CAS Guidelines for Summer SELECTING ACTIVITIES Appropriate CAS activities are those that result in the student’s learning something from the experience. To know if an activity is “in the spirit of CAS” as yourself: Will this help me understand my own strengths and limitations? Is this a new challenge for me? Will this require me to be a more active member of my community? Will I take on new responsibilities? Will I have to collaborate with other people? Will I be dealing with an issue of global importance? Will I be developing new skills? If you answered YES to any of the above questions and you are not getting paid with money or other compensation, then the activity qualifies for CAS. REFLECTIONS You need to have a reflection for every CAS activity. You will eventually have a CAS Blog, but for now you can simply write up a reflection and turn it in next fall. Answer the following questions in your reflection: What did you plan to do? What did you actually do? What did you learn about others? What did you learn about yourself? Describe how you achieved one (or more) of the CAS GOALS with this project. (see list below) EVIDENCE As part of each CAS activity, students must keep evidence of their participation. Whenever possible a picture uploaded to the student's blog is preferable. Since you don’t have a blog yet be sure to get a picture of and keep it until next year or save one of the following types of information: Links to webpages Business cards from project leaders Planning documents from a project Emails regarding project planning or progress