Clackamas High School Audition Contract Form and Information/Once on This Island For CAST, CREW, ORCHESTRA Please fill this out and bring it completed to your audition WITH ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES. Your parents and/or guardians must also read and sign, so they realize the commitment. STUDENT INFORMATION Name _______________________________________________ Grade ______ Age _______ Address _______________________________________ City ______________ Zip _________ Cell Phone ___________________________Home Phone_______________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________________ Student ID number _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION (Please list the emails you prefer to receive show information on.) Name_____________________________e-mail__________________________________________ Cell Phone_____________________ Work Phone ___________________ Home Phone_________________ Name_____________________________e-mail_______________________________________ Cell ________________________ Work _____________________ Home Phone _____________ STAGE CREW: What part of stage crew are you interested in? (Please mark all that interest you.) o costumes o scenery o wigs & makeup o sound o front of house (ushering) o electrics (lights) o props o development (fund raising) o marketing/pr (playbills, posters, press releases) What are areas in which you have some experience? Please note below how long and where. o costumes o wigs & makeup o electrics (lights) o scenery o sound o development (fund raising) o front of house (ushering) Name of Student o props o marketing/PR (playbills, posters, press releases) SCHOOL ATTENDANCE/ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: How many days were you absent from school last quarter? _______ Current Grade Point Average ____ (Circle Your Answer) Are you currently passing all your classes with a C or above? YES, I am passing all my classes with a C or above. NO, I am not passing all my classes with a C or above. CONFLICTS September 2 – November 17, 2015 Please list any potential conflicts with rehearsals or performance period such as scheduled appointments, lessons, competitions, conferences, vacation, or college visits. ACTIVITIES Please list all after-school activities you have Mon.-Fri. 3:30-6:30 PM. (If you have regular activities which would coincide with rehearsal times, you should not expect a part in the play. This includes activities, which would cause you to have to leave rehearsals early. Consistent rehearsal attendance is mandatory.) WORK Do you have a job? YES NO If yes, what days/hours do you work? _________________ How flexible is your schedule? You will be expected to be present for all rehearsals that you are called from September 2 until closing and strike of the show. ROLES Would you accept any role the director assigns you or are you auditioning for a specific role only? (Your honesty is essential. A “no” answer does not keep you from being cast; however, declining a role after saying “yes” on this question is unacceptable.) I am trying out for the roles of Please list what role or roles you would like to be considered for_______________________________________________________ I will will not ___ accept any role. PRODUCTION WORK PARTY REQUIREMENTS You will be required to attend 3 production work parties outside of rehearsal time. Work parties are scheduled 2 weekdays after school 6:30-9:00 and Saturday morning or afternoon) I Accept _______ (3) If no, please explain. SKILLS & TRAINING (list on back of this sheet) Please list theater, music or dance training and performances. -- nothing from before 6th grade, as well as any special talents you may have, accents you can do, instruments you play...OR TRAINING (vocal, dance, acting, gymnastics, instrument): PRODUCTIONS / ROLE / THEATRE ATTACH RESUME IF AVAILABLE Name_______________________________________________________ KEEP PAGES #4 & #5 FOR YOUR REFERENCE AUDITION and PRODUCTION INFORMATION There will be two days of audition appointments for CHS students and incoming Freshman on Monday 6/8, Tuesday 6/9 and Wednesday 6/10. Callbacks are Thursday 6/11 and possibly Friday 6/9. Students must sign up for an audition time outside Room 603. Please fill out an Audition Form (pages 1 & 2) and Consent Form (page 5) and bring it to your audition appointment with all necessary signatures. How to prepare for the audition: SINGING: Come with one short musical selection prepared that is appropriate for your voice type and highlights your abilities. An accompanist will be provided at the audition. Your sheet music should be clearly printed and marked (start and stop measures) if you are singing an edited version. All staffs of musical accompaniment should be included on the printed sheet and not cut off at the bottom. Due to time constraints, we may stop you after 16-32 bars (1-2 minutes). You may choose to sing a selection from the show. A selection of songs from the show will be available for you to choose from. Singing a cappella is strongly discouraged unless you have no other option. DANCE: Everyone will be asked to dance at the audition as a group at a time either before or after your 5-minute audition time. Be prepared to come early, stay late or return for the scheduled dance audition time. Please dress to move and wear appropriate footware. You cannot dance barefooted. CASTING NOTIFICATION: The CAST LIST will be posted online at CHS Thespian Facebook and each actor will be emailed (providing you have legibly listed your email). Casting notices will be out no later than June 13. Please confirm by email to the stage manager that you accept your role. There will be additional auditions for new students the first week of school in September for new students. You may audition again if you were not cast at this audition. Other Expectations: REHEARSALS: Rehearsals will be scheduled Monday-Friday 3:30-6:30. You need to be available every day after school. Some characters may not be required at every rehearsal until the last 2-3 weeks prior to opening. Rehearsals the final two weeks will run into the evening. We will make every effort to be done by 10:00 PM those last 2 weeks. Additional rehearsals on Saturday or Sunday may be requested. We may schedule rehearsals during furlough days and holidays when classes are not in session. You will be required to attend 3 production work parties and help strike the set following the close of the show. CREW: Tech class will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. We will mostly be working in the shop, but occasionally we’ll have a guest lecturer or get to work on the sound and light boards. All crew will need to interview for positions. Crew will be determined no later than the beginning of October. Summer Dance Intensive-We are currently working with WOU to bring Daryl Thomas an award winning dance teacher and choreographer to CHS to teach a 3 day summer dance intensive. This workshop is tentatively schedule for some time between August 24 and September 4th. Cast members will be required to attend all 3 days of this workshop! We should know the exact dates before school is out and will be contacting you with those. PRODUCTION FEES/Paid at CHS Bookkeeper by first rehearsal! $75 fee for cast, crew and orchestra members. $20 fee to purchase a make-up kit if you do not currently have one. $40 to 60 Dance Intensive summer workshop-TBA-last week of August first week of September $25.00 district activity fee (One time a year!) PARENTS: There will be a mandatory meeting for the parents of the cast and crew the first week of rehearsals. Date/time TBA. Parents are expected to participate in different aspects of the production. You will find out more about the production and have the opportunity to sign up for different jobs on a variety of committees. SHOW DATES: PREVIEW PERFORMANCE (For CHS Feeder Schools) - Thursday, November 6 during school hours. Students will be excused from those classes missed during the school day. PUBLIC PERFORMANCES November 6, 7, 15, 16, at 7 pm and Sundays Nov. 8, 17 at 2 pm ATTENDANCE & ACADEMICS: Cast and crew members are expected to maintain good grades while participating in the production. Students who are not passing a class will be required to provide the director with a weekly progress report from your teachers. Bring your homework to rehearsals so you can work on it when you are not on stage. Managing your time will be essential to your success on stage and off. Attendance during the school day is required to attend rehearsals. If you are too sick to attend school, you should not be at rehearsals. Your health is important and taking good care of yourself (especially getting adequate sleep) is vital to maintaining a busy life. Attendance at your scheduled rehearsal time is essential. Persons missing 3 rehearsals, for any reason, may be removed from their part or from the show at the director’s discretion. Please make every effort to schedule doctor and dentist appointments on days you are not on the rehearsal schedule. Please inform the director well in advance of any days you know you will miss. Any conflict should be written down on your audition form. If you have a job, are in a sport, planning on taking driver’s Ed, a vacation or any other activity which takes place during rehearsal time, you, unfortunately, cannot be in the play. Our rehearsal time requires your attendance and these activities conflict. Crew attendance is mandatory for the final 2 weeks of rehearsal and each performance. You are as important as a cast member and no one will know your job as well as you. When you become a crew member, you are expected to be as committed to the show as a cast member. Please keep this in mind when you turn in your crew application. PERFORMANCE/REHEARSAL CONDUCT: Failure to comply with production staffs’ requests during rehearsal or performance may result in removal from the show. All CHS student discipline policies are in effect for students in the show. STUDENT PRODUCTION SCHOLARSHIPS: For students needing help with production fees, they can apply for a production scholarship and financial aide. Come see Mrs. V for the form. PLEASE RETURN THIS SIGNED PAGE (#5) WITH YOUR AUDITION FORM (pages #1 & #2) Parent/Guardian Consent Form Please Print Names Student Name_________________________________________________ Parent Name__________________________________________________ Parent and Student Signature Your signature (student) signifies that you have read the audition packet. Your signature (student) confirms that you understand the commitment you are making to the CHS theatre department. Parent/Guardian your signature confirms your permission for your son or daughter to participate in the production. ____________________________________________________ Date _____________ Student ____________________________________________________ Date _____________ Parent or Guardian ____________________________________________________ Date _____________ Parent or Guardian Preferred Parent email_________________________________________________________ Bring this form with you to auditions. We can’t cast you without this piece of paper being signed by your parent or guardian!!!!!! Production fees are not due till the first rehearsal in September. Parent, please remember, we are scheduling a 3-day summer dance workshop for cast members. It will be scheduled sometime between August 24 and September 4. We will let you know the exact dates before we are out of school, so you can plan that last family getaway!