the student’s instructional day. (Students are expected to attend complete class periods.) 10-DAY DROP: Oregon State Law requires that we withdraw students who miss ten or more consecutive days of school. If a student is absent for any reason for 10 consecutive days, they will be withdrawn from school and will have to re-enroll when they return.